4e IE

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Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder[edit]

Issac Emberblood, level 26

Human, Wizard, Planeshifter, Archmage

Arcane Implement Mastery: Staff of Defense

Second Implement: Orb of Imposition

Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Acid

Arcane Admixture Power: Freezing Bolts

Background: Occupation - Artisan (Diplomacy class skill)

FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 18, Dex 16, Int 27, Wis 16, Cha 16.

STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 8, Con 15, Dex 14, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 11.

AC: 39 Fort: 36 Reflex: 42 Will: 39 HP: 128 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 32

TRAINED SKILLS Insight +21, Arcana +26, Nature +21, Diplomacy +21, History +26

UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +16, Bluff +18, Dungeoneering +16, Endurance +17, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Perception +16, Religion +21, Stealth +16, Streetwise +16, Thievery +16, Athletics +13

FEATS Wizard: Ritual Caster Human: Linguist Level 1: Human Perseverance Level 2: Expanded Spellbook (retrained to Arcane Familiar at Level 21) Level 4: Destructive Wizardry Level 6: Enlarge Spell Level 8: Dual Implement Spellcaster Level 10: Burning Blizzard Level 11: Second Implement Level 12: Improved Staff of Defense Level 14: Spell Focus Level 16: Arcane Reach Level 18: War Wizardry (retrained to Wintertouched at Level 22) Level 20: Lasting Frost Level 21: Spell Accuracy Level 22: Wizard Implement Expertise Feat User Choice: Implement Expertise (staff) Feat User Choice: Robust Defenses Level 24: Arcane Mastery Level 26: Arcane Admixture

POWERS Bonus At-Will Power: Magic Missile Wizard at-will 1: Illusory Ambush Wizard at-will 1: Ray of Frost Wizard encounter 1: Ray of Enfeeblement Wizard daily 1: Grease Wizard utility 2: Shield Wizard utility 2 Spellbook: Phantasmal Terrain Wizard encounter 3: Hypnotic Pattern Wizard daily 5: Bigby's Icy Grasp Wizard utility 6: Dispel Magic Wizard utility 6 Spellbook: Dimension Door Wizard encounter 7: Enemies Abound Wizard daily 9: Ice Storm Wizard utility 10: Mass Resistance Wizard utility 10 Spellbook: Mirror Image Wizard encounter 13: Mesmeric Hold (replaces Ray of Enfeeblement) Wizard daily 15: Blast of Cold (replaces Grease) Wizard daily 15 Spellbook: Prismatic Beams Wizard daily 15 Spellbook: Wall of Ice Wizard utility 16: Greater Invisibility Wizard utility 16 Spellbook: Spatial Lock Wizard encounter 17: Ice Tomb (replaces Hypnotic Pattern) Wizard daily 19: Disintegrate (replaces Bigby's Icy Grasp) Wizard daily 19 Spellbook: Evard's Ebon Bindings Wizard daily 19 Spellbook: Plague of Illusions Wizard utility 22: Time Stop Wizard utility 22 Spellbook: Mass Fly Wizard encounter 23: Freezing Bolts (replaces Enemies Abound) Wizard daily 25: Prismatic Spray (replaces Ice Storm) Wizard daily 25 Spellbook: Necrotic Web Wizard daily 25 Spellbook: Elemental Maw

ITEMS Spellbook, Ioun Stone of Sustenance (epic tier), Ioun Orb +5, Baldric of Valor (epic tier), Ring of Protection (paragon tier), Ring of Shadow Guard (paragon tier), Gloves of Ice (epic tier), Backtrack Bindings (epic tier), Rapidstrike Bracers (paragon tier), Handy Haversack (heroic tier), Invulnerable Case (paragon tier), Robe of Defying Storms Mindpatterned Armor +6, Staff of Acid and Flame +6, Brimstone Cloak +5 RITUALS Comprehend Language, Tenser's Floating Disk, Planar Portal, Secret Page, Eye of Alarm, Seek Rumor, Detect Secret Doors, Fool's Gold, Undead Ward, Arcane Lock, Knock, Hallucinatory Item, Magic Circle, Object Reading, Duplicate, Excavation, Mordenkainen's Ascent, Phantom Steed, Sending, Shrink, Tiny Lanterns, Wyvern Watch, Aura Mask, Gravesight, Inquisitive's Eyes, Linked Portal, Seal Portal, Shadow Bridge, Signal of Pursuit, Wizard's Sight, Detect Treasure, Magic Map, Chameleon's Cloak, Conceal Object, Detect Object, Disorienting Portal, Scribe, Tenser's Binding, History Revealed, Arcane Barrier, Demicache, Hallucinatory Creature, Passwall, Reverse Portal, Rope Trick, Seeming, Corpse Gate, Eye of Warning, Scramble Portal, Sentinel Eye, Telepathic Bond, Time Ravager, View Location, Voicecatcher Veil, Whispers of the Edifice, False Aura, Farsight, Safeguard, Stasis Shell, Guards and Wards, Memory Seal, Plane Shift, Teleport Catcher, View Object, Chamber of Vulnerability, Forbiddance, Scry Trap

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