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Michael James Watson A note between traveling companions for lunch. An invitation from Alexandra to Donovan to meet for lunch at Sea View Gardens

Amber Bronkhorst Alex after having send her invitation to Donovan to meet for lunch at the sea view gardens then goes to the sea view gardens herself. Arranging a table and waiting if the invitation is answered or not. With a book she sits at a table where the host would place her. She orders some tea and opens her book now and then glancing to the entrance to see if Donovan would join her.

Jill Pritts Donovan comes in just a few minutes late. His hair slightly damp. He’s dressed casually, but his clothes are of a nicer cut than several of the people at the restaurant. He scans the room taking it all in, threats, escapes, patrons and potential weapons. He smiles when he sees her and heads to her table.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex rises seeing Donovan come up, her usual smile a bit more bright. She is dressed in a fine white shirt in a loose cut, And properly kept tan leather pants. She inclines her head respectfully as he approaches. "Lord Donovan, thank you for accepting the invitation. I found it very kind of you to receive the letter of you to talk. " She gestures to the empty seats. In a seat next to her is a violin case. and a book she was just reading. "Heard you did the elite run this morning, figured you could use a good lunch."

Jill Pritts “Well you’ve found one of the better restaurants around so you seem to be settling in,” he hesitates for a moment and pulls back her chair for her. He smiles a bit sheepishly. After they sit he leans across the table and says in a lower voice, “I should warn you that there are always groups of fans and gossips that will make note of us. I’ve even heard that some of them carry autograph journals.” His voice is puzzled by the absurdity of it. He leans back in the chair glancing over the menu. “So how have you fared this morning?”

Amber Bronkhorst Alex smiles "Oh yes of course! I know Lord Donova. Remember i have mostly been on the othee side of the coin. As a castle guard or an elite. I know of the autograph collections especially those with the non magical trumps that try and get them all signed. Haris has a set i believe." She looks very amused by it. "My morning has been fine thank you. Played some music on the roof. Gave me some time to think things over. Had a talk with Prince Arlo and Lord Vance. About.... " As he hesitates and with a loght shrug she adds. "About things. Things of somewhat importance. Then went to see Prince Brand. He is uo in his chambers which have been closed off for long. So permitting him some alone time it was a good excuse to see you." She speaks lightly and in a happy tone. As if it is the most normal day possible. "So how are you after the whole Tazilwere thing? Recovered enough?"

Jill Pritts Donovan chuckles, “I wonder how long before he asks me to sign. I haven’t been around much. I’m guessing I’m a kind of a collector’s item.” He takes a sip of water, “I am fine. I haven’t stayed in my apartments before. I’m going to have to get something set up. I did have dark dreams. Did you?

Amber Bronkhorst "Well back in Tazilwere he tried to bring it up. But Areibah and i slappedd him on the back of the head with a..read the room hissed to him. " Alex her smile changes in a slight grin. "He is a.. yeah a figure " Alex her expression becomes slightly worried. "Dark dreams. oh, about what happened? Are you plagued often by dark dreams? And my dreams were no darker then usual." Her smile reappears again. "So your apartments are bare here or do you have something in them to make them liveable? "

Jill Pritts his words are pitched lower so those trying to overhear won’t listen in. He laughs and says, “I’m not on Random’s good side at the moment, so we’ll se how things go. So far they’ve been fine.” He looks around for a wait person for a moment and then refocuses on Alexandre. “There is a couch and bed’s and a basic armoire. Feels more like a hotel, less like a home. I mainly grew up outside of the castle. Not sure how much time I’ll spend on the rooms. Apparently there’s a storage area where you can pick things. Where did you grow up?”

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra is clearly amused by what Donovan says a wider smile appears. "I doubt it is that bad. It takes quite something to get on the King his bad side i suppose. Perhaps you will find more reason eventually to be in the castle and your rooms more. And yes there is a storage where general furniture can be picked out, though what i have usually seen is that those that have apartments or rooms in the castle have furniture delivered which they have had made or picked out by the carpenters in the city. " She sips her tea frowns at it as it has become cold. And this tea is horrible cold. "As a castle guard i have helped with my fair share of moving furniture from storage to rooms. and when furniture breaks at guard posts we get our things there as well. " A soft chuckle escapes her "I say our but i am not a guard anymore. so much getting used to. As for where i grew up. Brightedge. It is an estate owned by Princes Deirdre. My mother Fres Mira takes care of it. It is near the south gate against the south wall to the west. Big place, lots of terrain around it and usually very lively alot of the Civilian City Cohorts come there to train and such. My rooms are there are not that bare. though i am usually found outside in the training ground or the garden. Well untill i started serving here in the castle guard and then the elites of course." She looks at Donovan for a moment that same smile on her face as if she studies his face. "I hope you do not mind me saying. But you do not have the looks of your father, do you? " She holds up her hand "my apologies Lord Donovan. i love to draw and it just makes me stare at people their features till it starts to get uncomfortable. "

