All Roads/Session 19

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ST: Isabelle looks past the two of you for a moment, at Kenan and around the room. "What are you doing here? No-one comes in here."

Isis: "We are looking for Lucy and her uncle," Isis explains. "We were hoping to find something to lead us to them here."

Isis: "I know it's hard for you to remember ... If you want to help us with that, I might be able to help with that, just a little."

Isis: *help with remembering

ST: "She's gone. They're both gone." She frowns, as if it's a great effort to recall, "Something happened here. Then the fire."

ST: "What do you mean? How can you help?"

Isis: "Yes," Isis nods. "They left, but we're hoping we can find them if they're still somewhere in the world."

Isis: "I can swim between thought and memory," Isis says casually. "What is the word normal people use ... yes, 'psychic'. I might be able to help a little if you will let me."

Isis: "That's why we can see you, too. Most other people can't, as you know."

ST: She shakes her head a bit, not understanding. "What do you mean? I don't.." She looks at Neb then, "What's she going to do?"

Nebuchadnezzar: shrugs, "Nothing painful" he looks at Isis for confirmation that that is true.

Nebuchadnezzar: "If you feel at any time we need to stop... I will stop her."

Isis: shakes her head. "Not painful at all! I would enter your mind and see if I can help you fit the pieces of memory to one another. Like a puzzle that is jumbled up but can be put back together."

ST: She doesn't say anything for a moment but then just nods a bit, "Okay." Her expression tells you she still doesn't understand. "I just want to wake up."

Isis: Isis looks upon the ghost with pity. She may be able to give her a little more clarity, but what she really needs is a Disciple of Death. "I will do what I can," she says quietly, "but I can't promise something like that."

Isis: From a pocket of her blue winter jacket she brings out a clever contraption of metal, a blacksmith's puzzle. "Watch this for a moment," she says, easily flipping it from one configuration to the next with one hand.

Isis: The moment stretches into a minute, then two.

Nebuchadnezzar: takes a moment to glance around the room again.

Isis: There's a continual pressure against the others' Unseen Senses as Isis casts her spell over and over.

Isis: Finally Isis breathes deeply and her eyes focus on the material (and ephemeral) world again.

Isis: "Is ... is that a little better?"

ST: By now Isabelle's eyes are wide and her arms are crossed tightly across her stomach.

ST: "I-" She breathes, then suddenly begins to sob, overwhelmed.

ST: "What did you do?" She chokes. Despite her sudden outburst her eyes are much clearer than they were before.

Isis: "A little more clarity to your memory, a little less fog in your mind," Isis says quietly, struck by the effect her intervention had on the poor ghost.

Isis: For a moment she looks uncertain, caught between compassion and doubt, then she closes her eyes for a moment and strains her pattern with one more spell. With the Touch of the Grave upon her she tries to comfort the sobbing woman with a hug.

ST: For a long moment she doesn't say anything, head bowed a little and eyes looking here and there as she seems to process all of the information her mind suddenly has access to again. When Isis hugs her it seems to snap her back to reality and she suddenly returns the gesture with deep sincerity.

ST: "Thank you." She hiccups.

ST: Her eyes then look up to Neb. "Th-thank you. Really."

ST: "I thought I was lost here."

ST: "I- I don't know what I thought."

Isis: "You're welcome," Isis says simply and modestly. "It's only for a time, though ... I'm not strong enough to make it otherwise." She looks pained at that admission. To lose the clarity once more, she wouldn't wish that on anyone if she can help it.

Nebuchadnezzar: "Let us hope we can sort out whatever was keeping you here. Allow you to move on." Neb says

ST: Both Isis and Neb's words sober her a little and she nods, finally letting go of Isis.

ST: "What- Is there anything I can do for you? For helping me."

Isis: lets go as well. "You have already helped us." She smiles slightly. "You remember Lucy's last name now, don't you? With that we might be able to find her uncle."

Isis: She looks to Neb briefly. "Anchors to this world, you mean? Fetters?"

Nebuchadnezzar: nods

ST: She nods. "Garrenier. His name was Jean. Her uncle, I mean."

Isis: nods, though she already knows. "Thank you, Isabelle. Knowing this might help many people."

Isis: In response to Nebuchadnezzar's nod Isis makes a Mysterium hand gesture implying that he as the Dadukos (and also the one interested in that particular resolution) should take the lead.

Nebuchadnezzar: inwardly groans

Nebuchadnezzar: "Do you have any idea what might be holding you here?" Nebuchadnezzar asks quietly.

Nebuchadnezzar: He looks around quickly, "Or something you feel left undone"

ST: She thinks for a bit, "I don't know? I don't understand how all this works."

ST: "Have you done this before? What was it for others?"

Nebuchadnezzar: "Not successfully. They are normally not very lucid." He says sadly

Isis: "Someone I knew once said that he stayed to help do what he couldn't do in life," Isis says in a quiet voice, her eyes distant.

