Humanoid and demonoid characters[edit]
Not including borrowed character like those from Alice in Wonderland.
ARKANS - a Kashfan noble, Duke of Shadburne, heir-apparent to the Kashfan throne.
ARTHUR - An illegal arms dealer in Brusseles, Shadow Earth.
BAILEY, MORIS - Doctor in an emergency room on Shadow Earth.
BANCES - Lord of Chaos, Duke of Amblerash. Regent of Chaos after the death of Swaywill. B. is also The High Priest of the Serpent.
BAYLE - Baron of, the wine seller to the court of Amber.
BELISSA MINOBEE - Duccess of Hendrake, head of the house.
BENEDICT - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon, Master of Arms at the courts of Amber. Lord-protector of Avalon during the Patternfall war.
BILL ROTH - Attorney, advisor to the Court of Amber. Participated in the negotiations over the Peace Treaty. Personal friend of Prince Corwin.
BLEYS - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. During the struggle for sucsession sided with Brand, later with the openning of hostilities joined with Corwin, the regent of Amber.
BOREL - Prince of Chaos, Duke of Hendrake and of Royal House of Swaywill. Master of arms of the house of Hendrake. B. was killed by Prince Corwin during the Battle of the Courts of Chaos.
BORQUIST - Pit diver and poet in the Courts of CHaos.
BRAND - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. In the search of personal power B. betrayed Amber and damaged the Pattern. B. possesed remarkable magical abilities but according to later researches he lost something of his humanity. B. was killed by Caine during the Battle of the Courts of Chaos.
CADE - Secretary of Begman embassy in Amber.
CAINE - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. C's determination to find the root of the trouble and treachery proved in the end determinational to the result of the Patternfall war. C. killed Prince Brand during the Battle of the Courts of Chaos. C. was asassinated by Prince Rinaldo of Kashfa.
CHINAWAY - Lord of Chaos, house of Hendrake. Killed by the Ghost of Gerard.
CLARISSA - Queen of Amber, wife of Oberon, mothjer of princes Brand and Bleys and princess Fiona. Obreron divorsed C. and her futher fate is not known.
CORAL - Illegimate Daughter of Oberon and the wife of the Begman Prime Minister Kinta; the Quin of Kashfa. Dworkin has installed the Jewel of Judgement (Left Eye of the Serpent) within her eye socket and apparently gave her some control over it. C is married to Rinaldo I, King of Kashfa.
CORWIN - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. Regent of Amber after the death of Prince Eric. Under his rule Amber withstanded the attacks of the Courts of Chaos in the course of the Patternfall War. According to some researchers C. was Pattern's champion in the confrontation that was underlying the Patternfall war. The greatest achievment of C. was creating a Pattern if his own (Corwin's Pattern), thus being able to exert his will even while imprisoned in the Courts of Chaos and enjoying status similar to Lord Dworkin. In the technical sense C. was the King of Amber between Oberon and Eric.
CYMNEA - Queen of Amber, Wife of Oberon, mother of Princes Osric, Finndo and Benedict. O. later annuled the marriage.
DALT - Illegimate son of Oberon. D.'s attempts to reach the Amber's throne made him an outlaw in the Golden Circle. As a military advisor to Prince Rinaldo he succeeded in delivering him the crown of Kashfa.
DAN MARTINEZ - one of ty'iga bodies, which attempted to assasinate Prince Rinaldo.
DARA - Princess of Chaos, Duchess of Sawall. The creator of the plan that lead to Brand's treachery and as a result to the Patternfall war. D. is known for remarkable magical abilities and special relations with the Logrus. D.'s ultimate goal appeared to be the destruction of Amber.
DAVE - Hermit, who lives in a cave near the Keep of Four Worlds.
DEELA -, the Desacratix. Mother of Dalt. Supposedly raped by Oberon after he imprisoned her, she became notorious after burning the Unicorn Shrine at Begma. D. was killed while leading her troops in battle against Amber.
DIERDRE - Princess of Amber, daughter of Oberon. D. was killed by Prince Brand in the battle of Courts of Chaos.
DELWIN - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. Being one of the youngest princes, D. left Amber after the death of his mother and never returned.
DERTHA GANNEL - assistant ot Begman ambassador to Amber.
DESPIL - Lord of Chaos, son of Duke Sawall and Dara.
DOYLE - Jeweler in Avalon.
DROPPA MA PANTZ - Jester in the Court of Amber.
DWORKIN - Lord of Chaos, creator of the Pattern of Amber. D. is closely linked to the Pattern, so the manipulations of one another are impossible without damage to both. D. is the creator of the art of Pattern-style magic and the Amber pack of Trumps.