Jill Pritts Donovan is amused by the last, “Some other time, I will tell you the epic adventure of how I got on Random’s bad side but it’s a story much better told with alcohol and away from prying ears.” He finishes his water and continues, “I am very grateful that I take after my mother and not my father. I lucked out and got the Fey’s looks.” He unconsciously raises a hand to an ear which are pointed somewhat. “My lady mother is Cyrene, Duchess of the Fea, a huntress. She and my father had a short passionate relationship.” He says somewhat bewildered wondering how Julian could be passionate. I spent my childhood between Arden and the Fea lands”.

Jill Pritts “Stare away, I’m used to it,” he offers. “Do you have your sketch book here?”

Amber Bronkhorst Still staring at Donovan she nods while she listens "Well from an amateur artist perspective. You are quite the handsome man Lord Donovan. " She adds a wink and quickly looks away. "Prince Julian and Duchess of the Fea. Sounds like a fair match. Even if it was one of short passion. So you didn't grow up much here in the castle? I thikn not many did except for the elders. I think more staff was raised in the castle then royals. Seems some are uneasy with the match of my mother and Prince Brand as well. And what i understand not even from the Prince Brand side. More that my mom is or was so close with Princess Deirdre." An amused soft laugh while she looks around. It may seem at first glance she just casually looks but Donovan will recognize she takes in details quickly and scans the area. Very much like a guard or someone trained in it would. She then takes her violin cases opens a side pocket and takes out a small bundle with pencils, sticks and charcoal and a small sized book. "I never leave without it. And i never leave home without my violin or my bow. When i'm on duty i will always have my bow with me of course. " She flips through her book it is almost full. In a quick glance Donovan can see faces, flowers, plants. Sceneries in a rough form. She finds a blank page. "Would you allow me to draw you Lord Donovan?"

Jill Pritts Donovan smiles, “Only if you call me Donovan and take out the lord part. But not Donny, only my brother gets to call me that. And you are quite lovely yourself. And I’m not an amateur,” he says flirtatiously and thinks of those lovely legs and for a moment thinks of those legs wrapped around him. But then he is more serious. “But I am an artist and a musician too. I have a harp and also play guitar. “

Amber Bronkhorst She inclines hear head "Very well Donovan then. Thank you. Lord Vance told me to best just go by official titles until i am told otherwise. Seems the safe route to go. " Alexandra smiles bright. "Thank you for the compliment. err compliments. Very kind of you. I would love to see your work as well, if you would want to show. " She nods her head again. It seems a bit of a formal move from her part. And her tone has not the same energy to match Donovan his flirtatious tone. She might be very professional or just oblivious for flirting. She unbinds her bundle of pencils and selects one to start drawing with. She hums as she sketches. Her bright blue eyes moving from her paper to Donovan. Breaking her humming she smiles "It is lovely to hear that there are alot of musicians around. Perhaps we could play something together one day. I would be curious to hear your style of playing and how such would compare to mine. " Gesturing with her pencil to her case she looks up again "I play mostly violin and sing. It is small easy to carry around so good entertainment for on the road and during war campaigns. Or just for drinking and campfire time." A big smile and she continues to sketch again. "So what keeps you usually busy, L... uhm Donovan?"

Jill Pritts at that moment a harried waiter comes over. He is dressed formally and looks beside himself. “My abject apologies Lord Donovan and m’Lady. I was told your table had been taken care of and I see we have kept you waiting. How may we help you today? The soups are lobster bisque and a butternut squash maple soup with a hint of cream.” Donovan indicates that she should go first.

Amber Bronkhorst Slightly surprised she looks up at the harried waiter she gestures her hand it is fine. "No rush. And the butternut squash sounds good to me. Oh and could you perhaps take away the tea it gone cold. I still have water. " She nods to Donovan and picks up her pencil again working out more detailed lines of his face.

Jill Pritts Donovan says, “I’ll have a glass of the sailor’s red, a bowl of the lobster bisque,” and he looks at the menu, “The black and bleu stake with a side of potatoes. “. He looks to Alexandre, “Do you want anything else?” The waiter finishes taking their order and brings over a fresh cup of hot tea. “What do I do to keep myself busy….well I spent ten years in the nasty place and after that I spent a year out in shadow touring major concerts and plays. Picked up a lot of different playing styles. I recommend it you have time. Really eye opening. In between those two was the adventure of the Stone and Desri. The last said with some complex emotion. And here I am. Oh I make jewelry”

