All Roads/Session 17

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ST: "Ah. Well, I hope I didn't make you feel obliged." [Latimer] doesn't sound too remorseful. He pauses before he continues, "The reason I asked you here tonight is because you're a well-established cabal that provides the city with a valuable service."

ST: "You also saved a lot of people at that Guardian debacle, if I hear correctly." He looks at Neb when he says that, "I respect that. I want to hear what your feelings are on current events."

Nebuchadnezzar: stares at Latimer blankly, though he does rub his scarred hand at mention of the issue in the brewers hall. "I don't really follow current events, has something else happened then? Since the Brewer's hall?"

Isis: "Many are afraid, and some let their fear affect their decisions more than would be wise. I think that's exactly what the Scelestus wants. We shouldn't let him do that."

ST: Albedo returns with your drinks fairly quickly, making two trips to carry it all before sitting down herself. Latimer nods to her in thanks.

ST: "That's a very prudent view indeed." He smirks a little at Isis, perhaps seeming somewhat impressed.

Isis: "Thank you," Isis says brightly as Albedo brings the drinks.

ST: "I do not doubt there is a greater plot at hand, the Scelesti arn't normally known for random acts of terror."

ST: "Which is why I feel we need to be firm in our convictions and actions concerning this."

ST: "We hold a tenuous position, a city perhaps entirely free of the influences of our enemies. We can't afford to lose our footing." He pauses to take a sip of his pint.

ST: "If I may be so bold as to ask, what are your feelings on the upcoming election?"

Isis: "There are more than just one of them then," Isis inquires as Latimer uses 'Scelestus' in the plural, curious and concerned.

Nebuchadnezzar: "The Election?" Neb raises an eyebrow. "It doesn't really interest me." He sips his drink.

kenan: keeps sipping his stout. "To be honest, I'm not really following the politics. What are your thoughts on the matter?"

ST: Latimer furrows his brow a little, though his expression remains cordial. "I see.. Why is that? As order members you stand to be directly affected by the outcome."

Isis: "It would be nice to finally find out what becomes of it," Isis adds. "Every Order but the the Silver Ladder has voted among themselves already, from what I hear."

Isis: Her tone is curiosity mixed with impatience at the mention of the Silver Ladder.

kenan: "as long as I can keep doing my work and no-one tries blasting me with fireballs, I don't think I'm going to be affected by the vote going one way or another" - Kenan shrugs

ST: "Hmh. A fair enough view, I suppose." His tone doesn't give much away, though it's fairly evident that he doesn't agree with you. "Though, you may want to consider who is most qualified for keeping those fireballs off the streets." He smirked a bit again at that.

Nebuchadnezzar: "What does matter to us? I don't care who is Heirarch and you winning the vote does not make you Heirophant." Nebuchadnezzar shrugs, "How this city as run doesn't matter to me, only my projects do."

Isis: "If we have to deal with more manifestations and other attacks, that will take time away from our own projects, though," Isis points out.

ST: Latimer is as cool as always but for a second after Neb speaks Albedo glares, mortified, before catching herself.

Isis: "And Sleepers are also being harmed, and they can't do anything about it themselves even if they wanted."

ST: "Politics is a necessary evil, Nebuchadnezzar. Believe me, if there was another way I would most certainly do without it." He speaks, after taking another drink.

ST: "But this city is in trouble. There may be those who are content to look out for themselves, but some of us have a duty to see us through."

Nebuchadnezzar: shrugs obviously not agreeing, but not interrupting either

Isis: From the way she speaks it's pretty clear who Isis voted for.

ST: "The last thing I want is for this election to cause a rift between our respective orders. I just want to make it clear that should I win you will recieve as much support as you need from the concilium."

ST: "I don't care which way you voted, if you voted. There will be no bad blood. Understood?"

Isis: nods, slightly puzzled at the implication that there might be

Nebuchadnezzar: "That is very kind of you." Neb says with a disinterested shrug. "I suspect their will be a but at the end of that though..."

ST: "No buts. The Mysterium have held their post for two centuries. Being one of the more powerful cabals in the city I wanted to meet you personally, to make sure you knew that we hold no animosity towards you."

ST: "I had perhaps hoped to ask a favor, but considering your somewhat 'neutral' position politically it is not something I think you would be interested in."

kenan: "please don't get me wrong, it's just that i don't think i know enough to make an informed decision here" Kenan looks a little awkward "no-one's even bothered to explain to me what exactly the candidates intend to do, should they get elected"

Isis: Isis certainly seems interested, but looking to her cabalmates doesn't say anything immediatel.y

ST: "Oh? By all means, if you have the time then I can at least tell you what we have planned."

kenan: "sure, I would like that"

Isis: Isis nods happily. Listening to what he has in mind can't hurt, can it? Even if Neb possibly won't be interested.