DYBELE - mother of Princess Flora.
ED WELLEN - a contractor on the Shadow Earth.
ERIC - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. Self-proclaimed King of Amber, E. was never recognized formally as legimate. E. was forced to assume the throne under the threat of Prince Brand and his supporters. E. took an active part in the early stages of the Patternfall war as the commander-in- chief of the Amber Troops. He was killed in the battle of Kolvir.
FAIELLA - Queen of Amber, wife of Oberon, mother of princes Eric, Corwin, Caine and princess Dierdre. F. died in childbirth. Note that in the Nine Princes Corwin thinks of Random as his full brother. However, he is mistaken and clarifies it in the Sign of Unicorn. Caine's ancestry is listed as per Sourcebook but other interpretations exist.
FERLA QUIST - Begman ambassador to Amber.
FINNDO - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. F. has died in service of Amber after the death of Osric.
FIONA - Princess of Amber, daughter of Oberon. Full sister of Prince Brand, she possesed remarkable magical abilities. Originally supporting Prince Brand in his claims to the Amber throne, F. later turned against him and his alliance with Chaos.
FLORA - Princess of Amber, daughter close handle3;of Oberon. F. was known for her loyalty to any current posessor of the Amber throne. Also called Florimel.
FOCAULT, MICHEL - Procureur general to the parlement in France on the Shadow Earth in XVIII century, aquitance of Prince Corwin and Princess Flora.
GAIL LAMPRON - a body of ty'iga in which she was the girlfriend of Prince Rinaldo on Shadow Earth.
GANELON - General of Corwin in the time he was the King of Avalon. G. was charged with treachery and exiled to Loreine. Oberon has used G.'s form to examing Corwin before naming him the heir to the Amber throne.
GANNEL, DRETHA - Assistant to Begma's ambassador to Amber.
GEORGE HANSEN - 1. One of ty'iga bodies. 2. Corwin's neighbour on the Shadow Earth, who helped him with the yard work.
GERARD - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. Commander of the Amber Navy, Protector of the seas of the Golden Circle. G. was known for his loyalty to Amber, rather than to the king.
GHOSTWEEL - See entry in the Objects and Manifestations.
GILVA - Lady of Chaos, house of Hendrake.
GOATMAN - True name unknown. Chaos commander in Lorraine. G. was killed by Prince Corwin inside the Circle of Lorraine.
GRAMBLE - see Sawall.
GRIDE - Duccess of Sawall, first wife of Duke Gramble, mother of Prince Mandor.
GRYLL - Demon servant of Prince Suhuy.
HARLA - Queen of Amber, wife of Oberon, mother of Prince Delwin and Princess Sand.
HENDON - Stuard of Amber Castle.
JAMIE - Guard in the castle of Amber.
JASRA - The Queen of Kashfa. J. was born in shadow near the Courts of Chaos. She was a servant, later a maid companion to Lady Dara. After the death of her husband Prince Brand, J. moved to Kashfa, where established herself as the Queen. Later she moved to the Keep of Four Worlds and lost the throne of Kashfa.
JASRICK - Kashfan noble, Earl of Kronklet.
JASTON - Kashfan General and later King. J. was apparently assasinated.
JOHN - also Old John. Emissary of King Random.
JOPIN - Keeper of the lighthouse of Cabra.
JULIA - Earth-born sorceress, student of Jasra. After her rebellion against her teacher J. under the name of Mask ruled the Keep of Four Worlds. Later a fiance (unconfirmed) of Prince Jurt.
JULIAN - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon, commander of Amber forces in the Arden forest.
JURT - Lord, later Prince, of Chaos, son of Lady Dara and Duke Sawall. Under the directions of Julia J. acquired certain special powers.
KASMAN - a Kashfan noble, who has catured the throne from Queen Jasra in a coup d'etat.
KERGMA - a shapeshifter from the Courts of Chaos.
KINTA - mother of Coral, wife of Orcuz.
LANCELOT - also known as Lance, a knight in Lorraine.
LARSUS MINOBEE - Duke of Hendrake, General. L. was killed by Prince Julian During the Battle of the Courts of Chaos.
LINTRA - Lady of Chaos, commander of Chaos forces in Avalon during the Patternfall war. Supposed to belong to the House of Helgram.
LLEWELLA - Princess of Amber, daughter of Oberon and Moins. L. almost permanently lived in Rebma.
LORRAINE - A woman in Shadow Lorraine.
