Alex Patrick

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Name: Alex Patrick 27 Race: Human Height 5’ 8” lithe build with dark blonde hair with lighter blonde streaks and hazel eyes. Attractive in the traditional Aussie suntanned and healty looking way

Attributes [80] ST 10 DX 12 [40] IQ 12 [40] HT 10

HP 10 Will 12 Per 12 FP 10

Basic Lift 20 Damage 1d-2/1d

Basic Speed 5.5 Basic Move 5

Ground Move 5 Water Move 1

Social Background TL: 8 [0] Cultural Familiarities: Languages:

Advantages [9] Appearance (Attractive) [4] Fitness Athlete (1) [5]

Disadvantages [-25] Obsession ((Will)) (Short-Term Goal) (12 or less) [-5] Obsession (mother) (Short-Term Goal) (12 or less) [-5] Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10] Post-Combat Shakes (12 or less) [-5]

Quirks [-5] Believes carrying rowan berries wards off spells [-1] Believes iron is deadly to the Fae [-1] Believes that wearing a piece of clothing inside out confers true seeing [-1] Believes throwing salt over one's left shoulder averts disaster [-1] Will not wear green [-1]

Skills [61] Acrobatics DX/H - DX+2 14 [8] includes: +1 from 'Fitness Athlete' Animal Handling (equines) IQ/A - IQ+0 12 [2] Bicycling DX/E - DX+1 13 [1] includes: +1 from 'Fitness Athlete' Bow DX/A - DX+2 14 [8] Broadsword DX/A - DX+2 14 [8] Climbing DX/A - DX+1 13 [2] includes: +1 from 'Fitness Athlete' Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ+0 12 [2] First Aid/TL8 (Human) IQ/E - IQ+3 15 [8] Hiking HT/A - HT+1 11 [2] includes: +1 from 'Fitness Athlete' Karate DX/H - DX+1 13 [8] Knife DX/E - DX+0 12 [1] Naturalist (Earth) IQ/H - IQ-2 10 [1] Navigation/TL8 (Land) IQ/A - IQ-1 11 [1] Riding (Equines) DX/A - DX+0 12 [1] includes: +1 from 'Fitness Athlete' Sex Appeal (Human) HT/A - HT+0 10 [1] includes: +1 from 'Appearance' Shield (Shield) DX/E - DX+0 12 [1] Stealth DX/A - DX-1 11 [1] Survival (Woodlands) Per/A - Per-1 11 [1] Swimming HT/E - HT+3 13 [4] includes: +1 from 'Fitness Athlete'

Stats [80] Ads [9] Disads [-25] Quirks [-5] Skills [61] = Total [120]

Hand Weapons 1 Broadsword LC:4 $500 Wgt:3 swing Dam:1d+1 cut Reach:1 Parry:0 ST:10 Skill:Sword!, Broadsword, DX-5 1 Large Knife LC:4 $40 Wgt:1 swing Dam:1d-2 cut Reach:C,1 Parry:-1 ST:6 Skill:Sword!, Knife, DX-4 1 Small Knife (Swiss Army) LC:4 $30 Wgt:.5 swing Dam:1d-3 cut Reach:C,1 Parry:-1 ST:5 Skill:Sword!, Knife, DX-4 1 Small Shield LC:4 $40 Wgt:8 Dam:1d-2 cr Reach:1 Parry:No ST: Skill X-4, Shield-2, Shield (Shield) Notes:[2,3,4]

Ranged Weapons 1 Composite Bow LC:4 Dam:1d+1 imp Acc:3 Range:200 / 250 RoF:1 Shots:1(2) ST:10† Bulk:-7 Rcl: $900 Wgt:4 Notes:[3] 1 Large Knife LC:4 Dam:1d-2 imp Acc:0 Range:8 / 15 RoF:1 Shots:T(1) ST:6 Bulk:-2 Rcl: $40 Wgt:1 1 Small Knife (Swiss Army) LC:4 Dam:1d-3 imp Acc:0 Range:5 / 10 RoF:1 Shots:T(1) ST:5 Bulk:-1 Rcl: $30 Wgt:.5

Armor & Possessions 20 Arrow $40 Wgt:1 Location: 1 Backpack, Frame $100 Wgt:10 Location: 1 Camping grill, lightweight $25 Wgt:10 Location: 2 Canteen $20 Wgt:2 Location: 1 Cigarette Lighter $10 Wgt:0 Location: 1 Complete Wardrobe $1200 Wgt:20 Location: 2 Flashlight, Heavy (windup) $80 Wgt:2 Location: 1 Gambeson $50 Wgt:2 Location:arms, groin, left arm, right arm, torso 1 Honey $2 Wgt:.5 Location: 100 Jewelry $1000 Wgt:5 Location: 1 Mail Hauberk $230 Wgt:25 Location:torso, groin 1 Matches $1.5 Wgt:0 Location: 1 Oats $2 Wgt:1 Location: 1 Quiver $20 Wgt:2 Location: 1 Sleeping Bag $25 Wgt:7 Location: 6 Tallow Candle $30 Wgt:6 Location: 1 Tea, loose leaf $1 Wgt:.25 Location: 1 Tent, 1-Man $50 Wgt:5 Location: 1 Water bag, 20l $15 Wgt:1 Location: Flint and steel Salt 250g resealable bag.

Extra arrows quiver and flint and steel requested.

I'm thinking Alex Patrick, who has always been into fantasy and science fiction joined the SCA and then moved on to a metal weapons group as well doing jujitsu for fitness. Went into the Public Service and became a drone escaping into fantasy books and historical re-enactments as much as possible.

A year ago she was involved in a hostage drama at the local bank, she sought psychiatric counselling because she started having real trouble going out of the house.

The psychiatrist started her talking and thinking about things and even tried a regression. Apparently the recent traumatic experience had only lifted the lid on a whole can of worms. Alex had apparently been witness to abusive behaviour by her mother's boyfriend. Her mother had then disappeared after calling Alex's father to pick her up.

The regression had Alex remembering the attacks and then her mother's boyfriend ringing her father and in her mother's voice telling her father to come round. Then he told her mother if she didn't come he'd take the brat as well.

When Alex's father arrived Alex was seated in front of the TV and her mother has never been seen since. That was 15years ago, when Alex was 12.

The psychiatrist tried to help Alex and to a certain extent did. Alex has quit her job and taken a settlement from the bank since there was a question of negligence raised about their security practices. The money is invested; it should be safe until she can bring her mother back.

There's just one thing that Alex never told the psychiatrist. The boyfriend had pointed ears and pupils like a cat.