Adventures in the Distal Provinces:Dru Gothehki
Character: Dru Gothehki[edit]
Refresh: 2/3
High Concept: Wandering highborn Matan minstrel
- Invoke: To charm or inspire folks.
- Compel: He is often one of the "usual suspects" to get rounded up.
Trouble: Insufferably entitled.
- Invoke: Easily dazzled folk often give something for nothing.
- Compel: Irritating the crap out of everyone.
Phase One: Iron Flute reprimands the unrighteous.
- Invoke: Disguised weapon allows fast / surprise attacks.
- Compel: "That's a weapon, not a flute. Confiscate it!"
Phase Two: Matanese aristos are the true Imperials
- Invoke: Aids social, knowledge rolls regarding Empire & Imperial traditions.
- Compel: Despised by the real Imperials.
Phase Three: Scapegrace ingrate younger son.
- Invoke: Generous, charitable and open-handed.
- Compel: Financially unreliable and often broke.
Great (+4) Craft (Poetry)
Good (+3) Rapport, Fight
Fair (+2) Contacts, Athletics, Shoot
Average (+1) Will, Stealth, Notice, Resources
Physical O O O
Mental O O O
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _____________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Virtuoso (flautist/poetry) - You get a +2 to all Rapport rolls relating to that art.
Signature Strike (Iron Flute) - You have a specific attack which you have honed to devastating perfection. Describe it as an aspect. Once per conflict, as a free action, you can attach this aspect to an opponent as a boost.
Large Ham - You may use Rapport in place of Provoke to intimidate someone
Dru is the scapegrace younger son of one of the aristocratic families of Matan. He has all the sense of entitlement that comes with that background, but sees himself as an open-minded friend to all and citizen of the whole earth. He's set himself up as a chivalrous wandering poet, roaming all parts of the Provinces, righting wrongs, fighting duels, and having adventures. Naturally, this makes him intolerable in many situations, but his poetic talent is genuine and much sought-after. He uses it to pay his way as he wanders the land, getting into scrapes and disgracing the family name. Poetry in this age is definitely associated with music (think medieval European minstrels), and his signature weapons are his iron flute (which serves as a light mace/singlestick, and a blowgun), and his lute (handily lined with lead). He pretends to be indifferent to the factional tensions in the Provinces, and of course believes that the Principality of Matan is the genuine heir to Imperial grandeur, but in fact his loyalty hasn't been tested yet. He relies heavily on his schooling in the finest traditions of the Empire (and his contacts), but is too naturally anarchic to really fit into the regimented Empire of old - if only he knew. Things could get interesting if he's called on to pick a side...