4e AJoH

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Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder[edit]

Albard Joy of Hope, level 26

Human, Cleric, Battle Chaplain, Saint

Battle Cleric Armaments: Weapon Proficiency (Broadsword)

Background: Occupation - Artisan (Athletics class skill)

FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 25, Con 18, Dex 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18.

STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 16, Con 15, Dex 11, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14.

AC: 43 Fort: 41 Reflex: 39 Will: 40 HP: 155 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 38

TRAINED SKILLS Athletics +21, Religion +26, Arcana +21, Heal +28, Diplomacy +24

UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +11, Bluff +17, Dungeoneering +16, Endurance +19, History +16, Insight +16, Intimidate +17, Nature +21, Perception +16, Stealth +11, Streetwise +17, Thievery +11

FEATS Cleric: Ritual Caster Human: Battle Cleric Armaments Level 1: Word of Retaliation Level 2: Power of Hope Level 4: Human Perseverance Level 6: Armor Proficiency (Scale) Level 8: Armor Proficiency (Plate) Level 10: Healer's Implement Level 11: Harbinger of Rebirth Level 12: Linguist Level 14: Hope Remains Level 16: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword) Level 18: Armor Specialization (Plate) Level 20: Defensive Healing Word Level 21: Icon of Hope Level 22: Supreme Healer Feat User Choice: Robust Defenses Feat User Choice: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade) Level 24: Icon of Purity Level 26: Glorious Channeler

POWERS Bonus At-Will Power: Recovery Strike Channel Divinity: Turn Undead Cleric at-will 1: Priest's Shield Cleric at-will 1: Righteous Brand Cleric encounter 1: Healing Strike Cleric daily 1: Shield of the Gods Cleric utility 2: Holy Vestments Cleric encounter 3: Sacred Shielding Cleric daily 5: Consecrated Ground Cleric utility 6: Cure Serious Wounds Cleric encounter 7: Strengthen the Faithful Cleric daily 9: Divine Power Cleric utility 10: Mass Cure Light Wounds Cleric encounter 13: Inspiring Strike (replaces Healing Strike) Cleric daily 15: Wrath of the Faithful (replaces Shield of the Gods) Cleric utility 16: Hallowed Ground Cleric encounter 17: Sever the Source (replaces Sacred Shielding) Cleric daily 19: Indomitable Spirit (replaces Consecrated Ground) Cleric utility 22: Revive Cleric encounter 23: Divine Fervor (replaces Strengthen the Faithful) Cleric daily 25: Righteous Might (replaces Wrath of the Faithful)

ITEMS Ritual Book, Fortification Legion Plate Armor +5, Disrupting Mace +5, Answerer Bastard sword +6, Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier), Boots of Speed (epic tier), Gloves of the Healer (epic tier), Halo of Fallen Stars (epic tier), Stormcatcher Ring (paragon tier), Baldric of Valor (epic tier), Handy Haversack (heroic tier), Shield of Deflection Heavy Shield (epic tier), Symbol of Hope +5, Luminary Ring (epic tier), Cloak of Survival +6 RITUALS Gentle Repose, Create Holy Water, Last Sight Vision, Thief's Lament, Brew Potion, Battlefield Elocution, Shadow Passage, Visage of Life, Delay Affliction, Cure Disease, Remove Affliction, Raise Dead, Fantastic Recuperation, Soulguard, Discern Lies, Speak with Dead, Consult Mystic Sages, Astral Guide, Astral Sojourn, Adjure, Consult Oracle, Divine Sight

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