3.5 Mantis Shiryo

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3.5 d20 Mantis Ancestors[edit]

Cold and Cunning
[Ancestor: Gusai]
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks.
Free Yet Focused
[Ancestor: Tsuruchi Ikado]
Requires: BAB +1, Dex 13, Precise Shot
Benefit: You may accept a penalty to your ranged attacks in order to increased your ranged attack damage. For every –2 penalty you accept, you may increase the damage you deal with a ranged attack by +1. The penalty may not exceed your base attack bonus. You choose to apply the benefits and penalties of this feat on your turn, and the effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
Special: If your base attack bonus is +1, you may still accept a –2 attack penalty in order to gain a +1 damage bonus. This is the only time that the penalty may exceed your base attack bonus.
The Son of Storms
[Ancestor: Yoritomo]
Requires: Void Use, not dishonorable
Benefit: Once per day, you may spend a Void Point to automatically succeed in any saving throw against a mind-affecting effect. If you ever become dishonorable, you lose the benefits of this feat until you are once again honorable.
Spirit of the Firefly
[Ancestor: Moshi Hotaru]
Benefit: You caster level is considered to be one higher when you are casting Fire spells.
Stand Without Fear
[Ancestor: Yoritomo Furikae]
Requires: Void Use
Benefit: Once per day, you may spend a Void Point when reduced to less than 1 hit point to regain enough hit points to return to having 1 hit point. You may not use this ability if the attack reduces you to –10 hit points or less.
Strike and Move
[Ancestor: Mukami]
Benefit: Once per day per four character levels you have achieved (minimum one), you may make a full attack action with a bow in addition to taking a move action in the same round. This ability can be combined with the Shot on the Run feat, allowing you to move before and after the full attack, as long as you do not exceed your speed.
Wisdom of the Universe
[Ancestor: Moshi Azami]
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against Fire and Air spells, and an additional +1 bonus to Will saves and Wisdom checks.