Admiral Gogol Ramirez

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Pathfinder Stats[edit]

Alignment : Lawful Neutral (With Good Tendancies)

Race : Human

Class : Fighter 8/Expert 2


   * Strength 14
   * Dexterity 13
   * Constitution 14 
   * Intelligence 18
   * Wisdom 16 
   * Charisma 17 

Personality Description[edit]

Fleet Admiral Gogol Ramirez is something that Amania desperately needs right now, a man who recognizes that they are in a fairly tenuous position. While Amania possesses the most army and technology in the world, they are crushed by the fact that they are running low of vital resources. They do not have enough gold, ore, or precious metals to make use of their advantages in knowledge. The many embargoes placed upon them by surrounding nations are enough to make the situation even worse.

Gogol's solution is that they should soften their belligerant stance towards religion and nobility. The Revolution fifty years ago killed all of their nobility and the rest of the surrounding nations are understandbly terrified. Gogol also believes that the populous itself is amibivalent about the Revolution thanks to their own miserable problems and the amount of waste that goes into monitoring the people for treasonous activities.

Fleet Admiral Ramirez would love to open peaceful trade relations with Winterweir and begin working on winning more resource heavy smaller nations to them peacefully. However, he believes honestly Winterweir is a nation that is interested in warmongering and doesn't necessarily trust them to bargain in good faith. The fact that they deny any involvement in the rampant piracy commited along their coast which justifies this war only reinforces this.


Fleet Admiral Gogol Ramirez is an older human man who was only a boy during the Revolution but grew up determined to help reform the Free Republic from the inside after the Reign of Terror. He's grown into a pleasant looking and distinguished man in his mid-fifties that still has many years of service left if he plays his cards right.

Oddly, he has a Scottish accent despite being Fantasy-Russian.


Ramirez is charismatic and a talented tactician. He would make an excellent leader of a nation as well as a militarny commander.

Fighting Abilities[edit]

A semi-decent fighter, Admiral Ramirez's real strengths lie in the fact that he's a tactical expert and commander.


Admiral Gogol is a recently selected choice of the Central Comittee of the Free Republic for the Free Council. The head of the Department of the Navy, Fleet Admiral Gogol Ramirez is not the head of the Amanian military but wields substantial military as well as political power. Many believe he is the natural choice to become People's Speaker when the current one (Speaker Judith A'Haydith) dies. Others would prefer to see the country burn to the ground first before they allow him to rise to such an exalted position.

Admiral Gogol is about as close as you get to being a liberal in the Amanian government. Only his prestigous war record and the fact that he keeps the true radical nature of some of his beliefs secret keeps him from being executed by the more radical elements of the government. His own troops love him, though, and would gladly fight a Civil War on his behalf. This is due to the fact that he usually brings victory and doesn't expend them like cannon fodder (a common practice thanks to the Amanian 'People's Comissars' that exist to shoot anyone who retreats or dissents).

Admiral Gogol does not know he's marked for death by SMERSH.

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown