Adventurer's Guild (Novos)

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The world of Novos plays host to what is known as the Adventurers Guild. This is an organization that is backed by most major kingdoms and handles all of the jobs listed by people for Adventurers to take on. To become an official Adventurer, a test must be taken. The test can be taken by an individual or as a party. Once passed, the successful individual or party will be given their Adventurer Seal(s), a magic mark that proves they are official Adventurers. You are then allowed to specialize and join one of the adventurer guilds that exist all over Novos.

There is a plethora of variety in the types of guilds that exist. Some are dedicated to treasure hunting, exotic beast hunting, bounty hunting. Some are even dedicated to the shadier facets of life, like thievery, murder, and backstage politicking. The Adventurers Guild itself is neither good nor evil, though, and once given, you keep the Adventurer Seal forever. It is up to you to decide what to do with it. There are perks that come with being an adventurer as well, such as reduced rates at inns, discounts in some stores, access to special or rare goods and services in most major cities, the ability to assist a governing body in an official capacity, such as assisting an investigation or doling out punishments as a judge, as well as diplomatic powers like being able to get an audience with most high ranking individuals. Finally, as you gain experience as an adventurer, you will increase in rank in the adventurers guild which allows you to take on more difficult quests and more specialized missions, thus earning greater rewards. The rankings are as follows.

  • E Your basic adventurer
  • D This adventurer is becoming a seasoned veteran
  • C This adventurer is a hardened veteran, survivor of countless missions and quests.
  • B This adventurer has seen and done things most people only dream about
  • A This is the highest normal rank an adventurer can achieve, they are routinely called on to slay the mightiest foes, explore the darkest depths and offer council to the wisest men.
  • S These adventurers are a rarity, even among the already rare members of the guild. their are the best of the best in their specialization, and their achievements will go down in history.
  • SS Only in times of great need is this rank given to an adventurer. The adventurer is allowed to call on any and all resources he requires from any nation to combat whatever threat he is faced with.