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Str 10 (+0)

Con 16 (+3)

Dex 14 (+2)

Int 19 (+4)

Wis 22 (+6)

Cha 10 (+0)

Defenses and Whatever[edit]

HP 89

Surges (Value) 10 val 13

AC 26

Fort 22

Ref 22

Wil 25


Background: Born under a Bad Sign

Race: Hamadryad (+2 Diplomacy/Dungeoneering, Low-Light Vision, speak Common, Elven, Fey Origin, Forest Walk, Chitinous Vitality, Tree Mind (+2 Racial bonus to Saves against effects that Daze, Dominate, or Stun)

Class: Shaman (Elemental Spirit: Spirit Boon: Summon Spirit as free action, allies get +2 to Saves while adjacent to spirit.)

Theme: Ooze Master (Roll Dungeoneering twice and pick best; Acid Resistance 10, and when you hit a creature with an acid attack, it grants Combat Advantage until the end of your next turn.)

Paragon Path: Phrenic Master (Spiteful Retaliation: When an enemy attacks your spirit companion and causes it to disappear, that enemy is Dazed until the end of your next turn. Enervating Action: When you spend an action point to make an attack, any enemy takes a -2 penalty to Saving Throws against any effect of the attack. In addition, enemies hit by the attack grant Combat Advantage until the end of your next turn.)


Improved Defenses, Spirit of Vigor, Last Legion Officer (Allies who are enabled to spend a healing surge can also Shift 1 square or gain a +2 to AC and Reflex until the start of their next turn), Elemental Spirit Adept (When your spirit companion disappears as the result of one of your Shaman attack powers, you and your allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against any enemy that was adjacent to the spirit, until the end of your next turn.), Nimble Spirit (You may use Call Spirit Companion as a Free Action during your turn), Spirit Step (Ally can shift when you use a power that makes your Spirit disappear), Disciplined Talent (Can use Psion implements, gain at-will and skill training), Totem Expertise

=Skills= Arcana +15, Nature +17, Perception +17, Insight +19, Dungeoneering +17


Call Spirit Companion (At-Will, Conjuration, Primal, Minor Action, Close Burst 20. Effect: You conjure your spirit companion in the burst. It moves when you do, and blocks enemies but not allies. If it takes 12 damage from a single attack, it disappears, and you take 7 damage.)

Spirit's Wrath (At-Will, Implement, Primal, Spirit, Opportunity Action, Melee Spirit 1. Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to your Spirit Companion without shifting. Target: That enemy. Attack: +9 vs. Reflex. Hit: 1d6+6 damage, and the target grants CA until the end of your next turn.)

Spirit Infusion (At-Will, Primal, Spirit, Standard Action, Melee Spirit 1. Target: One ally. Effect: Your spirit companion disappears, and the target can make a basic attack with a +2 power bonus to the attack roll and a +5 power bonus to damage.)

Stalker's Strike (At-Will, Implement, Primal, Spirit, Standard Action, Melee Spirit 1. Target: One creature. Attack: +Wis vs. Fort. If the target is bloodied, you get a +2 to hit. Hit: 1d10+wis damage, and until the end of your next turn, your spirit companion can Flank with you and your allies.)

Foxfire [Scorching Sands] (Encounter, Fire, Implement, Primal, Spirit, Standard Action, Melee Spirit 1. Target: one creature. Attack: +wis vs. Ref. Hit: 1d8+wis Fire damage, the target gains Vulnerable 5 Fire until the end of your next turn, and you and each ally adjacent to your Spirit Companion can choose to deal Fire damage until the end of your next turn. This Fire damage replaces and attack's normal damage types. Effect: Your Spirit Companion disappears.)

Healing Spirit (Encounter (Twice), Healing, Primal, Minor Action, Close Burst 5, Target: You or one ally in burst. Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. If they do, one ally adjacent to the spirit companion other than the target regains 1d6 hp.)

Speak with Spirits (Encounter, Primal, Minor Action, Personal. Effect: During this turn, you gain a +5 to your next skill check.)

Sudden Slime (Encounter, Acid, Arcane, Evocation, Implement, Minor Action, Area Burst 1 within 10 squares, creatures in burst. +wis vs. Fortitude. Hit: wis Acid damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.)

