Adventures in the Distal Provinces:Samandra
Samandra the Artificer[edit]
Samandra was "born" in one of the Empire's core provinces. The man she calls father referred to himself as an Arcanist; a scholar and explorer into the reaches of Arcane magic. Many of the things he studied and explored he was compelled to keep secret due to its resemblance to the works of the Unorthodox Wizards. Eventually, having a desire to start a family but recognising he would make a terrible partner, he turned to the arcane for an answer. His research was based on the creation of animated constructs, though his efforts extended to creating artificial living flesh.
She awoke for the first time in the Arcanist's tower, greeted by his warmest smile. She was his daughter, and his apprentice, given free run of his books on arcane lore and obscure mystical techniques.
Unfortunately, their isolation was threatened when another mage moved into the area and word reached the Arcanist of necromantic horrors being unleashed on the area. The Arcanist went to confront this mage, and never returned.
After a time, a group of wanderers found Samandra's tower, just ahead of remarkably late investigation by Imperial authorities. Those wanderers convinced her of the need to leave; she gathered as many tomes as she could into an enchanted bag and, for the first (and last) time, left the tower. Soon afterwards, she found some indicated of what had happened to the Arcanist; a group of mercenaries had gone to confront the other mage, and had simply killed everyone they found, including her father.
Discovering her very existence represented a potentially massive breach of both Imperial and Guild law, Samandra undertook the journey to the Distal Provinces. Arriving at a larger port town, she makes an income brewing alchemical potions and selling arcane trinkets, using the money to fund her investigations into the magics and practices of the provinces that have not made it to the heart of the Empire.
Refresh: 3
High Concept: The Artificial Artificer
- Invoke: Is an expert in arcane knowledge and capable of certain physical feats beyond normal human ability
- Compel: Her very existence is an insult to life itself and probably illegal under Imperial Law
Trouble: Unnaturally Unnerving
- Invoke: Can be very adept at intimidation
- Compel: People unconsciously find her off-putting
Phase One: Raised in a Tower Full of Books
- Invoke: Knows all of the things
- Compel: Doesn't have much experience living in populated areas
Phase Two: Knows a Thing or Two about the Hinterland
- Invoke:
- Compel:
Phase Three: TBD
- Invoke:
- Compel:
Great (+4) Arcana
Good (+3) Crafts, Lore
Fair (+2) Investigate, Notice, Physique
Average (+1) Athletics, Provoke, Stealth, Will
Physical O O O
Mental O O O
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _____________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Library in a Bag: You don’t ever have to spend a fate point to declare that you have the proper tools for research using Lore, even in extreme situations ("Walking Library" Stunt from the Fate Core wiki)
Hand Enchanted Blades: Use Crafts instead of Fight for Swords when using weapons you have created yourself ("Personalised Weaponry Engineering" Stunt from the Fate Core wiki)
To Be Determined:
First Phase: Artificially created daughter of an Arcanist
Second Phase: To Be Defined
Third Phase: To Be Defined
Delayed Boost Crystals More Important than they Seemed to be invoked at any time