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"If you are going to tell people the truth, you'd better make them laugh. Otherwise they'll kill you." —George Bernard Shaw

Alwyn Galain
FULL NAME: Alwyn Galain Tweuor'den

QUOTE: "Fear doesn't work."

RACE: Half Elf

BORN: 574

HOMETOWN: Moonwatch, a Stonegate village

EDUCATION/CAREER: Self-educated in the sciences, planar lore, and magic.

RELATIVES/CONNECTIONS: Gall Galain and Serene Tweuor'den, estranged parents

CITIZENSHIP STATUS: Stonegate citizen

GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Former apprentice to the Planar Lord of Nightmare

KNOWN POWERS/ABILITIES: Both celestial and earth magic

Origin (Character History up to First Event)

Six is subdued and rescued by Lightning Bug.

Alwyn the Adventurer

The Mydian Valley

Alwyn the Planar Power

Basic Personality Profile