A new Stag King is born

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Alexandra Dejana Mira
Seeing her approach she smiles a warm smile. Extending her own hand as well, thankfully besides shooting a bow, Alex also draws and plays music so there is some grace in her hands. None comparing to that of a Fae of course.
"Queen Titiana, it is an honor meeting you. I am surprised at your prompt arrival here. Gladly we would have done the effort.to go to you. "
With her free hand she gestures to Dimi and inteoduces "This is Dimitrius of Regor. He has come to me in a quest, fueled by a vision. He had to seek me out to find back his mind. Or memories. Been a long time since he has been plagued by this. The idea arose to recieve aid from the stone of Arden which falls under your protection."
Vek et al
Titaina steps back wideeyed. "By the one tree, by the root, by the glimmer of starlight..... What have you done?"

Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks wide eyed in return.
"Uhm.my apologies i do not know what you mean. What have i done? Is something wrong? "
Vek et al
The other elven royal steps up, her eyes wide. "Youve saved my son the trial." Titania step up as Dimtri falls to his knees. Tatiana leans in and whispers to Dimitri, who nods in agreement. She kisses his forheaf and Alex sees two tiny horn studs appear. Tatiana says,"Be it known, a stag king is born this morning" and...scene

Vek et al
Dimitri looks wildeyed... "What have you done to me Witch?" The owl slips from the beard, flutters over to rest and whisper to Titiana.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex holds up her shoulders to Dimitri and then tries to look as calmly and respectful to Titiana and her sister. In the calmest of voice she asks.
"Queen Titiana Lady Cyrene... i do not know what i have done. But it seems it has you both at the least shocked and it has an effect on my friend. Could i please be explained what has occured and what exactly it is that i have done here?"

Vek et al
Titiana walks off with the owl, clearly communicating with it. Cyrene says, "I an Duchess Cyrene of Arden. The Queen's sister. Stag Kings are a manifestation of Nature. Not just the natural world of Amber but all shadow. It is a point in time when the need for nature to be encouraged to be fertile. The natural forces reach out and choose someone to take the urge to be fertile and travel shadow. If they have no shadowwalking power it gives it to them.. They spend a year traveling across the lands." From behind comes a male voice, "The Pattern allows what you call Nature to bestow certain powers. I thought Donovan was the next Stag King?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks still somewhat confused. With a hand upon Dimitri his shoulder she smiles a warm and hopfully comforting smile.
"Duchess Cyrene, then why was Dimitrius chosen? And you and your sister said what have you done, and to be honest i have absolutely no clue what i've done wrong. I'm truly here to help Dimitrius with his mind. Not to become Stag King. " Alex looks io hearing the male voice... she then recalls oh right it was going to be Donovan...
Vek et al
King Random walks up to Cyrene, giving a nod to Alex, "Cyrene, I am afraid the Pattern is the one who bestowed the Stag King mantle on this person. It took over Titiana.. Pretty invasive of it but I could feel the manipulation right through the Jewel of Judgment. The pattern WANTED this regorian. Alex, is it really Dimitris Regor like Brand says?"?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex politly inclines her head seeing King Random. She had secretly hoped to have seen Duncan. But he won't show his face.
Hearing the explanation she nods.
"Yes King Random. This is Dimitrius of Regor. As Arlo must have explained he is on a quest as worthy seeker."
She then looks at Dimitrius with an apologetic smile. In a softer tone. "Well that explains a bit. The pattern decided for us all."
Vek et al
Cyrene says, "We have long known of Dimitrius Regor. He has a certian concordance in Regor to the fea in Arden. We were just surprised he showed up"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex kneels next to Dimitrius she lays a soft hand on his cheek. "You'll be fine there is a reason to all, and go about it day by day. You'll be fine." She then raises to her feet and and inkcines her head to Cyrene. "Good to know that he is not fully a stranger. To be fair i was also very surprised to have him at Castle of Arden looking for me. But i try and help him as i can."
She then turns to King Random.
"My apologies i did not know the Pattern would get involved, my choice of taking him as soon as incould into Arden. Especially since Clarrissa is in and around Amber. That might have brought some skewed looks."

Vek et al
Random chuckles, "Skewed looks? Like when the tzarina of Regor was running about breaking every dish in castle amber?:"

Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs
"Well that does sound like her. Hope Dame Margot didn't get to angry." She then looks between Random and Dimitrius and Cyrene. "King Random, i hope i can still help Dimitrius out, it feels wrong to leave him to his own while a vision send him directly to me. I do promise i will still fullfill my duty as second Warden. I can still.manage the work that it entails and the tasks for the Warden. As Duncan is still very busy "

Vek et al
He hurmphs, "Busy? Hes having drinking sessions with new dragon riders he keeps bringing in"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex face turns from her usual smile to a more stern look for only a fraction. Alex inhales clenches her hands to get frustration out. Then as if it never changed her gentle smile is back. "I see. He does what is best i trust. " Turning to Cyrene to get the conversation in a different direction "Duchess Cyrene. Would it still be possible for Dimitrius to see the Arden Stone. This because the primal owl thinks it might help him with findjng destiny, purpose and such. It might help his mind."
Vek et al
Cyrene says, "ITs almost certain he will see the stone. Probably attun to it too"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles and inclines her head once more "Thank you kindly Duchess Cyrene. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex is clearly a bit out of sorts fighting her feelings she just heard about Duncan. But that shouldn't be of importance.
She then turns to Random.once more "My King, is it known in Amber Dimitrius is here? As in could.it fall.upon the Tzarina her ears or can it be kept away from her? I understood from Arlo and Alexei that she might not be to pleased with him being near."