Amber Bronkhorst She shakes her head "no thank you i've eaten when talking with Prince Arlo. And have not been runnign around so that still lasts." Smiling up to the waiter she nods "Thank you for the tea." She smells it and nods approvingly. Turning her sketchbook around for Donovan to see she pushes it his way slightly. In her drawing she emphasizes the eyes and she has captured a expression as if he looks into the distance with open bright eyes. "Ah yes the Nasty Place. know it well enough. Was a good time." Since the orders stand not to openly talk about it she won't but it is clear she thinks back of it with good memories. As if a realization hit her she looks suddenly up in Donovan his eyes. A bright sparkle shown. "Of course. i can also go around and play music. I do not have immediately serve in armies and such again. heh. It is a bit overwhelming i suppose the many doors opening. But then again first i have to walk the pattern to have them really open. " Alex calmly stirs her tea "You mentioned Desri before. And the stone. I guess the stone is the story to be told later? Or is it Desri? is she your lover?" Her tone casual.

Jill Pritts he shrugs. “I’m guessing not, but I’m not really sure any more. I saw her about a year ago. We were going to go on the music tour together, take some time out to live in shadow. But I think her plans for her future were driving her too strongly and….” He trails off obviously bothered and happy for the distraction and the waiter bringing their food. Donovan nods in thanks and his stomach growls. “We’ll the story of the stone, if you fancy a trip to Arden I’ll introduce you. Let’s just say, one of my new titles is Stone Lord.” He looks down at the steak clearly hungry. “So what’s going to happen with Chris?”

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra looks a bit troubled and takes her sketch book back. "i am so sorry i did not mean to bring up painful subjects. " Seeing the food arrive she puts her drawing tools away to clear the table. she nods in thanks as well to the waiter. "in time sure i would love to see it. I think for now i should stay near here. I still have to talk to my father, to my mother as well so it is clear that i now know that she knows that i know etcetera. " She picks up a spoon for her soup and before taking a bite continues "Oh and still have to talk to King Random, and walk the pattern... but after that all of course i would love to. " She then starts her soup. after a few bites she looks up "Chris. hm no clue honestly, i think he was assigned pattern watch duty by Prince Benedict at the new pattern. So suppose he is there. I know that he was for now assigned Cash as his new elite since i lost that position due to heritage. " A slight grin appears and she shakes her head "How life can be turned upside down suddenly. " Daring to perhaps touching a painful subject she asks carefully "So do you have any plans in mind for the future? "

Jill Pritts “Honestly, not a clue,” he says after a few minutes. “They always do a good steak here. “. He eats another few bites, now that I’m in this side of the ‘verse I should say hi to the stone, visit my mother quickly and contact Desri. After that,” he shrugs again. “So any lovers yourself?” He asks inquisitively

Amber Bronkhorst She nods while eating her soup. Wagging her empty spoon she says with a grin. "Always when near visit your mother. Very very important. And usually you do not want to piss off your mother. " With big eyes she looks down at her soup "For sure i don't want to piss mine off. " after again a few bites giving herself some time to asnwer she shakes her head. "No, no lovers. I did not see it....fit. Well as an elite on protection detail you don't have the time and even freedom to have a relationship or lover of sorts... You serve the royal you are assigned to. And Lord Chris was always quite busy with work and such, little time for side steps. And before that. The same i found my duty as a guard to important and taking up more time to involve myself with someone. " She quickly shoves a spoon of soup in her mouth to shut herself up as she notices she starts to ramble.

Michael James Watson Sea View gardens is usually a semi full place. It is cosmopolitian in that royals and scullery maids eat there. Members of various embassies eat here. Guests with business at court often consider a meal at Sea View Gardens a necessary activity. It operates as a discrete 5 star restaurant even though the costs are all on Amber. When Alexandra and Donovan sit to eat they both notice people walking by glancing at them. A tip of the hat, a slight nod bow of the head to them as some people wander by. But word that they are at Sea View gets out to the various spy networks.

Jill Pritts Donovan acknowledges those he knows with a nod or smile but he keeps his focus on Alexandre.

Amber Bronkhorst As polite as Alex is. In the beginning she nods back to them but when in conversation with Donovan she will stay focused on him. Does not mean she doesn't keep an eye out. But threat level is alot lower here.

Michael James Watson As the two talk, they see Skadi, followed by Ariebah and a small wolf pup, walk into Sea View. She seems to be going to the far corner where the two person tables are. At one, alone, is the one she has a hunter's eye on when Donovan and Alexandra see her. She turns to see her recent traveling companions.

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra nods to Skadi. Then seeing Skadi has her eye on someone she says quickly in passing "we should meet up again soon. When you are not busy."

