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Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Ranger Human CN ?
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
4 Medium 22 Female
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
5' 4" 9st Almost Black Black

STR 14 +2
DEX 15 +2
CON 10 +0
INT 10 +0
WSD 13 +1
CHA 12 +1
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
24 0 9
TOTAL dex other SPEED
2 2 0 0
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
16 10 4 0 2 0 0 0 0

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
+6 +4 +2 0 0
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+6 +4 +2 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT 5 4 0 1 0
REFL 4 1 2 1 0
WILL 3 1 1 1 0


Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
Longsword +1 +8 1d8+3 19-20/x2 - - M S/P
Shortsword +6 1d6+2 19-20/x2 - - S S/P
Longsword +1/Shortsword +6/+4 1d8+3/1d6+1 19-20/x2 - - - -
Light Crossbow +6 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft M P


Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
Studded Leather +1 Light +4 0 +5 30ft

Feats & Special Abilities[edit]

Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Fighting Style: Two Weapons Bonus Ranger Feat: Only applicable when wearing light or no armour. Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. See the Two-Weapon Fighting special attack.
Languages Common
Endurance Bonus Ranger Feat: You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage, Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, Constitution checks made to hold your breath, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. Also, you may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Stealthy +2 to all Hide and Move Silently checks
Weapon Focus: Longsword You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Favoured Enemy: Humanoid (Human) At 1st level, a ranger may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Ranger Favored Enemies. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger’s bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Skill Focus: Gather Info You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving this skill.
Urban Ranger Variant Urban Ranger Variant
Urban Tracking You can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities.

To find the trail of an individual or to follow it for 1 hour requires a Gather Information check. You must make another Gather Information check every hour of the search, as well as each time the trail becomes difficult to follow, such as when it moves to a different area of town.
The DC of the check, and the number of checks required to track down your quarry, depends on the community size and the conditions:
If you fail a Gather Information check, you can retry after 1 hour of questioning. The game master should roll the number of checks required secretly, so that the player doesn't know exactly how long the task will require.


Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Bluff Cha +3 +1 +2
Climb Str +2 +2 +0
Concentration Con +3 +0 +3
Diplomacy Cha +3 +1 +2
Disguise Cha +3 +1 +2
Gather Information Cha +12 +1 +6 +5s
Hide Dex +9 +2 +5 +2
Intimidate Cha/Str +1/+2 +1/+2 +0
Jump Str +2 +2
Knowledge (local) Int +5 +0 +3 +2s
Listen Wis +5 +1 +4
Move Silently Dex +9 +2 +5 +2
Search Int +4 +0 +4
Sense Motive Wis +4 +1 +3
Spot Wis +6 +1 +5
Survival Wis +6 +1 +5
Swim Str +2 +2 +0

Note: s = includes synergy bonus. Also gets +2 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival when dealing with humans.

Spell List[edit]

Name Level Ready? Count Cast Time Range Save Description/Effect
Message 1 yes Standard 100+10/lvl No You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies with little chance of being overheard. You point your finger at each creature you want to receive the message. When you whisper, the whispered message is audible to all targeted creatures within range. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal (or a thin sheet of lead), or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks the spell. The message does not have to travel in a straight line. It can circumvent a barrier if there is an open path between you and the subject, and the path’s entire length lies within the spell’s range. The creatures that receive the message can whisper a reply that you hear. The spell transmits sound, not meaning. It doesn’t transcend language barriers.

Note: To speak a message, you must mouth the words and whisper, possibly allowing observers the opportunity to read your lips.


Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Mundane Gear A few changes of clothes, disguise/makeup kit, one week's worth of Rations, Flask, Beer Mug, Torch, Backpack, Bedroll, Candle, Case (for map or scroll), Chalk, Flint and steel, a tin of grease, Sacks x3, Soap, Tent, Waterskins x2, Whetstone, Rope
Crossbow Bolts Quiver Quantity: 10
Cloak of Resistance +1 Worn +1 to all saving throws
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Belt Quantity: 2
Heals 2d8+3 hit points of damage
Potion of Invisibility Belt Casts invisibility on user




Current Next Level
6000 10000


Jet-black hair worn short, dark eyes that suggest many secrets that will never be told and pale skin that suggests very little time has been spent out of doors. Medium build and average height, Amadre moves with the grace of a breeze. She takes nearly everyone by surprise as her strength and intelligence are shrouded by her delicate features.

While charming when the occasion calls for it, Amadre is a likeable sort of person. She is considered fairly attractive; other women envy her and men seek to impress her with their bravado.


A woman in conflict, beautiful yet unwilling to let that carry her to a comfortable station. Strong and agile, yet she lusts not for the fight, the fame nor the coin to be had from such pursuits.

Amadre faces each day and each situation as the whim carries her. Her allegiance lies with her interests, which are as convoluted and varied as her actions. What motivates her? The thrill of the hunt? The lure of the chase? No one really knows as she seems to turn on the wind and change with the weather. She speaks little of her family and her training, leaving much to the imagination. It is clear that she is able to defend herself but how she came to be this way is anyone's guess. She is unwilling to accept a loss and carries herself a bit too confidently. She is quick to smile (or smirk) and seems to care little for consequence. Attractive? Oh, yes. Dangerous? Very much so. She takes what she wants and volunteers less than nothing.


Growing up as a daughter of a famous huntsman was not terribly interesting. The traditional supporting role that her mother filled left Amadre yearning for more. Cleaning skins, smoking meat and tending to traps were not enough for this young woman. What she truly wished to do was accompany her father on the hunt and leave her siblings behind to tend to the chores. There was more than enough work to do and, Amadre felt, it would be more equitable to share the less adventuresome duties.

That is not to suggest that her father *never* took her on the hunt. She stepped in to help whenever her older siblings were injured or ill. They had a knack for contracting some of the strangest conditions, like when her eldest brother tripped and injured himself on a tree root that seemed to have appeared overnight. Her other brother was laid up for nearly a fortnight when he mistakenly consumed a plant that he previously thought safe. Even her sister managed to miss a few hunts due to misplaced equipment. Amadre was always at the ready, willing to help and prove herself the diligent scout that she dreamt that she could be.

Still, the time between hunts grew seemingly longer and the list of chores never completely occupied Amadre's attention. She feigned an interest in a merchant’s son and used the excuse to slip away from the house at every opportunity. She often found herself wandering towards the cobbled streets and busy market. As her mother grew older it became easier for Amadre to excuse herself for hours. It was then that sneaking through alleys and alcoves proved even more alluring than wandering between vegetable stalls. She learned to move quickly and quietly, seeking the dark shadows that grew as the sun set for the day. She tended to mask her features, mostly out of fear that someone would recognize her and tell her parents that she was skulking about instead of performing her household errands.

It was not long before she found a way to make coin for herself. Most were reluctant to have a woman sneaking about on their behalf, but it proved the perfect guise more often than not. The people she worked for were typically interested in keeping their own identities secret as well, which generated an atmosphere of mutual propriety and courtesy. Her reputation was made by being thorough, expedient and attentive to details. There were a few tasks that she shunned at first. Some requests involved questionable motives and a few were simply brutal, but time away from the simplicity of nature eventually hardened her view of the world. No one being was ever completely innocent and few would be considered completely guilty. The rational beast was more compelling and elusive than nearly anything she could hunt in the woods.

Like an unslaked thirst, Amadre needed to find bigger, more fertile hunting ground. Word of her exploits traveled quickly and Amadre knew it would only be a matter of matching the facts to a few coincidences. She had the benefit of her gender, as most would not believe for one reason or another that a woman could be capable of such exploits. A new city would provide a fresh load of opportunities and a new sense freedom. She knew that she could hone her talents and find her true calling way from familiar sights and people.

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