After The Storm:FIREHAND
Str: 7
End: 13
Agi: 15
Int: 10
Cool: 15
Carrying Capacity: 30/60
Base HTH: d3
Saves: Str 9, End 11, Agi 11, Int 10, Cool 11
Initiative: d6+6
Hits: 8
Healing Rate: 1.6
Power: 41
Att: (+0)
PD: 1
MD: 0
Move: 10
IP: 5
Weight: 240 lbs.
Mass: d6
Background: Engineering / technology (electrical engineer) - Sport (martial arts: boxing and jujutsu)
Core Abilities:
Physical Fire Attack (2 damage, continuous, carried) 10 CP
Fire Blast 2d4, 20" 5 CP
Invulnerability (heat) 10 CP
Adaptation (high temperatures) 5
Light Control (flash) 10 (one target only -5) = 5
Light Control (glow) 5 (3 feet) (increased PR (3/hour) -5) = 0
Heightened Initiative 5
Speed 10 (44 mph)
Wall Crawling
Flame Aura 5 (1d6)
Flight 5 (11 mph (5))
GEAR (4) Mask: -5 gear, Adaptation (resistant to gas and drowning - Asphyxiation / Drowning) 1.5 IP (30 min air supply) + basic low-light vision 2.5
GEAR (1) -5, Light Armor: -5 gear, -10 light partial 15.5 (11) (5/0/3/0)
0 IP Left
Dependent (sister) -5 CP BACK TO MAIN PAGE