Adam Easterday Skadi pauses glancing at Donovan and Alexandra and nods with a wave and smile as she alters course toward them. As she approaches she glances at the table, “What none of Tazilwere’s finest?“

Jill Pritts “I know, you would have thought they’d send some back with us as thanks. Well met Skaldi, how are you faring since yesterday?” “Haris and I dreamt dark dreams of rats. It is good to be in the light with such company. “

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra smiles "Well honestly i actually did have some of Tazilwere finest this morning, but that was mostly because it was left over after a meeting in the library. So something else with lunch and pleasant company is a nice change." She nods to an empty chair. "You want to join us? or do you have other matters to attend to, Lady Skadi?"

Adam Easterday Skadi glances over to the corner table that was her original destination then slips into the proffered chair joining Donovan and Alexandra “I appear to have done time, punctuality appears to be an under appreciated Art in Amber,” she grins. “Tell me what besides dark dreams of rats of great size, is the top is du jour?”

Jill Pritts

“Mothers” he makes a face, “and near term future plans. I have a date with a stone in Arden in my future. Bet you can’t top that ,” he says with an amused chuckle.

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra laughs "I just said that if you are near. Don't forget your mother... mine wouldn't be to pleased if i didn't even show my nose through the door." She stirs her spoon through her soup and appreciates the company "SO what is new for you Lady Skadi? "

Adam Easterday Skadi laughs, “I have neither mother nor stone issues, I commence another Hunt. This time my quarry is a missing Jaguar Queen.”

Jill Pritts

“what is a missing Jaguar Queen? And why do you hunt her?”

Amber Bronkhorst While stirring her soup Alex shrugs "Didn't say you needed mother issues. " As Donovan asks his question Alex takes her sketching book again and pencils starting a quick sketch of Skadi as she had joined the table.

Adam Easterday

“Trouble. Why? Because I was asked and because the Hunt calls to me, it is my nature.” She waves a hand, “To be honest I am not entirely certain who is asking - Bleys claims it’s something he is relaying for Random but …well things are rarely so clear in Amber.”

Jill Pritts Donovan nods. “Things are often confusing here,” he agrees. “I did not know the castle had an official hunter,” he says with a bit of admiration. “Where in shadow will your journeys take you?”

Amber Bronkhorst Alex remains silent she knows to little of these dealings and is busy with making a sketch of Skadi. Her eyes flicking up to Skadi and back to her paper.

Adam Easterday Skadi smiles “I cannot speak to Amber - I hold no office here but in my homeland of Mandalay - Hunting is a noble calling. I rather think Random and or Bleys seek to leverage my talents and naïveté,” she smiles ruefully. Her expression brightens “That said I dare say I have left an impression on Random - whether he takes my meaning I cannot say, I almost hope he didn’t.” Her grin is wicked now.

Amber Bronkhorst Looking up from her drawing she looks at Skadi with a smile "Why would that be bad if you left an impression? Even if you do not serve Amber being on the mind of King Random should not persé be a bad thing. Even if you did quite make the statement i must say with the head and all. " She tilts her head looking at her work nodding happy with it. "But would it be bad to be in service of Amber, the crown? I am not sayinig you should. But it is not a bad loyalty to be under. " Laying her pencil down she takes up her cup of tea, sips it, makes a scowly face and puts it down. "eh cold. So where do you travel for your new hunt Lady Skadi? if you may share said information."

Adam Easterday “The Hunt behind in Azcala, are you familiar with it?” Skadi replies directly.

Jill Pritts “I have not, a lot has changed lately. “

Amber Bronkhorst Alex shakes her head. "Not familiar with it. My travels with Lord Chris didn't take me there." She smiles "So immediately back to work huh? Seems you don't really sit still. " She winks and returns back to drawing.

Jill Pritts Donovan looks at her paper, "You are quite good," he comments as he looks back to Skadi.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks up at Donovan with a bright smile "thank you, you are so kind to say. If you keep compliments going i might develop an unhealthy ego" She smiles and returns back to her drawing

Jill Pritts Donovan nods in agreement, “my offer stands, if either of you would like to see Arden feel free to ask anytime. Happy to show you around.”

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks up. "There aren't really rules against camping around Arden right? I always love to go out camping... Could be fun to do. Enjoy nature, relax." She nods and closes her sketchbook putting it back in her violincase.

Jill Pritts

“it’s best to give the Rangers a heads up you are doing it? But you can camp in certain areas as long as you respect the forest. I wouldn’t recommend going it alone. There are a lot of dangerous beasts that still roam the forest. Including the Fea,” he mentions with a bit of amusement

Amber Bronkhorst "Well you wanted yo introduce me to the stone anyway, perhaps you can show me around Arden?" She looks at Skadi with a big smile. "Want to join us? Or does the hunt call?"

