Air Spasa[edit]
Primary Racial Home: [edit]
- Elemental plane of Air.
- Vaesalana. From the Kolbashic for howling place.
Race General Appearance[edit]
Racial Rarity: Common[edit]
Be the Air:
Purify Air
Shape Air & Alter Air
Air-Based Attacks.
- Up to 300 mph, based on Psyche.
- 120 mph will knock a person down.
- 160 will uproot trees or knock over wood buildings
Transport water as a gas.
- These are professions the race is known for.
Bound Powers[edit]
Bound powers can be bargained for or forced.
Races Beneficial to the race[edit]
Known Spasa of Air[edit]
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Air Spasa[edit]
Primary Racial Home: [edit]
- Elemental plane of Air.
- Vaesalana. From the Kolbashic for howling place.
Race General Appearance[edit]
Racial Rarity: Common[edit]
Be the Air:
Purify Air
Shape Air & Alter Air
Air-Based Attacks.
- Up to 300 mph, based on Psyche.
- 120 mph will knock a person down.
- 160 will uproot trees or knock over wood buildings
Transport water as a gas.
- These are professions the race is known for.
Bound Powers[edit]
Bound powers can be bargained for or forced.
Races Beneficial to the race[edit]
Known Spasa of Air[edit]
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- These are professions the race is known for.
Bound Powers[edit]
Bound powers can be bargained for or forced.
Races Beneficial to the race[edit]
Known Spasa of Air[edit]
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