Almun FaShazzad:Act1

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The Beginning[edit]

It has been perhaps a month since my first meeting with the Kestrel. I knew from the start we would be fast friends. Though he comes from lands so distant and strange, he shares a certain kindred spirit in his outlook of the world. Do the whipping winds of the North breed a freedom of spirit akin to the fiery heart of the South? Perhaps any place where the land is willing to express its will so passionately hearkens the same from its people... But, now is not the time for philosophy.

The Kestrel has brought a great deal of change in his wake, a sign I take as most auspicious. Our strikes on the Guild have been particularly fruitful with another such capable hand. My dreams have been more frequent as of late also, yet thankfully more pleasant than in the past. I can only the Sun continues to shine so brightly on our pursuits.

Speaking of pursuits, news has reached me of another "anathema" escaping from the lap and headed east. If so, that puts him in our direction. No doubt this one will be seeking friends in the face of such enemies. If such is the case, then friends he shall have in abundance! The Kestrel and I leave and sundown to meet our hopeful ally.

This shall be a great performance.

Our sources turned out correct in this matter. At the Chasm of Seven Sighs, we found our quarry, a "Zenith" known as Oath-Graven Diamond, taking a stand against the Wyld Hunt. I was almost sad to interrupt the scene; a chance for such a daring display should be appreciated. Still, I think overall our interference was well-accepted. Kestrel decided to enter the fray with a blast of fire to the fire terrestial, an audacious tactic I still find most amusing. Swordplay, acrobatics, death-defying technique... a show worthy of song! Perhaps the retreating soldiers shall share it with their companions. I do hope so.

For now, though, we are safe. I hope to find more of our new companion soon.