Nebuchadnezzar: thinks for a moment, "Before... when you had lost yourself lost..." her purposefully doesn't say exactly what had occured, "You wanted to go home. To see your mere."

ST: She nods. "Yeah. I- I left without even telling her where I was going." She begins to sniffle a little again. "Does she even know I'm..?"

Nebuchadnezzar: "I have no idea. However, if you give us the address I think we can manage to get you there." Neb turns to Isis, cold now, as normal. "How long will her current condition last?"

Isis: Isis returns to the present with a slight shake of her head. "What? Oh, the glyph of remembrance. Two hours or so, though I can reinforce it again for a short time if necessary."

Isis: "And wasn't it thirty six, avenue du Marechal Joffre, 60500 Chantilly Isis unconsciously mimics Isabelle's speech pattern as she repeats the address."

Isis: *"And wasn't it thirty six, avenue du Marechal Joffre, 60500 Chantilly," Isis unconsciously mimics Isabelle's speech pattern as she repeats the address.

Nebuchadnezzar: gazes over to the shade, waiting for her to show some agreement. "If that is correct, what would you prefer, us to summon you there or would you prefer to stay with us?"

ST: She nods. "That's home, yes. I'll come with you if that's okay. I don't like it here. It's too cold."

Nebuchadnezzar: "Can you leave the place alright or do you require assistance?" Nebuchadnezzar says calmly

ST: "I don't know. I've tried before, but I've never found my way out."

Nebuchadnezzar: "Well then the best way would be to carry you, in an object." Neb opens his briefcase. "What do I have in here that could work...

ST: She shuffles a bit, perhaps nervous.

Nebuchadnezzar: pulls out a hip flask. Shakes it slightly, hearing a slosh. He opens it and downs the small remaining amount of cognac in there. "Ashame really, I was saving that." He murmers before casting the spell.

Nebuchadnezzar: turns as Isabelle slips into the flask. "Are you ok in there?" he asks before turning to Kenan. "Are you ok to finish the ritual on your own for a while Kenan. I have something to do."

ST: There isn't any response, the metal though has grown exceptionally cold in your hand.

Nebuchadnezzar: "Shall we catch a cab then?" Neb says strolling towards the door.

Kenan: "don't forget the coffee. and snacks!" - there's a hint of desperation in Kenan's voice

Isis: "Okay," Isis says brightly. "See you later, Kenan!"

Nebuchadnezzar: "Maybe a portal then a cab... it is a little far to drive." Comes from the hallway as they leave

Isis: "Ah," Isis pauses briefly. "How do you know?"

Nebuchadnezzar: "I recall visiting there once... a lifetime ago." His voice goes the flat tone it goes when he bothers to speak of the past at all

Isis: "It's ok, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Isis says, her tone understanding (though she probably doesn't).

Isis: She mentally goes over what she knows and does find one of the memories she saw in Isabelle's mind that corresponds to their destination. "Alright, one portal to Isabelle's home coming up!"

Isis: "Well, in a bit, that is ..."

Isis: ... three and a half hours later Isis is slightly hoarse from the chanting, but the portal opens for a brief moment to allow her and Nebuchadnezzar through.

ST: Stepping through your feet find soft grass and you are hit by a damp, blustery wind.

ST: Both of you stand in a fairly-sized garden. Droplets patter down from the tree leaves above, and a hedge lines the edges of the property which shield you from view of the other houses around.

Isis: Isis closes her eyes for a minute, breathing deeply. This many portals in one day - and she is only halfway done! - is hard work.

ST: Isabelle's house is a very short distance ahead. A nicely sized two-story place in beige. There is no movement inside, but you can make out light further in.

Isis: "There up ahead," Isis points it out to Neb.

Nebuchadnezzar: walks along the street, stopping outside. Removing the bottle he release the spell binding Isablee inside

Isis: Simultaneously Isis lays the Glyph of Remembrance on Isabelle once more.

Nebuchadnezzar: Quietly he says "Is this place." Trying to look like he is speaking with Isis, in case they are noticed.

ST: Isabelle takes form, hazy and indistinct. "This.. Yes! This is it!" She gasps suddenly.

ST: Then in a flash she's off, right up to the front door and through it.

Isis: Isis makes a gesture with one hand, bringing up her Angle Vision to follow Isabelle with her eyes.

Nebuchadnezzar: waits, a sad look at the house and then back at Isis. "If she needs more help she will tell us."

Isis: nods, remaining where she is and smiling at Isabelle's enthusiasm.

Nebuchadnezzar: "Paris," says turning to face the city, "Why does the city always make me crave cigerettes."

Isis: "I don't know," Isis answers seriously. "Maybe a temenotic association? That's if it is the same for other people as well ..."

ST: Isis sees Isabelle bolt through the house, heading straight for a room down the hallway where light spills from under the door.

