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BOD 4(6) AGI 6(8) REA 3(5) STR 5(7) WIL 3 INT 3 LOG 3 CHA 4 EDGE 2
Essence .55
Initiative 8+3d6
Health Track 10
Stun Track 10
- Mental 4
- Physical 9
- Social 4
Pos/Neg Qualities[edit]
- Ambidextrous
- Bilingual
- Fast Healer
- Guts
- SINner (National UCAS)
- Weak Immune System
- Automatics 6
- Blades (Swords) 6 (8)
- Throwing 4
- Gymnastics 3
- Stealth 4
- Survival 2
- Perception 2
- Pilot Ground 2
- Influence 2
Knowledge/Language Skills[edit]
- English N
- Pennsylvania Dutch N
- Mennonite Culture 3
- UCAS Military 3
- Goblin Rock 2
- Counter Insurgency Tactics 3
- Japanese 1
- Colonel Sutherland L3C4 - Former head of a UCAS special operations known as the Wild Cards, he arranged for the surviving members to get discharged without loosing their augmentations. He also provides paying work for his former soldiers.
- Crestwell L1C2 - A recruiter for the Ancients. Usually has current info on the streets, but it is never free.
- Alexi L2C2 - Smuggler, and gun runner, he sometimes has security work, and sells good guns and ammo.
- Bone Lacing Aluminum
- Muscle Replacement R2
- Cybereyes R2 (Flare Compensation, Low Light, Thermal, Smartlink)
- Cyberears (Dampner)
- Damage Compensator R4
- Orthoskin R3
- Reflex Recorder (Blades)
- Reflex Recorder (Automatics)
- Symbiotes R2
- Synaptic Booster R2
- 2 Katana
- 2 Combat Knives
- 20 Shuriken
- 2 P93 Praetor (Internal Smartlink, Gas Vent 3, Shock Pad)
- 6 Extra Clips
- Ares Crusader II
- 2 Extra Clips
- Concealable Holster
- M23 Assault Rifle
- 2 Extra Clips
- 10 Flash Bang Grenades
- 10 Frag Grenades
- 10 HE Grenades
- APDS Rounds 1000
- EX Rounds 2000
- Stick-N-Shock Rounds 2000
- Armored Jacket
- Chameleon Suit
- Fake SIN R4
- 2 Transys Avalon Commlink
- Medium Lifestyle 2 months
- Low Lifestyle (Safehouse) 1 month
- Ford Americar
- 350 NuYen