A&O Party Relations

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Current thoughts.

  • Darius: I know he is one of Anthony's friends, one of those linked to... you know. Not one of them, but helps out from time to time. I get the feeling that I may be decent in a hand-to-hand fight, and John is good with a gun, he can wipe the floor with both of us anyway.
  • Gabe: Gabe makes me think of some of my old teachers back in high school, and surprise, surprise that he is a teacher. And him asking for that vampire... He is a nice guy, I hope it doesn't stab him.
  • Liz: Insane. She is fucking insane. In a good way, but balls, the lady is like Neo. If I had had her skills, I would have been hauling my ass to Hollywood. Glad she is on my side.
  • John Palmer: Slicker than a snake-oil salesman, and even more subtle. I know he is the other half of the Lucky Star's partnership, and well... Something tells me we'll be having a clash of words at some point... And it ain't going to be pretty.
  • Rob: ... Xander likes him, calls him a Chosen of Luna. The wolves all bow, and apparently I was married to him before. It's both heady and terrifying to think about, and it's weird just how... accepting I am of it. I mean, I never asked for a hug before from anyone, but it had just seemed so natural to lift my arms up and ask him to. I want what the Ringbearer said was my ring before I get intimate or anything (because I guess in a way, we are still married, right?), but that shouldn't stop a girl to get to know someone... Right?
  • Johnny: Quiet, very formal, makes me think of Oda-chan.
  • Ling Sui Mae: I know a Sue, but that's not her.


Current thoughts.

  • Darius: Good God, this man has some firepower. Normally, I have a major problem with people who feel it necessary to carry guns about, but he seems to have good intentions at the very least and he also appears more intent on using his rather considerable power against the creatures in the shadows than anyone else. He's had my back more than once and chances are he'll have it again. I hope when that time comes I will be of more help to him than I have before.
  • Cassidy: She reminds me of many of my students, though that could just be because she is so young. Nevertheless, it's easy to see that she is carrying a bit of baggage -- I'm very glad that whatever troubled her in the past has not been allowed to break her. Actually, she appears to thrive in adversity -- a firebrand with faith in ideals that would seem silly if they weren't espoused by her. All this Sun-God talk... actually sounds halfway believable when she talks about it.
  • Liz: More daring and together than I could ever hope to be, Liz seems far more suited for the vigilante role that I tried to assume after my rebirth. If there is anyone in this group that I really envy, it would be her. While I seem to have access to knowledge beyond mortal kenning, she seems much better at actually applying sense to it.
  • John Palmer: I find... exceedingly little to like about Mr. Palmer's line of work. He's been helpful, I'll admit this, and mostly on a personal level. I don't think I'd feel very comfortable with his "connections," however. Time will tell if his profession is merely the sordid beginning of a better and more respectable path... or the tell-tale sign of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  • Rob: Speaking of wolves, Rob certainly did give the impression of a lone wolf when we first met him. Now I'm not so sure. He seemed to have a pretty tight connection with the werewolves and I think everyone can see how he looks at Cassidy. He's been nothing but friendly to us, so I guess it won't be long before I don't have to freak out when faced with a ten foot-tall beast-man.
  • Johnny: He obviously knows way more about what's going on than any of us do. And here I thought this "ancient Eastern wisdom" stuff was a stereotype! But, really, I'm thinking that we're going to end up following him home sooner rather than later. That and I really want to see more of his fighting style.


Journal entry: I'm not alone!

  • Darius:
  • Cassidy:
  • Gabe:
  • John Palmer:
  • Rob:
  • Johnny:
  • Ling Sui Mae: Sorry, haven't met her.


John's current thoughts on the others.

  • Darius: We may have avenged him, but he'll still be sorely missed by us all.
  • Cassidy: An accomplished singer, who turns that skill into supernatural power. Though she seems meek and innocent at first, she has a personality that is unbendable when pushed. I'm not sure how much of what she does is an act, and how much is genuine -- or what will happen if she's pushed too far. I'm not terribly eager to learn about that, either.
  • Gabe: He doesn't trust me, but for a man in his position, that's perfectly understandable. Definitely seems to be one of the smartest people I've met. If he gives advice, it'd probably pay to listen.
  • Liz: A very impressive young woman -- not just physically nimble and tough, but mentally, too. It will be interesting to see if she can balance her need for justice with her apparent devotion to anarchy....but only if seen from a safe distance. Her impulsiveness may also be something to be aware of.
  • Rob: An unassuming man, who turns into a 10-foot tall engine of death when necessary. Definitely want to keep him in between me and any enemies. His bond with Cassidy is also something to keep a careful eye on -- if only because her social capabilities and his physical ones, if combined, would make them even more formidable.
  • Johnny: Very observant. It seems like Mr. Wu does everything he can to not be noticed, and listens quietly to everything that he hears. Someone to be watched. His spiritual self hinted at some sort of connection to Liz -- that bears more investigation. Still, we're technically even now.
  • Ling Sui Mae: Rich. Powerful. Skilled in the arts of war. Entirely too aware that she's these things. It makes her arrogant. And I can use that.


Rob's current thoughts about the rest of the party.

  • Darius: Who knew guns could shoot flaming eagles? Not me. I think I'm glad they can though. I'll have to try that one myself at some point.
  • Cassidy: Sheesh... That's really complicated-ish. I'm not sure what to think, I just know that I'm willing to do some really stupid things for her.
  • Gabriel: I haven't had much chance to really get to know him; he seemed to be able to figure those bombs out pretty damn quick though. I'm glad someone's the brains of this outfit - I think I'll be too busy being the brawn for it to be me.
  • Liz: She could easily have a career in Hollywood as a stuntwoman. She also happens to be a crazy-effective combatant. Glad she's was on my side during the fighting.
  • John: Plays his cards close to his vest. Can't really get a good angle on what he wants. When he talks, people listen though. "Or else," I suspect.
  • Johnny: He strikes me as a weird little guy. He seems to know more about what's going on that he's letting on, and I'm not sure why he isn't filling in all the blanks. His abilities seem to be even more divergent from the others than mine are.
  • Ling Suit Mae: Eh?

Xiu Lin[edit]


Johnny's first impressions and a brief bit of wisom in Mandarin

*Darius: A valiant warrior, and a good man to have in a fight. Combat is truth
*Cassidy: A confused young woman. I beleve that she will be challenged more than any of us. Beauty through song
*Gabriel: A man who reminds me of Master Wong. I find he is far more forgiving than any of my old tutors. Strength in wisdom
*Liz: A one woman mystery. Her skill challenges even the greatest of what I know. Silence shows honour
*John: A reminder to me that all Americans are not to be judged at first glance. The merchant will rule
*Robert: A man who has many sides. Literally. The warrior will battle the man. Change seeks center
*Ling Sui Mae: A power in her own right. What can I say? She is not what I expected. I find us more alike than I anticipated. Passion is flame

Ling Sui Mae[edit]

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