All Roads/Nebuchadnezzar's Interrogation

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Olemba leads you away to what appears to be some kind of medical treatment room. Though it doesn't look any more sterile than the rest of the place it smells of antiseptic, and mundane medical equipment is scattered about the place.
Olemba: "Sit." He gestures to a low bed in one corner, as he moves to pull up a chair.
Nebuchadnezzar sits on the bed, trying not to lean his back on anything
Olemba: "Please, take off your jacket." He doesn't seem to be preparing any instruments.
Nebuchadnezzar takes the jacket off, slowly
Olemba: Gingerly manoeuvring you to turn a little so he can get a better look he rubs his hands together before mumbling something.
Olemba: Magic ignites when he touches your back, and instead of pain you only feel relief as the pellets are pushed out and the wounds knit themselves closed.
Olemba: When he is done he sits back and looks at you with a fairly neutral expression.
Olemba: "Chasing a Scelestus is dangerous business." He finally speaks, "It is a rare person who has the courage or the drive to do so."
Olemba: "How did you know him?"
Nebuchadnezzar: "I didn't." Nebuchadnezzar says flatly. "The other two took an interest. I was present to keep them from getting in over their heads. The Abyss nor its adherents hold any interest to me."
Olemba: He nods a little. "And how did they come to know him?"
Nebuchadnezzar shrugs, "They took an interest in him after the incident at the Brewer's Hall. I don't suppose either of them 'know' him, at least any more than you or I do."
Olemba: "They acted independently of you to find him?"
Nebuchadnezzar: "I kept an eye on them, Isis is technically my responsibility."
Olemba: "How did they find the man in question?"
Nebuchadnezzar: "They scryed him while he was asleep. I believe."
Olemba pauses for a moment, as if appraising you. He then leans forward again, "Did you realise at the time that you were interfering with an ongoing investigation?"
Nebuchadnezzar: "Technically, at that time I," and Nebuchadnezzar stresses the letter. "wasn't. But they weren't going to leave it up to you and I have a responsibility not to let them get themselves killed."
Olemba: He nods somewhat. "You are fortunate that there were no major repercussions."
Nebuchadnezzar ignores the comment.
Olemba: "I have no doubt that the Guardians will be furious." He folds his hands in his lap before adding, "Though I suppose we should be grateful the threat is dealt with. It is a poor state of affairs indeed when a lone cabal accomplishes what a whole order cannot."
Nebuchadnezzar: "Let them be." Nebuchadnezzar says with a shrug. "Was there anything else Sentinel?"
Olemba: "How did you gain spatial sympathy to the individual in question?"
Nebuchadnezzar: "Research on the target, I think, and building off what was garnered at the Brewer's hall. Hell how do you think I got this." Nebuchadnezzar holds up his acid scarred left hand. "All very elementary stuff. Surprised no one else tried it."
Olemba: "We did." He frowns. "I am surprised that you seemed to find results. Our own attempts were not so fruitful."
Nebuchadnezzar: "The Acanthus was helping the Mastigos, blame luck."
Olemba: After a moment he rolls his shoulders in a shrug. "That should be all for now. Your cabal mates may be questioned a little longer, I recommend you wait for them at your sanctum."