Adam Easterday Skadi nods “The Hunt always calls - it is both a blessing and a curse of who I am, I shall take your offer in hand for another time Donovan.” She rises, “Be well my friends, mayhaps my quarry will be easily snared but I suspect not so it may be sometime before I return.” She gives them both a slight bow as she whistles to Dwarf and Ariebah appears as if from nowhere by Skadi’s side. The trio moves onward toward their original assignation.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex stands and bows her head "Be well lady Skadi. Good hunting. We will see eachother again i am sure. And i expect an exciting tale then of your hunt." She smiles big. Alex then returns to her seat leans in and whispers to Donovan... "Hope it wasn't to forward of me."

Jill Pritts Donovan stands as well and gives a nod as well, “May the wind be in your favor, Skadi”. Donovan looks to Alex confused, “I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”

Amber Bronkhorst She waves her hand "Never mind was afraid that i said something wrong. " Alex sits back again and looks at Donovan. "Hope your food hasn't gone cold. Oh if you want i can help you with moving some furniture from storage to your room if you want? " A slight grin "I know you offered to show me the castle but maybe i can show you some spots i learned as a castle guard. "

Jill Pritts "You are right, you probably do know more of the castle than me. Let's pick some furniture to send up to the room and then you can show me around. It's been years since I went exploring," he finishes the steak. "I don't mind it cold. My tolerance for such things is pretty high. Cold steak is much better than hard tack any day."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex smiles wide finishes her soup. "Cold food i do not mind. Cold tea is an offense." She rests her chin on her hands "Thank you, by the way. For the invitation to meet up. It is a pleasant distraction. And it feels very welcoming to the family instead of me being in service to the family." That bright smile stays "So are you ready? And are there particular things you want to see? I know of usual empty alcoves where you can get soms good silent reading time in. Some nice spots with a view on and under the roofs. " With a wink she continues "When you live together in the barracks one tends to seek secluded places to just be alone."

Jill Pritts “Sure,” Donovan takes a last sip of ale and sets napkin and silverware on the table. (If I understood Michael correctly the crown pays for the meals). He leaves a tip for the wait staff. “Tell you what, you show me around. I would enjoy that. And then I have a few difficult conversations I’m putting off and I should dig into those.”

Amber Bronkhorst (yups a 5star restaurant payed by the crown) Alex folds her napkin leaves her utensils in the proper spot and makes sure she is decent and stands. Seeing Donovan left a tip she inclines her head . "Thank you." Stepping to his side she nods "Ah yes conversations i am dodging a few now as well. But for getting close with family is always time. Shall we?" Alex gestures for Donovan and she starts walking inside the castle again. "I love that Princess Florimel has done this with the roof. So much space, beautiful view, a shame to had it wasted." She then turns to Donovan with a big smile. " Want to see a spot where I usually read, play music and relax?" She holds up her finger before her lips with a wink. "If you keep it a secret of course."

Jill Pritts “Let me stop by my room. I’ll get my harp and then we can go up to the roof top”. “I will keep your place a secret,” he says solemnly.

Amber Bronkhorst "Good would not want to have it become a popular spot." Alex nods and gestures "Lead the way to your room then. And then we can procrastinate together." She laughs soft and starts walking after Donovan. "Almost feels like skipping school. Instead we are skipping on expectations." She turns to Donovan with a twinkle in her bright blue eyes. "At least they can't ground us or send us to detention. Sometimes letting someone down on expectations, helps keep it realistic. Before you know it people will expect to much of you."

Jill Pritts "I take it you've never been to the dungeons?" Donovan says amused. "To be fair, I've never been placed in the dungeons. But Julian and Duncan had creative methods for misbehaving," he says lightly. Almost too casually. He leads her up the the stairs to his room. "Unless Haris has been busy while we had lunch, it's pretty utilitarian." He warns and opens the door.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex laughs "Of course i have. Castle guard duty. Usually stationed at the stairs not really in the dungeons, but yeah." When arriving at his room Alex will stop and clearly keeps a respectful distance between the open door of Donovan his room and herself. "Well if you are in need of anything for your room.we can surely find something. "

Jill Pritts the room is simple but good sized with a window overlooking an inclosed courtyard.

Michael James Watson The apartment is sparse but sturdy. Heavy flagstone on the floor throughout. To the left of the door is a table and a few chairs. A large hutch has a collection of plates, bowls, dishes and tableware. The walls have half wood covering and half stone. Several nails look like previous tenants hung things there once. To the right is a large empty main room. An open pair of doors go to a balcony.a door up the way to the balcony opens to the master bedroom with its queensize bed,, side table and armoir. On the right side of the balcony is a small kitchenette. There is a fire laid into a Franklin stove. Several baskets have fruits, vegetables, cheeses, breads, dried meats. A door in the kitchen leads to Haris's room. Another to a storage room. Haris is currently not in attendance. The Balcony looks out over the city and over a part of Kolvir.

Jill Pritts Donovan turns around in the mostly empty apartment. “There’s a bedroom back there and Haris’ quarters. Bathroom,” he says pointing and larder.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex will stay politely outside the room of Donovan. Near the door so they can talk. When Donovan points things out she does look but does step over the threshold. "It is not as bare as i expected. But not many personal things. Though you do not stay here often right?"