Virgil: sips his coffee, happy enough for his Cabalmates to show interest. He scans the room, while paying polite if lax attention to Latimer

ST: "First and foremost our concern is the security of the city. As I said, we are in a rare situation and there is much we can lose. We would direct resources towards strict policing on the street-level. The sentinels do the best they can, though they are stretched to their limit."

ST: "We would set up a mandatory system of registration for non-native mages as they enter the city, so we know who is in residence and why."

Isis: "Syntagma barely has time to sleep between all the duties," Isis nods, her expression sympathetic

ST: "Additionally the Arrows would share the sensitive work of the Guardians of the Veil to a degree. Your own order seems content to leave such matters to them, but I believe we need more transparent handling of these things."

kenan: "how do you propose to increase the level of street policing? my impression was that pretty much all who are capable of doing this are already out in the streets"

ST: "Finally we propose to collaborate with the rest of the concilium to modernise the constitution, to prevent actions such as the Silver Ladder seem to be taking currently."

ST: "We have a number of plans to increase the frequency of patrols. A mentoring system and a more attractive reward scheme would help to boost sentinel recruitment numbers."

ST: "Being a sentinel can at times be a full-time job in itself. By offering compensation we can offset the lost time in employment, and such."

kenan: "but... that essentially amounts to putting a large number of 'green' mages to the task, I'm not sure if it would be a good idea, especially if they were to actually encounter serious trouble. Even if there was a more experienced mage around"

kenan: "they would perhaps be more likely to spot trouble, but also more likely to succumb to whatever it was they were searching for"

kenan: "as for registering newcomers, I would be willing to support that, but only as a temporary measure"

ST: "Everyone must begin somewhere. Recruiting new members is the only way we can ease the burden the Sentinels face. They will recieve martial and mental training, of course."

Nebuchadnezzar: "It would likely also massively increase the number of Mages in the Arrow. As many would be attracted by such... martial policies and many newly awakened mages would be mentored into the order." Neb says. "That is likely to prove unpopular..."

ST: "Perhaps it may increase our numbers, but all that would mean is that there are more awakened souls prepared to protect our city."

ST: "Do not misunderstand me, I do not intend to use my position to further the interests of the Arrows."

Isis: sits by quietly. She may have chosen the Mysterium over the Arrow, but that doesn't mean rejecting the other. And what Latimer says makes sense, doesn't it? Right now there are too many other things for her to do to take a job like that, but maybe at some later time?

Isis: Assuming the crisis lasts so long that it will still be necessary then, that is.

kenan: "Interesting. I guess it might be necessary to do what you're proposing. I will have to consider this" - Kenan is noncommittal

Nebuchadnezzar: is still scanning the room. Latimer's policies not particularly interesting.

ST: He nods a little then checks his watch.

ST: "Well gentlemen, and lady, it has been a pleasure speaking to you but I am afraid I must dash."

ST: His drink is still half full as he stands to leave, his companions doing likewise.

kenan: nods as Latimer leaves, lost in thought

ST: "By all means feel free to get in touch if you need to speak to me about anything."

Isis: "It was nice talking to you," Isis says and means it. She is only a little disappointed not to find out what Latimer was going to possibly ask of them.

ST: With that he nods then leaves, the other two trailing behind.

kenan: (after they're out of sight) "what do you think, Neb?"

Nebuchadnezzar: looks up from whatever it was he was thinking over. "About what?"

kenan: "well, his ideas. they didn't strike me as particularly helpful. To some extent, sure, but nothing amazing"

Nebuchadnezzar: "They are the same ideas of any politician. Benefit themselves while appearing to address the existing issues." He yawns, " Nothing of interest."

Nebuchadnezzar: "He sort of reminds me of an early Blair... and I don't mean that as a compliment."

Isis: Isis frowns. "You think he's /lying/?"

kenan: "not really. but I think he's just saying what he thinks we want to hear. he'll probably act on it, since much of it is in his best interest anyway, but that's that. Or perhaps he's just trying to convince us that what he wants to do *anyway* will be the best for everyone, not just him and his friends" Kenan shrugs

Isis: The idea disturbs her. Latimer may not be a Mystagogue and thus bound to truth by philosophy, but he's still a hero of the Adamantine Arrow who prize honor. Someone like that wouldn't lie, would he?

kenan: "maybe I'm being too harsh, I don't know"

Nebuchadnezzar: nods in agreement with Kenan.

Isis: "I've heard only good things ..." Isis' expression suddenly shifts to a wry smile. "But we should never value things learned over experiencing the truth. So maybe we'll find out for sure."

Isis: Maybe then they'll be less suspicious of him.

Isis: That is, if he does get elected.

Isis: empties her glass of water water, determined to honor hospitality even if the host has already left

kenan: Kenan sips down his beer and gets ready to leave