LUKE - 1). see RINALDO. 2). Ghost of Prince Rinaldo, supported by Corwin's Pattern.
MANDOR- Prince of Chaos, later also Duke of Sawall and Rim Lord. Powerful sorcerer and a fine scholar, M. possesed a desire for personal power. Prefering to remain behind the scenes he abdicated his own rights to the Crown of Chaos.
MARTIN - Earl, later Crown prince of Amber, son of Random.
MEG DELVIN - One of the ty'iga's bodies.
MELKIN - Officer at the keep of Ganelon, shadow Lorraine.
MENILLAN - King of Kashfa, consort of Jasra. Died from debilitating sickness leaving Jasra the Queen of Kashfa.
MERLIN - Prince (later King) of Chaos, Duke of Western Marches, Earl of Kolvir, son of Prince Corwin of Amber and Lady Dara, stepson of Prince Sawall of the House of Sawall of the Courts of Chaos. Double heritage of M. made him an important parameter in the balance of forces between the Pattern and the Logrus. M. is an initiate of both Logrus and Pattern.
MIRELLE - Princess of Amber, apparently deceased.
MOINS - Mother of princess Llewella.
MOIRA - Queen of Rebma.
MORGANTHE - Princess of Rebma, daughter of Queen Moire. M. is the mother of Crownprince Martin of Amber. M. committed suicide after breakup with then Prince Random.
NAYDA - Daughter of Orguz and his secretary. The body of N. after the death of her personality was inhabited by a ty'iga who found herself captured. The references to N. usually are the ones to the ty'iga sent by Lady Dara to protect her son, Prince Merlin.
OBERON - King of Amber, son of Dworkin. There is little information about his powers, but apparently O. was a potent sorcerer. O. was killed by the repairing of the Amber Pattern.
OLD JOHN - see John.
ORGUZ - Prime minister of Begma.
OSRIC - Prince of Amber, son of Oberon. O. was killed in a battle three centuries before the Patternfall war.
PAULETTE - mother of King Random of Amber and of Princess Mirelle, native of Shadow Earth.
RANDOM - Prince, later King of Amber, son of Oberon. R. was chosen to the throne by the Unicorn on the field of the battle of the Courts of Chaos.
REIN - Lord R., Noble at the court of Amber, friend of Prince Corwin.
RHANDA - Childhood friend of Prince Merlin.
RICK KINSKY - a bookstore manager on the Sahdow Earth, one of Julia boyfriends.
RILGA - Queen of Amber, wife of Oberon, mother of princes Gerard and Julian.
RINALDO - Prince, later King of Kashfa, Lord of Amber, son of Prince Brand and Jasra. Assassin of Prince Caine.
ROGER - A guard in the dungeons of Amber Castle, also a writer.
ROLOVIANS - Prince of Chaos, Duke of Jesby.
SAND - Princess of Amber, daughter of Oberon. S. vanished without a trace few centuries before the Patternfall war.
SAWALL - (Gramble S.), Prince of Chaos, head of the dukedom of Sawall, one of the Rim Lords.
SCROF - Dweller on the Threshold, left by Jasra to guard the shadowway between Eath and the Keep of Four Worlds. S. was killed by Prince Merlin. S. was apparently created from primal Chaos.
SHARU GARUL - Shadow sorcerer of unknown origin. First known posessor of the Keep of Four Worlds.
STRYGALLDWIR - Demon in service of the Chaos commander in Lorraine. S. was killed by Prince Corwin.
SUHUY - Prince of Chaos, house of Sawall, the Keeper of the Logrus. S. is the Master of Arts of Chaos, house of Helgram.
SWAYVILL - The King of Chaos in the time of the Patternfall war. Died from a disease apparently caused by Prince Eric's curse.
TECYS - a family, acquaitances of Prince Benedict.
THOBEN - Captain of Amber Navy.
TMER - Prince of Chaos, son of Prince Rolovians of house of Jesby.
TUBBLE - Prince of Chaos, house of Chanicut.
TY'IGA - 1. A type of bodyless demons. T. are capable of taking possesion of other bodies. When T. leaves the orginal occupant just sufferes an amnesia. 2. The T. - See Naida.
UTHER - a king in the Shadow Lorraine.
VIALLE - Queen of Amber, the wife of Random, a Lady of Rebma. Although blind, V. had a strong political influence.
VICTOR MELMAN - Earth-born sorcerer, student of Jasra and Prince Rinaldo. Killed in an attempt to assasinate Prince Merlin.
VINTA BAYLE - Daughter of Baron Bayle and misterss of Prince Caine.