Jill Pritts “you can come in,” he says. “I’ve only stayed here a handful of times.”

Amber Bronkhorst Alex inclines her head and steps in. "Thank you. Only other rooms i have seen on the inside were those we pulled empty from furniture to move to storage and Lord Chris his appartment. But he was not here alot either. " Alex holds her hands behind her back. Both hands holding her violin case. She does look over to the balcony moving to it she falls silent. Admiring the view. "So beautiful. " She says soft under her breath.

Michael James Watson "The door was open..Hope you don't mind" The hair on the back of Alex's neck stand up. She is not used to being snuck up on. The man stepping into the door is thin, tall at 6'1". He wears blue jeans and a greatful dead shirt. He has a Duffel bag with a fancy nail rifle buckled to it. At his feet walks a pangolin. "My goodness, this place is stark even for Amber. Donovan, don't let Margot's people decorate. They have all the style of Ikea wholesalers. I know a guy who would be delighted to help. He'll design everything in shadow. Build a replica chamber. Furnish it, then supervise getting everything shipped and hung." Turning to look at Alex, Jurt smiles, "Andy Mira... The rumor is true? You're a brand new bouncing baby Amberite? When you want your debutant ball don't let them hold it at Brightedge. Hold it at Thin Whip's Place. Everyone will come. Ill get everyone trashed. We'll split the blackmail 50/50.

Jill Pritts Donovan turns as Jurt speaks. He puts a hand on Alex's back as she seems startled. "Jurt, I may just take you up on the furniture offer. I've never really stayed here before, so haven't seen much of the need to fill it up. Lady Alexandre, may I introduce you to Jurt (not sure if has titles, but he will use them. Owner of the Thin Whip, which is purported to be the best dive bar in all of Amber. Best food, best drink and best place to get mighty drunk." He turns to Jurt, "This is Lady Alexandre, our brand new Amberite cousin. We just finished up some crown business out in shadow."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex turns quickly moving one hand from her violincase to her dagger on her side. Seeing Jurt she inclines her head and gives again her always polite smile. "A pleasure Lord Jurt, " At the touch of Donovan Alex imediatly relaxes her otherwise tense muscles as she was ready to get ito action. She nods with a warm smile to Donovan with a hushed thanks. "Ah yes for furniture anything planned according to your wishes or needs is always better then taking random things from storage. that can sometimes really clash. But will do in a pinch. " Alex then t urns to Jurt again and raises an eyebrow. "Yes the rumors are true Sir, though one request. Do not call me Andy. My name is Alexandra Dejana Mira. Alexandra to keep it simple Alex to keep it short. And only my mother calls me Andy. And if Prince Brand tells you another name i might not react friendly as I do not like that name. " She inhales deeply and then continues "As for your suggestion for a debutant ball at Thin Whips i hardly find it the right place, and if such an event would be held would you not think my mother would be on top of that herself. And i would like to invite my friends who are not allowed at your place.... Sir..."

Michael James Watson He nods to Donovan, "So I hear. I look at my deck every day. Speaking of which..." He withdraws a deck and a black sharpie. "This is a non-magical deck. Don't sign any magical deck. It may not have a magical effect but it also might make the construct owner itch a bit. I prefer making such people itch some how that I can see it. Do you mind? " He slides out Donovan's and Alex's cards Jurt says, "Another thing.... The three of us, Skadi, Sadashi, Elayne and Arlo are on this floor. Elayne is here one in a blue moon, Arlo is almost always in the library. Sadashi has yet to visit Amber. We have a couple nice places to put conversational seating but as I understand it, those kind of things are up to the people on the floor? Would you mind if i soted out for stuff for that courner between Alayne and you, Donovan?" "And we have a nice southeast looking balcony too! All thats there is a pile of ballista pats. I'd like to set up a area up there. A smoking lounge...I've had to spend a lot more time up here since Untara became something of ward of the state. "

Jill Pritts Donovan takes the card Jurt offers. Before signing it, he looks for magic traces. If there are any he won't. I don't mind if you set up a little gathering area. And who Is Untara?

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks at the trump card of herself curiously, picking it up she frowns at it... "I knew these would appear once the family member would be known. But seeing oneself in it... just strange." As Jurt talks about itching and itches Alex subconciously scratches the spot on her chest which had plagued her earlier that day. "Is it known who drew this?" She then lays it down takes the sharpie after Donovan and signs it. Shoving it back to Jurt. "Well Lord Jurt, sounds you have big plans for this floor. it would truly become a lovely gathering spot i am sure."