ST: She passes through and at once she stands stock still. A TV stands against the wall opposite the door and on a sofa just ahead, with her back to the ghost, sits a lone figure.

ST: "Mum?" She speaks, but it seems to go unheard.

Nebuchadnezzar: "That was a rhetorical question Isis." Neb says quietly "I already know the answer." He pulls out the silver cigerette case from his pocket, opening it.

ST: After a moment, though, the TV flickers. Static fogs the image and you notice that the windows begin to fog with condensation.

ST: "Mum." She repeats, and this time the figure jumps with a start. A late-to-middle aged woman, gaunt and grey beyond her years, turns to look at Isabelle with wide eyes.

Isis: "People do that a ..." Isis drifts off, all her attention caught up in the events inside.

ST: Immediately she begins to cry, sheer disbelief a mask over sudden, conflicting emotions. "Izzy!" She barely gets her footing as she scrambles to stand up.

Isis: With her Third Eye still open she follows the interactions of ephemeral powers with the material world as much as the events enabled by them.

ST: The two embrace, Isabelle herself barely able to retain her own composure. "You're so cold! You- you stupid girl!"

ST: "It's okay, mum. I'm okay." She whimpers, returning the embrace just as strongly.

ST: "I can't stay. I- I need to go somewhere."

Nebuchadnezzar: Looking at the lights on the horizon, Nebuchadnezzar takes a cigerett out of the case. Shutting it with one hand, not lingering over the engraved dedication. His other hand fumbles in his pocket for his lighter.

Nebuchadnezzar: He is purposefully not looking at the house or the events therein

ST: Her mother pulls back, "What do you mean? Where have you been?!" Incredibly relief is mixed with anger in her voice, though it is barely able to come out between her sobs.

ST: "I just wanted you to know I'm okay." Isabelle smiles, then gently brushes her mother's arms away. "I love you."

ST: With that she begins to fade, and all too soon the woman is left standing alone with the sounds of the TV chattering in the background.

What Isis did inside Isabelle's mind[edit]

ST: Her mind is incredibly disorganised and erratic as you jump into it.

ST: Memories don't seem to bear connections to one another, or threads of time and causality.

ST: Everything's just a jumble with no mental relation to one another.

ST: Which makes it extremely difficult to realise sequence and piece together continuous events.

ST: Some are buried, and others are damaged such that they are barely recollections at all. 'Blank space' memories fill a large amount of the gaps, seemingly endless copies of Isabelle wandering alone; created when her terrible short-term memory suddenly loses all sense of time and begins a new 'recording' cycle.

Isis: Isis quietly casts the spell over and over as each instance's duration runs out, slowly accumulating a better understanding.

ST: Though you recognise them as individual memories in their own right they seem to string together infinitely to Isabelle.

ST: Despite the problems, however, you find what you are looking for eventually.

ST: They're still difficult to decipher, but in one memory you see Isabelle watching Lucy, who sits looking terribly bored as she tries to read a book.

ST: The young girl seems unaware of the ghost watching her.

ST: There are a number like this, and in each Lucy does not acknowledge Isabelle in any way.

ST: One sticks out against those, it's Lucy screaming as she stands over her own body, Isabelle trying to comfort her but crying streams of tears herself.

ST: The scene is as your saw it in the end of your vision; Jean heaving against the wall, Lucy's body nearby.

ST: The last memory you dig up pertaining to either of them is Isabelle and Lucy standing in the apartment's bedroom, before it has been burnt.

ST: Alastair is busy picking over the place, though looks intensely nervous. He doesn't notice the two of them watching. Lucy looks furious, her face twisted in rage far worse than a girl her age should be capable of.

ST: Isabelle is pleading, but the words don't seem to be remembered in the memory. Alastair's breath begins to fog and suddenly the window cracks, causing him to jump. He looks around quickly before making some arcane gesture, his eyes becoming milk-white and deadened. He then looks right at the two.

ST: The memory cuts there.

ST: Amidst the jumble you manage to find Lucy's full name. Lucia Garennier.

Isis: After starting out with her most pressing questions Isis roams farther, trying to assemble a more general picture of Isabelle.

Isis: As Isis makes connections between memories and identifies the contours of the puzzle so to speak she begins to trace lines between them in notional space.

Isis: Connections of silvery light like the threads of a spider's web, or when seen from a distance an enormously complex Atlantean rune.

Isis: It's not much, and maybe Isabelle would feel better not remembering more than she does ... but knowing is always better than not knowing. And this is after all almost all she can do for the poor ghost.

ST: From the collection you get you manage to piece together an overall image of her and her life.

ST: A middle-class child she grew up in a good home and as she got older she was a fairly average student in school. In her teenage years she startted to act out, and her relationship with her parents soured.

ST: She went to university as soon as she could, and there she met a guy who she eventually dropped out to live with. From there it went downhill, drugs and alcohol taking over her life.