Adventures Along the Sword Coast: Kyra Äuriléth
Neutral Good Drow Outlander (outcast) Fey-Pact Warlock 2
4’7", 78lb
- Str 8 (-1)
- Dex 16 (+3)
- Con 14 (+2/+4)
- Int 12 (+1)
- Wis 10 (+0/+2)
- Cha 16 (+3/+5)
- AC 15 (studded leather)
- HP 17
- Spd 30
- Init +3
- HD 2d8
- Proficiency +2
- Light Crossbow: Ranged 80/320, Attack +5, Damage 1d8+3 Piercing
- Shortsword: Melee, Attack +5, Damage 1d6+3 Piercing
- Dagger: Melee or Ranged 20/60, Attack +5, Damage 1d4+3 Piercing
+2 Dex, +1 Cha, Spd 30’, Medium, Superior Darkvision 120', Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Sunlight Sensitivity, Drow Magic, Drow Weapon Training
Warlock 2[edit]
Proficiencies, Pact Magic, Otherworldly Patron (Archfey - Baba Yaga), Fey Presence, Invocations
- Spell attack +5, Spell Saving Throw DC 13
Beast Speech, Misty Visions
Dancing Lights©, Minor Illusion, Poison Spray
1st-level spells[edit]
2 slots per short rest
Faerie Fire©, Sleep, Charm Person
Wanderer, Proficiencies
- Personality traits: I love discovery and excitement. I harbour a secret trauma.
- Ideal: Freedom. Everyone should be free to pursue their best life.
- Bond: I cannot abide the suffering of children.
- Flaws: I have a short attention span. I am afraid of grumpy old women.
Resilient (Constitution)
Con saves, Wis saves, Cha saves, Simple Weapons, Rapiers, Short Swords, Hand Crossbows, Light Armor, Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Herbalism Kit, Athletics (+1), Arcana (+3), Perception (+2), Survival (+2), Deception (+5)
Studded leather; shortsword; dagger; wand arcane focus; light crossbow; bolts (20); bolt case; explorer's pack; herbalism kit; healer's kit; scroll case; inkpen; parchment (10); candle (10); iron pot; component pouch; herbs for crafting (5gp); Wand of Fear@
Goat ("Mister")
Trinket: A dead sprite inside a clear glass bottle ("He's [I]not[/I] dead - just sleeping!")
8sp, 8cp remaining
Diminutive even for an elf, Kyra is a small person with a big aura. She's dressed for action under her frayed traveller's robe and keeps her white-blue hair short. She usually looks like she's just emerged from a hedge, but she somehow makes it work. She's inquisitive and adventurous.
Born in one of the Drow enclaves not perverted into the all-consuming worship of the demon queen Lolth, Kyra is one of the Lorendrow, or Greenshadow Elves, who rejected Lolth and went south to form a city named Saekolath ("Place of Shade") in the teeming southern jungles. Kyra's own secretive enclave is further north, closer to the Sword Coast, but she barely remembers it. She was kidnapped as a child by the fell Archfey, Baba Yaga, and raised in one of her perilous domains. Turned out when barely an adult, Kyra's experience has marked her. She found herself on the Sword Coast, and her irrepressible nature bade her seek out like-minded friends. She hopes ultimately to travel to the icy North and seek out the secretive Aevendrow, or Starlight Elves, who also rejected Lolth and instead travelled north to form an enclave called Callidae, built of glittering ice. Perhaps there she will find a new home.
Her goat is called Mister and is a pack animal.