Almun FaShazzad:Act5

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Being a Good Friend[edit]

During the discussion of our upcoming plans, Diamond presented me with a flattering offer; to portray him in a romantic interlude with the Realm Ambassador, Cynis Viara. What a glorious challenge! Here, I must not only uphold the charade of his personage through this meeting with one with whom he had already created a rapport, while lacking their indigenous tongue, and modifying his behavior sufficiently to accomplish our ends. It would have been impossible to refuse.

Viara is what I expected of a Realm-lander. I could tell in just our earliest instances that the fire of her spirit had been doused by the blandness of her people, yet the few glimmering embers hungered for the brilliance of true life. This no doubt accounts for a great deal of the Realmlings' senseless debauchery. In a place with the joys of a vibrant life have been snatched away, people seek out growingly degrading activities in hopes of a moment of adventure. This is the same yoke of vapid existence that the Guild and Realm threaten to bring to the lands of Fire. So long as I draw breath, they shall fail.

But, now is a time for storytelling, not proselytizing.

I wonder if the hunger for a life of meaning is what drew Viara to bargaining with Yozis. Etiher way, the night brought a number of enlightening events. The news from Viara, combined with the information from Kestrel and Diamond points strongly at infernal presence within the city, and in particular in the slave market. This is definitely something to investigate. Also, the incoming caravan of slaves may be just the thing we need to get our numbers started. The Djala are known for their agility, and no doubt many will be looking for gainful employment in the time upcoming.