Michael James Watson Jurt comes into th room and sits in one of the chairs. spinning a hand he conjures a small barrel of port and fills his glass. He fills two more. Donovan detects no magic on the card. Speaking to Alex, "As for who drew your card, It was Bleys. His style is distinctive. A lot of different artists drew them. They get drawn from contributions and personal decks. A few of them from my deck even. My guess is the image comes from something he saw at Brightedge." Turning to Donovan he says, "Untara is my wife. She is the daughter of Prince Xozla and Prince Cihals of Azcala. She is the granddaughter of the God-Emperor Tonocat of Azcala. She is the sister of Aztilios of Azcala and the half-sister of Alvah, daughter of Delwin and Cihalas. She is one of the earliest rebels of Azcala to come to Amber. And she is crazier then a craphouse rat. "

Amber Bronkhorst Alex smiles again her usual smile and inclines her head. "Ah yes Prince Bleys is a wonderful artist. Well guess that only proves it more that i am indeed part of this family. Although Prince Brand did admit of it as well, seeing he is my father." She laughs soft and a bit awkwardly "Such a strange realization." Hearing Jurt talk about his wife she does raise an eyebrow "Now that doesn't sound like a romantic view of your wife. Calling her crazy like that. Even if it is with a creative form of words." She looks at Jurt for a moment and smiles "If you would allow i would love to draw you as well, i like to make facial sketches. It was a big hobby of mine during guard duty to pass the time and to keep watch. "

Michael James Watson "I make a fine subject for a character study. As for calling Untara crazy, bear in mind, I come from Chaos. Unique is the baseline. Crazy is the norm. We have crazy in common. She suffered centuries in Azcala as the beneficiary of sentient sacrifice. She held it together well enough to flee Azcala and turn over her knowledge to King Random. Its a matter of perspective. Besides, she is a shatteringly good lover. As it turns out, we have that in common too. "

Jill Pritts Donovan also seems surprised at the description, but he's met more than his share of crazy relatives. As he thinks about it, he wonders if the "sane" are in a relative minority. Maybe it has something to do with living forever. He grabs one of the glasses of port. "Would you like something to eat? We had lunch recently but I suspect I can dig something up."

Michael James Watson "No thank you. I was just dropping by the apartment to feed my house imp and check my mail. Untara is down in the Psych ward downstairs and we are having lunch together. "

Jill Pritts Donovan nods, “We’ll then, welcome to the floor. If I stay in town longer I’ll stop by the bar.”

Amber Bronkhorst Alex holds up her hand after Jurt his answer about Untara. "My apologies Lord Jurt, i did not mean to offend. You are of courss right that matters and words like these are subject to perspective and the norm one grew up in." She had in the meantime taken out her sketchbook and pencils, her violincase next to her as Alex sits on the floor. She starts sketching and falls silent in concentration. Letting Donovan and Jurt talk. Alex does look up surprised for a moment when Donovan says he is concidering visiting Thin Whip's Place. But only after a moments look she turns back to drawing.

Michael James Watson Jurt smiles, "You'd be welcome. Trump me and If I am in house I'll save you the walk on the wild side to get there. Its in a rough district.." He looks down as the Pagolin rubs his ankle. Lowering his arm it climbs to his shoulder, "Sorry, this is Chet. He tells me I am being rude not mentioning him. He is the Primal Pangolin. He is one of a long line and is fairly fearful of his life, even as a Primal. You may not know, Ally, but primals can die. When they do a new example of their race becomes chosen. But the next one is weaker. The Serpent, the Unicorn, the Bear, the Tiger are all first examples so have massive powers. Morganstern is 7th or 8th in the Line of Horse. Powerful but not up to the Serpent. Chet is about 4000th of the line of Pangolin and that makes him weak, but no less cuddly and friendly. Once I came to Amber, on a lark, Chet convinced me he was safer here. So its one of the reasons I stayed. Another was the girls of Amber love a bad boy...."

Amber Bronkhorst While still sitting on the floor with her sketchbook in her lap she inclines her head to the pangolin and smiles “Pleasure to meet you Chet, the Primal. Would it be alright if I drew you as well? “ She then looks at Jurt for a moment in silence. Her breathing is slow and posture reserved, even if she is sitting on the floor legs crossed. Alex then does the up and down look over Jurt before she speaks. “Ah yes, a bad boy. With which you of course refer to your bad manners. As I have stated before what my name is. And even made it as convenient to present a shorter version of my name, four letters can’t be to hard to pronounce. Yet still you call me by a different name. I do not believe Ally was a name I had given as an option, no?” Alex looks down at her sketching book again and continues sketching. “I can not see the appeal in that bad boy image you hold to such high regard. With all due respect.”