Vek et al
"She knows. Little gets past her. I sent Arlo to head her off in the Sea view gardens'
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Alright. Well is there anything i can do? To help make this situation perhaps go more smoothly, i do feel partially responsible. Though i feel i acted in the right way."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"I mean my actions still have consequencess i should carry. " She sighs deep.
"Ah and i might need to discuss some business with the Warden. " The last she says in a cooler and more stern voice then she usually uses even when talking work
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks over to where Titiana and the owl.are conversing. A vit curious what is said and if that owl.is still bad talking Alex...

Vek et al
Random says, "Sometimes you draw an ace, sometimes you draw a duce. You'll never know till you draw. Alex I am riding the biggest whale in the universe in my red gem. It has plans of its own and i only get to see a tiny fraction of them. But that fraction is vastly more then almost everyone else. I didn't see this coming so I don't see any reason you should have. We're good. I may have to slap Duncan around some myself. " Titiana walks back and the Owl flutters into Dimitri's beard. She says, "It will take about a year for the horns to grow. He will be symbolic of fertility and not personally engage in any of the fertility rights. Takes a lot of fun out of being Stag King but the forces of nature want Regor to have a Stag King for a time. Second Warden. If you will allow him to grow his horns while with the rangers, he will be ready to run in a year."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles a small smile at Random. She does like the King in his own wisdom. Inclining her head
"Thank you my King. Then i will do all i can to keep things running here in Arden wjth the Rangers." Hearing about Duncan she frowns. "Are you unhappy with something with the Rangers. I am sure i can pick up the slack where needed."
As Titiana returns Alex again respectfully inclines her head. Ao much royalty around. "Ofcourse Queen Titiana. The plan was besides the stone of Arden to have Dimitrius be among the Rangers, he has alot of knowledge and skill he could share and i am sure the Rangers can share their knowledge and skills. "
Looking at Dimi she smiles
"Ready to run. Is that something that will become clear when the time is there? Or do i need to keep track?"

Vek et al
Titania smiles, "When the antlers are fully grown it will be evident. We should go see the stone."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Alright good to know... thank you.
Yes seeing the stone would be great. I do hope it will help Dimitrius." She calls her dragons to her to keep them close. She looks to Random "Will you be joining us King Random? "

Vek et al
Random widens his eyes, "To see the stone? No.. I have enough High Order constructs bossing me around."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex inclines her head again. "That is very understandable. You must be an extremely busy man being bossed around... " She tries to smile as she made an attempt for lighthearted joke. But this one she feels herself... Smile fading.
Deep inhale and she straightens herself again... For a moment she does look unhappy and tired. But of course as the good "soldier" she is she tries to hide that away.

Alexandra Dejana Mira
Reminding herself to ask before they go. "Oh so i do have permission to have Dimitrius here without causing widescale political crisis, right?"
Vek et al
Random looks Dimitri over, "Your call, Warden. I'm off" Random turns and walks into a trump without opening one.

Alexandra Dejana Mira
She holds up her finger to correct him. "Second.... Warden... oh well yeah." Looking at Dimi and Queen Titiana. "We will follow you, Queen Titiana unless of course only Dimitrius should go. Then i'll wait here."

Vek et al
Ill find the arden stone image tomorrow After the excitement for Dimitri seeing the Arden Stone is something of a let down A green field in the trees, with a long stone about 2 meters by one meter. There are clearly many fea nearby but only a few elven priestess present. Several trolls for security. A number of pixies doing servent stuff, maintaining a drink and fruit table Alexandra Dejana Mira — 27-07-2022 07:52 Alex didn't know what to expect with the stone but seeing a litteral stone in a beautiful field a smile escapes her.
She looks at Dimi how he is doing and checks in with the owl in his beard. In a soft whisper. "Let's hope it will help Dimitrius" She then looks at Titiana and Cyrene for a que or guidance what Dimi should do. She stays at respectful distance from the stone and others Alex feels this is still of great importance to her new made friend.
Vek et al
Dimitri looks to titiana. "So do i mount it like a horse?". She laughs "No just touch it" He steps up and touches it. Looking back he shrugs. "So...that was it?" Cyrene say," you expected fireworks? "
He nods,"Sort of."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles and nods to Dimi. "Well there you go. To be fair i did not what to expect either. But since you already got horns growing out of your head i think anything next might be underwhelming. " She looks to Titiana and Cyrene inclining her head "Thank you, i do not know if it will help but it seems like the right action." She keeps of course her polite distance
Vek et al
Titiana say,"Well, Warden..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks between those present... then realizing they wait on her... "Oh... apologies." Stepping closer to the stone she lays her hand upon it.