A Mid-Spring Night's Ascension:Valeria
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Quote: "No matter how bleak things may seem, there's always another way if you look." |
Tier: 1 | Effort: 1 | XP: 0 |
Armor: 1 | Cyphers: 0/2 |
Might: 8 | Speed: 15 | Intellect: 15 |
Edge: 0 | Edge: 0 | Edge: 1 |
Empathic: +4 to Valeria's Intellect Pool. |
Skill: Valeria is trained in tasks involving sensing other emotions, discerning dispositions, and getting a hunch about people around her. |
Skill: Valeria is trained in all tasks involving social interaction, pleasant or otherwise.. |
Inability: Being so receptive to others’ thoughts and moods makes Valeria vulnerable to anything that attacks her mind. The difficulty of Intellect defense rolls is increased by one step. |
Effort: Valeria's Effort is 1. |
Social Nature: Valeria has an Intellect Edge of 1, a Might Edge of 0, and a Speed Edge of 0. |
Cypher Use: Valeria can bear two cyphers at a time. |
Practiced with Light Weapons: Valeria can use Light Weapons without penalty. |
Background Connection: TBD |
Additional Equipment: Valeria carries a symbol of a seven pointed star around her neck, carved in iron. |
Tier 1 - Divine Knowledge: Valeria is Trained in all tasks related to knowledge of godly beings. Enabler. |
Tier 1 - Blessings:
Blessing of Wisdom (3 Intellect points) - Choose up to three creatures (potentially including yourself). For one minute, the difficulty of a particular type of task (but not an attack roll or defense roll) is reduced by one step for those creatures, but only while they remain within immediate range of you. Action. Blessing of Protection (3 Intellect points) - You create a quiet bubble of protection around you to an immediate radius for one minute. The bubble moves with you. The difficulty of all defense rolls for you and all creatures you designate within the bubble is decreased by one step, and no noise, regardless of its origin, sounds louder than a normal speaking voice. Action to initiate. |
Tier 1 - Manifest Nimbus: Creatures and objects touched with a divine spark (or who have divine shifts) manifest a nimbus. A nimbus is usually visible only to other creatures who also have a nimbus. Valeria's nimbus appears as faint ribbons of twisting light that coil around her. As she gains divine shifts, the streams of light may grow in number and brightness. She can choose to make his nimbus visible to normal creatures, or extinguish that manifestation, as part of any other action. The nimbus can sometimes serve as an asset for various interaction tasks if he makes it visible to non-divine creatures, if the GM decides that is appropriate. However, non-believers may decide to string up the false god then and there. Enabler. |
Encouragement (1 Intellect point): While you maintain this ability through ongoing inspiring oration, your allies within short range modify the difficulty of one of the following task types (your choice) by one step to their benefit: defense tasks, attack tasks, or tasks related to any skill that you are trained or specialized in. Action. |
Enthrall (1 Intellect point): While talking, you grab and keep another creature’s attention, even if the creature can’t understand you. For as long as you do nothing but speak (you can’t even move), the other creature takes no actions other than to defend itself, even over multiple rounds. If the creature is attacked, the effect ends. Action. |
Healing Touch (1 Intellect point): With a touch, you restore 1d6 points to one stat Pool of any creature. This ability is a difficulty 2 Intellect task. Each time you attempt to heal the same creature, the task difficulty increases by one step. The difficulty returns to 2 after that creature rests for ten hours. Action. |
Magic Training: Valeria is trained in the basics of magic and can attempt to understand and identify its properties (including the operation of magic artifacts and cyphers). Enabler. |
Understanding people and sensing emotions or motives | Trained |
All social interactions, pleasant or otherwise | Trained |
Knowledge related to godly beings | Trained |
Intellect Defense | Inability |
Money: 0 P, 0 M, 50 S |
Adventurer's Pack (50' Rope, Boots, Hammer, Rations [3 Days], Spikes [3], Torches [3], Warm Clothing [Asset to Resisting Effects of Cold]), Bedroll, Healer's Kit (Asset to Healing tasks], Dream Dust (28 Doses), Staff (Used as Light Weapon), Fine Clothing (Asset to Interaction Tasks), Waterskin |