Michael James Watson Jurt smiles, pulls a thin cigar and Chet touches his tail to the tip, making it light. Jurt draws and exhales a rich multicolored smoke, distinctive of fine Trasidean Urala tobacco. “Its not my bad boy image you are going to have a problem with, Ally. If only your mother can use Andy, it will have to be something. So Ally it is. You will find you have a problem expecting people to call you Alex now. While you were an Elite it never mattered. Zillions of people use Alex as a contraction. Alexander, Alexandra, Alexi, Alexox, the list goes on and on. While you were just an Elite the fact that zillions of people used the contraction didn't matter. Alex was just fine-then.” He puffs a cloud again, “But you are in the Bigs now. There is one Ben. One Flora. One Gerard. One Fort. One Lop. One Danas. And there is one person who uses the contraction Alex and when people in our company say Alex did this or Alex did that or Can you fucking believe Alex nearly ripped Borlak's head off and stole Shieldbreaker from him, they mean one person. You want people to mean you when they say Alex, you have to deal with him for the name.” He leans in, “And your mother knew it when she named you. She could have named you anything. Why do you think she never called you Alex? Affection? Why she tried getting people to call you Andy, or Ally, or Andra? Because she knows Alexandir kos Korag personally. She aimed you right at him.”

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra looking less pleased she shuts her book and stands up. All the while looking at Jurt. Her usual smile faded her face a bit harder. “Do not think you know any intentions of my mother. And fine Alexandra it is then. I do not need to be shouted at anymore with orders. So I suppose a contraction of my name is no longer in need. “ She looks Jurt over her stance straight and confident. “I will ask again, please do not call me Ally, I do not like it and will not react to such. “ After a short moment her smile reappears again as if nothing is the matter. “I see no reason why I would have a problem with you, or your… ‘bad boy’ image. We can all just get along right. Let’s just agree that we are all very different people.”

Michael James Watson "Just giving you some friendly advice, Andra. People don't call Flora Florimel, nor Fort Fortunadus. No one calls me as Jurtalaxdasax. Many of us don't refer to Benedict as Benedict except in his company, or if he has specifically granted us the right to use Ben. Pick a contraction you can live with or expect people to make appraisials about you based on your responses. Only heralds full name people all the time and that gets offputting. Its no skin off my nose if you force your new kin to stay at spear range from you. " Standing, he nods to Donovan. "Donovan, its a pleasure to meet you. Feel free to come to Thin Whips. It would be delightful if you could bring the Lady Alexandra Mira, Knight of the Elites, Champion of the CCC Archery, daughter of Prince Brand of Amber and Dame Fres Mira, Steward of Brightedge with you, if she isn't busy of course." He bows to Donovon, then bows to Alexandra and sweeps out of the room.

Jill Pritts Donovan nods, he is irritated with Jurt bating Alexandre but he knows to step in and defend her will make things worse. Part of being an Amberite is figuring out these pecking order battles. He gives Jurt a curt nod, smiles at the pangolin and sends a thought of hello to it. As they walk out he closes the door behind him. He turns to Alex and surveys her to see if she is ok. “You two have some history?”

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra looks at the door for a bit her shouldres clearly more tense then she was before. Her face in a harsh expression but nothing mean or scowling. Hearing Donovan she lets go of her breath in a long exhale and turns to him, a soft smile on her lips. "No, we do not have history. My name its just a thing and i do not even fully know why. Or why i let him bait me so. " She throws up her hands in a slight frustrated gesture. "It is all just so much. so many things to get used to and i wanted to keep at least some things the same but now i can't even hold on to my own name. " Alexandra looks down slightly ashamed of her unladylike outburst. "My apologies Donovan. I did not mean to dump this on you, or cause a scene in your chambers. It's all just so tense and i try to find my way."

Jill Pritts He blinks a bit as he try to follow things. He holds up his hands, " No need for apologies, a lot has happened the past few days. How's this, you are welcome to stay finish your drawing, get your head on for the conversation with whomever you need to talk to. I'm putting off a talk with Desri. We both go do what we are putting off and then if you want to, you can trump me later and we can get drunk?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra looks up and nods "Thank you, and thank you for understanding. " She puts her sketch book away and picks up her violincase again. "Yes i actually kind of ditched my father... errm i mean Prince Brand.. well he is my father.... " She waves a hand. "Ah well i guess i need to finish that talk with him. he must have had plenty of time getting used to his rooms again. " She takes a step closer to Donovan and takes his hand with a light touch. "Thank you for being so welcoming and kind to me. Was good to have a friendly welcome to the family. " She bows her head again and steps back. "If i don't have trumps when i want to contact you i will send a message. Or ask someone to trump you. " She winks with a big smile

Jill Pritts “Ok,” he says. “Good luck Alexandre.”

Amber Bronkhorst She walks to the door and bows her head. "Thank you again Donovan, you to good luck. "

Jill Pritts “Good afternoon, m’Lady, good luck,” he says with a courtly bow and a glint of amusement in his eyes.