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Objects and Manifestations[edit]

Common spells are not included.

BROKEN PATTERN - Defective image of the Pattern of Amber in the first 9 veils of Shadow around Amber. B.P. can be used for initiation of anyone, provided the person manages to walk through the crack in the B.P. without touching the lines. The power B.P. gives carries the crack that is a permanent danger to the initiate.

BLACK ROAD - A stretch of Chaos across the normal shadow. The Great B.R. of the Patternfall war was enabled by the crack of the primary Pattern and connected Amber to the Courts of Chaos. B.R. can be destroyed by the image of the Pattern. B.R. produces a lethal effect on all normal beings while the Chaos creatures can utilize it for fast shadow traveling.

BLOOD CURSE - Also known as Death Curse. One of the most powerfull spells available to initiates of the Pattern, B.C. surprisingly does not require any special training. During the height of physical suffering, usually before death, a Prince of Amber can lay this spell on any being. Although the effect of the B.C. is usually indirect it is practically impossible to overcome.

BOOK OF THE SERPENT - full: Book of the Serpent Hung upon the Tree of Matter. The Holly Book of the Ways of the Serpent.

BOOK OF THE UNICORN - The Holly Book of the Church of Unicorn. Parts of it are allegedly written by the Unicorn herself.

CIRCLE OF LORRAINE - also, Black Circle. The manifestation of the Black Road in Lorraine.

FAIELLA-BIONIN - The stairwell to Rebma. F.-B. allows air-breathing creatues tto enter Rebma unharmed.

FOUNT OF POWER - The fountain of magical energy in the point where 4 shadows meet inside the Keep of Four Worlds. The energy of the F. of P. mantaines the functioning of the keep and can be utilised by a skilled sorcerer.

FRAKIR - Danger-sensitive strangling cord of Prince Merlin.

GEAS - A rather complicated compulsion spell.

GHOSTWEEL - Sentient magical computer created by Merlin. G. is supported by the energy sources scattered throughout the shadow. Although G. is an "idealy sinthetic being", it possesses a human-like concience and self-awareness.

GREAT PATTERN OF AMBER - Actually a first shadow of the primal Pattern. The G.P. is located under the Palace of Amber and has most of the properties of the original immage.

GRAYSWANDIR - The sword of Corwin. G. carries a part of the Amber Pattern on the blade. G. has an ability to come to its posessor through the shadow as well as contact the beings in Tir-na Nog-ht. G. is also known as a Nightblade.

HELLRIDE - the term, used to refer to fast travel through Shadow, ususally horseback.

JEWELER'S ROUGE - Gem polish, widely used in Avalon. J. R. can be used as gun powder in Amber.

JEWEL OF JUDGEMENT - Magical object of the highest order, J.of J. contains the primary copy of the Pattern and can be used for creation of a new Pattern and protection against major powers. Also known as the Left Eye of the Serpent. It is reported, that if the J.of J. is returned to the Serpent the bipolar world would end.

LIVING TRUMP - A state of being that allows a person to transport himself between any two places in the Shadows.

LOGRUS - Geometrical manifistation of Chaos. Negotiating the L. gives the initiate access to its powers. L. is an everchanging pattern of angular lines. L. is located in the Courts of Chaos

PATTERN - The Geometrical manifestation of Order. P. is located in the primary plane of Order. Walking the pattern gives the initiate access to its powers. P. is a fixed labyrinth of curves. The P. is drawn from the Jewel of Judgement by a Jewel initiate and can be destroyed by blood of the creator or his/her descendants. Also, only these people can survive walking the pattern.

PIT OF CHAOS - The Chaos equivalent of the primary plane, inhabited by bodyless beings. The P. is generally hostile to all beings, but some inhabitants of the Courts of Chaos are making living by retrieving from it artifacts of creation.

SHADOW - Generally, a parallel universe, created by the powers of Chaos and Order. Any initiate of the powers casts his(her) Shadows if (s)he stays in the same Shadow long enough. A Shadow of a person is a being in a parallel universe that resembles (less and less with distance) the appearance and actions of the initiate. Theoretically, any immaginable place exists somewhere in the Shadows. Laws of nature differ widely between the shadows, so that the higher technological achievments appear to be working in the more limited number of Shadows. In order to shift or travel between Shadows a person must be a power initiate or follow one. One can also utilize the Shadow ways, Trumps and number of other artifacts and manifestations.

SNAKE OF CHAOS - A one-eyed snake, biological representation of Chaos. The second eye of The S. is the Jewel of Judgment (see above). According to the Unicorn, when the other eye returns to The S. the world will come to an end.

SPIKARD - One of the nine majic Shadow Rings. S. operates as a magic processor and resource library and is powered from sources throughout the Shadows.

TRAGOLITH - Blue gemstone. Large masses of T. are known to work as a magical insulator. Small T. can be used to track a person through Shadows.

TRUMP - A picture (in a form of a Tarot Card) of a person or place, that inbeds elements of the Pattern (whole or Broken) or Logrus. The personal T. allows trans-Shadow communications and transport to the person addressed. Locational T. open one-way gates to the depicted locations from any place in the Shadow. Amber (or Pattern) T. tend not to function in the Courts of Chaos and vice versa.

TRUMPS OF DOOM - A pack of trumps created by Prince Rinaldo. T.of D. generally lead the user into danger, although they can be used as an avenue of escape.

UNICORN - biological manifestaion of Order. U. is apparently a shape-shifting female entity. It's supposed that she is the mother of King Oberon.

WAY - 1. An open path between two Shadows. 2. (us. pl.) Collection of places in different shadows forming a single building or castle, e.g. Mandor Ways, Ways of Sawall.

WEREWINDLE - The sword of Brand, the day sword. Like Grayswandir, the Nightblade, W. carries a portion of the pattern. The specific properties of W. are not known, but assumed similar to ones of Grayswandir.