100 Years of Pardon -

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Vigilante Name: Owl’s Shadow
Civilian Name: Hector Gaspar
Gender: Cisgender Male
Age: 35 years
Description: Hector Gaspar is an Indian man, who looks older than he is, both from his face being weathered by much time spent outdoors and grief. Like most Pomo Indians, he is a bit on the short side, but he is nonetheless athletic and strong. He normally dresses in bucksins. Despite his tough appearance, he is quiet and retiring, preferring to let others do the talking and take the lead. When acting as a vigilante, he wears a mask and bucksins with the stylized images of owls woven into them with beadwork.

Attributes and Skills
• Agility: 3D
o Acrobatics
o Marksmanship: +1D
o Melee
o Sleight of Hand
• Brawn: 3D
o Athletics
o Intimidation
o Stamina
o Throwing
• Knowledge: 1D
o Languages: +1D (Pomo [Native], Spanish)
o Medicine: +1D
o Scholar
o Sciences
• Perception: 4D
o Driving/Riding/Piloting
o Investigation
o Stealth
o Survival
• Charm: 1D
o Command
o Deceive: +2D
o Persuasion
o Willpower: +2D

Hero Points: 1

Defense Numbers
Dodge: 20
Parry: 15

Personal and Utility Items
Bed roll
Eating utensils
Saddle and horse blanket
Bridle and reigns

Bow and arrows: Damage: Brawn +2, Range: 3-10/ 11-30/ 31-100
Machete: Damage: Brawn +1D +1
Throwing daggers: Damage: Brawn +1; Range: 1-2/ 3-4/ 5-6

Hector is a member of the Pomo Indian people, forced to work as a wilderness guide and hunter for the plantation owner Luis Ignacio Gaspar Rodriguez. The Gaspar family held his wife and children effectively captive as household servants. They thought doing so would act as an effective leash on Hector, allowing them to control him, even as he roamed the wilderness, hunting for food for the master's table or leading Spaniards through the wild. And, for many years, this worked, as he put on a servile mask and grudgingly obeyed his masters. Then his wife and children died of one of the plagues that frequently hit the Native peoples. Dom Gaspar did nothing to try to help them. By this point, Dom Gaspar had also forgotten how he controlled Hector and now took his subservience for granted. Hector could have just struck off on his own—but people off talk freely in front of servants, as if they are not there. So he decided to take what he hears—and act on it as a masked vigilante. He chose his vigilante name based on a dream of an owl that came to him when he was contemplating what to do; owls both fly silently and are symbols of death among Native peoples. If he is caught, he may well be executed, but Hector feels he has nothing left to lose.