2nd Provisional Brigade
A provisional Brigade specifically put together for the attack on Lexlum, the 2nd Provisional Brigade consists of the following:
1st Company, 1st Battalion, Royal Assault Regiment, commanded by Major Hans Erickson (620 men)
1st Company, 2nd Special Missions Battalion, commanded by Captain Otto Volsh (620 men)
1st Company, 4th Battalion, 329th Armored Regiment, commanded by Captain Anthony Molin (550 men and 137 medium repulsortanks)
1st Battery, 3rd Battalion, 289th Artillery regiment, commanded by Captain Varn Paul (540 men and 36 medium artillery pieces)
Scout Troop, 6th Battalion, 39th Stormtrooper Regiment commanded by Captain Hans Miran (460 men)
Thus, the Brigade totals 2,790 men, 36 medium artillery pieces and 137 medium repulsortanks.