Against the Black Lotus:Loresheets:Mountains Shadow

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Mountain's Shadow was a small village at the base of a sheer cliff. A trick of the mountains surrounding the town meant that it would often get a period of extended twilight during the day, getting lit up again when the sun passed between the peaks. The great waterfall, Winterspear Falls, and the magnificence of the cliff made for it a popular pilgrimage for those in the Wulin.

Mountain's Shadow, a place for them to rest before and after assaulting the cliffs, has always found great affection and favor in the practitioners of the Martial Arts. It's not unusual for children born in Mountain's Shadow to become fighters themselves, traveling with the warriors who arrive to test themselves.

0+ Status

4 Fortune: You've seen the masters come through the town and been taught some of their secrets. Your character will never Fear a specific Kung Fu style. (Can only be bought once per player)

2+ Fortune: You can have a pre-existing relationship (of varying intensity according to how much Destiny was paid for it) with a member of the Wulin who has made a pilgrimage to Mountain's Shadow. (Paying the cost either means that the NPC has made the pilgrimage or creates a new NPC.

0 Technique: You get a one-time -2 Destiny discount when purchasing a secondary External style.