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Why is this place important?

Why, because Abdamh! is here!

Oh, the historical significance… why does everyone worry so much about the past? No matter… it is the place where the wizard Azah-kai was killed. This very stone, see the burn mark? He was one of the most powerful wearers of the Starsoul Crown! With it, he lifted Castle Clibura to the sky and placed it in the Tymar Pass, stopping the Army of Varesh cold in its tracks!

But wouldn’t you rather hear about the time I ended up deflowered the daughter of the Grand Magistrate? It is certainly a much more invigorating tale than some ancient wizard raising up what actually turned out to just be a small keep…

Now where are my pants???

Abdahm!: Male Human Bard 5

Medium Humanoid(human);

HD 5d6+10; hp 32;

Init +1; Spd 30 ft/x4;

AC 17 (+5 armor, +1 shield, +1 dex), touch 11, flat-footed 16;

Base Atk/Grapple +3/+3;

Full Atk +4 One-handed (1d4;20/x2) Masterwork Spiked Gauntlet; +4 One-handed (1d8; 19-20/x2) Masterwork Longsword;+5 Masterwork Longbow (1d8; 20/x3) AL CN; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5;

Str 10 (0), Dex 13 (+1), Con 15 (+2), Int 18 (+4), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 20 (+5);;

Skills: Bluff¹ +13, Craft (Alchemy)+7, Decipher Script +9, Diplomacy¹ +16, Gather Information¹ +10, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (arch & eng) +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +5, Listen¹ +9, Perform (Oratory) +13, Sense Motive¹ +9, Skill Tricks +0, Spellcraft +11, Tumble +5, Use Magic Device +13;

Skill Tricks: False Theurgy; Timely Misdirection

Feats: Obscure Lore(CAd 111), Melodic Casting(CM 44), Song of the Heart(ECS 60); Brew Potion (Bonus Feat)

Racial Abilities:

× Base land speed of 30 feet.

× Bonus Feat: 1st level bonus feat

× Favored Class: Any

Class Abilities:

× You can cast bard spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance.

× Bardic Knowledge(Ex): You possess a special Knowledge skill for stray bits of trivia. This Knowledge check is 1d20+13

× Bardic Music: Performances can create varied magical effects 5 times per day.

× Countersong(Su): You can counter any sonic or language-dependent magical effect. Anyone within 30 feet can use your Perform check in place of their saving throw. You can maintain a countersong for 10 rounds.

× Fascinate(Sp): You can fascinate 2 creature(s) within 90 feet. If you beat their Will save with a Perform check (at +1 due to Song of the Heart), they will listen quietly for up to 5 round(s).

× Inspire Courage(Su): While singing; all allies who can hear you gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects; and a +2 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. The effect lasts as long as you sing plus 5 rounds.

× Inspire Competence(Su): You can help an ally succeed at a task. They get a +3 competence bonus to skill checks as long as they are able to see and hear you and are within 30 feet. This can be maintained for 2 minutes.

Spells: DC 15+ Spell Level

—— 0-Level Spells (Cantrips) ——

(3) Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic

—— 1st-Level Spells ——

(5)Feather Fall, Grease, Improvisation, Inspirational Boost

—— 2nd-Level Spells ——

(2)Curse of Impending Blades, Glitterdust, Mirror Image

Equipment: Handy Haversack, Bedroll, 1 tanglefoot bags, Mithral Chain Shirt+1, Masterwork Buckler, Cloak of Charisma+2, Lesser Rod of Sculpting, Brooch of Valor, Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness, 6 Sunrods, 100 feet silk rope, Everlasting Rations, Replenishing Waterskin, Antitoxin, Fancy Spiked Gauntlet, a Longsword that doesn’t actually see any use, Wand of Lesser Vigor (1st level caster, 46 charges), A Masterwork Bow and 30 Arrows, Various and Sundry Holy Symbols to Assauge The Clergy As Necessary, A Number of Fancy Outfits, a Small Selection of Gifts to Impress The Ladies, A Collection of Jaunty Hats, a Complete Lack of Decorum, an Excess of Pride and Vanity, Care for His Friends (and Not Many Others), A Disturbing Lack of Pants At Times, 150 gp


XP count: +1275