Amanuel Nemarium
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Amanuel Nemarian, Pavian Knight. Description: A large muscular man of Akeh stock, appears to be in his fifties or sixties. Big grey scraggly beard, grey dreadlocks. STR 19 (+4 / 2) DEX 18 (+3 / 3) CON 16 (+2 / 5) INT 10 (0 / 11) WIS 16 (+2 / 5) CHA 8 (-1 / 13) Hardiness 12 Evasion 14 Spirit 13 Fact 1: Born in an Ancalian fishing village. Fact 2: Ancalian Knight of the Pavian order. Fact 3: Hunted by a demonic host. AC: 0 Attacks: +5, 1d12+3 (huge sword) Fray die: 1d8 HP: 10/10 Effort: 3/3 Influence: 2/2 Words: - Endurance: Set Constitution to 16. - Body of Iron Will (Constant) Natural AC is 3. Impervious to natural environmental damage. - Passion: Set Wisdom to 16. - Heart of the Lion (Constant) Invincible defense against fear and unwanted emotion-affecting effects. Commit effort as an instant action to share this with allies within 100m. - Terrifying Mien (Action) Commit Effort for the scene. All opponents who can see you must make a Morale Check. Lesser foes are at -2 for this. Those who fail must flee or surrender if unable. - Might: Set Strength to 19 (+4 modifier). May lift or break anything that's humanly possible to handle. - Fists of Black Iron (Constant) One-handed weapons do d10 damage. Two-handed weapons or unarmed attacks made with both hands free do 1d12 damage. These attacks count as magical weapons. - Stronger Than You (Constant) Automatically win any opposed Strength checks against creatures that don't have this Gift. If they have it, roll normally. - Effort of the Word (Constant) +1 Effort.