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Name: Violaceous

Appearance: 7ft tall, broad in the shoulders and chest, narrow in the waist.
His gray head is narrow and featureless except for a black “visor” with three hexagonal violet eyes spaced evenly around his head.
He is primarily violet, with gray as a secondary color and black accents.
His gray hands have long and narrow fingers, his feet are vaguely avian (but the “toes” are all 90° from each other). Due to his proportions, and the way he moves, he cannot be mistaken for a person in a costume. His voice is hollow and without affect.

Motivation: Eliminate the Problem.
Violaceous will eliminate the problem immediately in front of him in the most efficient way possible. This is, very likely, terrible violence.

[28] Abilities:

FGT 5 INT 4 AWE 4 PRE -3

[8] Defenses:

Dodge +5/9 Fortitude - Parry +5/9 Toughness +11 Will +10
Dodge DC 15/19 Pary DC 15/19 Initiative +9

[12] Skills:
5r Close Combat (Unblade) +10, 13r Intimidation +11/+15, 6r Perception +10, Stealth +3/+7

[8] Advantages:
Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Fearless, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown x2

[94] Powers:

“Alternate Mode”
1r Continuous Meta-Morph (Robo-Red & Blue-Bot)
Increased Action (Standard), Activation (Move) (4pp)

“Combined Robot Body”
30r Immunity: Fortitude (30pp), 1r Regeneration (1pp), 2r Permanent Growth (8pp)
{+2 STR, Toughness, mass / +1 Intimidation / -2 Stealth / -1 Dodge, Parry}
9r Protection (9pp), 3r Speed (3pp), 2r Senses: Radius Low-Light (2pp)

“Type 3 Fractional Continuum Emitter”
(These effects are accompanied by nothing. Nothing at all.)
{Pool 35pp} (37pp)

10r Affects Insubstantial (full) - Alternate Resistance (Parry) - Subtle^ - Damage
4r Sustained - Enhanced Trait (Dodge & Parry +4)
4r Sustained - Enhanced Trait (Intimidation & Stealth +4) {35}

AP “Null Pulse”
6r Accurate (+14) - Affects Insubstantial (full) - Alternate Resistance (Dodge) - Extended Range (x2) - Subtle^ - Multiattack - Ranged - Damage {35}

AP “Vacuity Inducement”
10r Area Perception (Sight) - Insidious - Subtle^ - Affliction (Will): entranced / compelled: “run away” / transformed: “existence is meaningless”)
10r Linked - Affects Insubstantial (full) - Area (Burst) - Alternate Resistance (Dodge) - Subtle^ - Side Effect~ (always) - Damage {35}

^ Subtle: An inverse of the exotic sense version, where you can see the absence of light where the effect is but all other forms of detection fail.

~Side Effect (“power leak”): 8r Progressive - Affliction (Will): impaired / disabled / transformed: into RR & BB