Leafscale - 4th level Lesser-Crested Lizardfolk Druid - Green Faith Follower/Acolyte
Background-displayed a deeper level of connection with the natural world than most lizard folk. This was something, being that her people had always been more tied into the natural world than a great many other races, at least to their way of thinking. Being set apart and remarked on also ended up isolating her from those her own age, and soon after that her own people. She was still living among them, but became less tied to the community and more a part of the natural order of things. She wandered out most days and took in the world, looking around and exploring. Leafscale was introduced to her first ranger, through a trader who came by twice a year bringing her people the manufactured goods they sought. The ranger saw what the others had seen, but instead of placing her in a spot that isolated her, he accepted it as a natural thing and took her to meet another first…this time a druid.
It was clear after meeting a druid that she was talking to a kindred spirit. Training started and she began her first formal education. However, the druid was young himself and could teach her only what he knew which was limited. She had to now go and seek out more, learn from whomever and wherever her travels might take her.
Str. 14 Dex. 10 Con. 14 Int. 13 Wis. 16 Cha. 10 Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Green Faith Saves: Fort. +6, Reflex +1 , Will +8
AC: 16 (wearing +1 Leather Armor, +1 Large Wooden Shield) Traits: Devotee of the Green, Reactionary
Hp. 33 Initiative + 2 Move 30ft. 6 squares
Skills: Know. Geog. + 6 (2 Ranks), Know. Nature +10(3 Ranks), Perception +10 (4 Ranks), Survival +12(4 Ranks), Handle Animal +7 (4 Ranks), Spellcraft +6 (2 Ranks)
Heal +7 (1 Rank)
Feats: Green Faith Acolyte - casts spells affecting plants +1 caster level, Combat Expertise Languages: Draconic, Common, Druidic
Equipment: Leather Armor, Shortspear +1, Brass Knife, Sling and 10 Bullets, Bedroll, Pack, Waterskin, Herbs in pouch, Potion of Flying, Cure Light Potion x 3, Canvas Tarp, Rope 50'
Druid Domain:Plant Spells: Level 0 - 5, Level 1 - 4 +1(Domain), Level 2 - 3+1 (Domain)
She'll have the following spells ready to go: 0 level - Detect Poison, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, 1st level - Cure Light x2, Obscuring Mist, Speak W/Animals, Entangle (Domain) 2nd Level - Eagle Eye, Flaming Sphere, Lesser Restoration, Barkskin (Domain)
Attacks with her +1 Shortspear (+6 Melee, +4 Ranged to hit and her damage is 1d6+3), Sling +3 Ranged 1d4+2 (50ft), Brass Knife +5 Melee 1d4+2
Lesser Crested Lizardfolk, Base Class
+1 Strength, +1 Constitution, –2 Intelligence. (now these balance out; +1s instead of +2s for the high stats) Medium size. Humanoid (Reptilian) A lizardfolk’s base land speed is 30 feet. Darkvision out to 60 feet. Racial Hit Dice, saving throws, skills etc : as class Lizardfolk have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Jump, and Swim checks. (I think keep these as is) Feats: as class +2 (not +5!) natural armor bonus. Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d4) and bite (1d4). Weapon and Armor Proficiency: as class Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning. Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic. Bonus Languages: Aquan, Goblin (removed non campaign lingos) Favored Class: Druid.