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An Allip is what is left after a person has been driven insane and commits suicide. Its undead life is spent relentlessly going after others, looking to add to the ranks of the insane. The Allip is an undead construct.

PL 4 (60PP); Init +6; 30ft (Run); Defense 13/11 (1 Base, 2 Dex); BAB +2; +4 Melee, +4 Ranged; SV Dmg +3, Fort -, Ref +2, Will +1; Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16; Hardness 3 (Total 44PP)

Skills: Hide 1/+3, Intimidate 1/+4, Listen 1/+2, Spot 1/+2 (Total 4PP)

Feats: Improved Initiative (Total 2PP)


  • Incorporeal +2 (Source: Mystical; Extras: Ghost Touch, Flight; Flaw: Permanent) (Cost 3 / Total 6PP)
  • Drain +2 (Source: Mystical; Flaw: One Attribute [Wisdom]) (Cost 1 / Total 2PP)
  • Mind Control +2 (Source: Mystical; Extra: Area Effect; Flaw: Range down to Normal, Permanent) (Cost 1 / Total 2PP)