Hamadryad Aspects (Encounter, Personal, Minor Action, Effect: Choose one when it is used. * Spellbinding Beauty: Every enemy that can see you grants CA to you until the end of your next turn. *Chitinous Form: You gain Resist 5 all damage until the end of your next turn.)

Spirit of the Healing Flood (Daily, Healing, Implement, Primal, Standard Action, Close Burst 5, Enemies in burst. Attack: +wis vs. Fort. Hit: 1d8+wis damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally in the burst gain Regeneration 2 while bloodied. As a minor action, a character can end this effect on themselves to regain 10 HP.)

Mushroom Shroud [Condensation] (Daily, Healing, Primal, Spirit, Minor Action, Melee Spirit 5, One ally. Effect: Your spirit companion disappears. The target gains Resist 10 Fire and Regeneration 4 until the end of the encounter or until you use Call Spirit Companion.)

Chitin Armor [Granite Armor] (Encounter, Implement, Primal, Spirit, Standard Action, Melee Spirit 1. Primary target: 1 ally. Effect: Your spirit companion disappears, and the primary target gains Resist 6 all damage until the end of your next turn. Make an attack that is a Close Burst 1 centered on the primary target. Secondary targets: Enemies in burst. Attack: +wis+2 vs AC. Hit: 2d6+wis damage.)

Sudden Spore Cloud [Shrieking Wind Spirits] (Daily, Implement, Primal, Spirit, Zone, Standard Action, Close Burst Spirit 2. Primary Target: Each enemy in burst. Primary Attack: +wis vs. Fortitude. Hit: 2d6+wis damage, and you slide the target 2 squares, and they are Dazed (Save ends.) Effect: Your Spirit Companion disappears. The burst creates a Zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. While the zone persists, you can make the following secondary attack. Opportunity action: Trigger: An enemy ends its turn within the Zone. +9 vs. Fortitude. Hit: Slide the target 3 squares. Sustain minor: The zone persists.)

Celerity Jelly (Encounter, Arcane, Zone, Minor Action, Close Burst 2. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain for your enemies. When you or an ally starts their turn in the zone, that character can move from one square in the zone to another as a free action.)

Blood-Red Mist (Encounter, Implement, Primal, Spirit, Standard Action, Melee Spirit 1, 1 Creature, Attack: Wis vs Reflex. Hit: 2d8+Wis damage. Until the end of your next turn, enemies take -2 to all defenses while adjacent to your spirit companion.)

Ancient Warlord's Inspiration (Daily, Conjuration, Implement, Primal, Standard Action, Range 5, Target: 1 Creature, Attack: Wis vs Reflex. Hit: 1d10+Wis damage. Effect: You conjure a spirit in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target. The spirit lasts until the end of the encounter. If an ally starts their turn adjacent to the spirit or in its space, as an immediate reaction you can allow that ally to make a basic attack as a free action. As a move action, you can move the spirit 5 squares.)

Twilight's Veil (Encounter, Primal, Minor Action, Close Burst 1, Target: You and each ally in burst. Effect: Each target becomes invisible until they attack or until the end of your next turn.)

Intellect Pummel (Encounter, Charm, Implement, Primal, Psionic, Psychic, Standard Action, Close Blast 5, Creatures in blast, Attack: Wis vs Will. Hit: 2d6+Wis Psychic damage, and the target is Dazed until the end of your next turn. Effect: you slide the target up to 2 squars. Special: You can use your Spirit Companion's Square as the origin for this attack.)

Dimensional Scramble (Encounter, Implement, Psionic, Teleportation, Standard Action, Area Burst 1 within 10, Creatures in burst, Int vs Fort. Hit: 1d6+Int damage, and you teleport the target to a square outside the burst.)

=Equipment= L12 Shipboard Armor +3 (+3 to Saves vs Forced movement; on a Save, you don't fall Prone), L9 Orb of the Peerless Artist +2 (+2 to Insight checks, Encounter: When making a Psi Area attack, you can exclude up to 6 squares), L9 Totem of the Severed Eye +2, L9 Medic's Amulet +2 (+2 to Heal checks; When you use a Healing power or a Heal check on an ally, they make a saving throw against an ongoing damage effect), Lv 9 Elven Chain Shirt, L6 Savage Mask (+2 Will vs Close/Area), L6 Breaching Gauntlets, L3 Scent of Gold gift, L4 Speak with Animals gift, L5 Speak with Sentinels gift