In times past[edit]
At the dawn of Creation, as the Angels first opened their eyes and percieved the world around them, one of these first powerful beings was awakened by Lucifer's admission the Heaven was Beauty. This undeniable Truth gave birth to Ambriel, who was Truth, Memory and Trickery, for as sure as Heaven is everything the Angels live for, it keeps their massive power bound up within and keeps their concerns positive where they could easily rend the World Tree with miracles and force people to bow down before their glory. The Memory of the Truth of Heaven Tricks all the Angels to keep their efforts beautiful; except of course the Fallen, who deny that Truth.
Over the millenia, Ambriel became one of the Angels most concerned with Prosaic Reality. When the destruction of the dinosaurs by a banished angel caused Earth's reality to split into two separate perceptions, the Prosaic and the Mythic, even the birth of the True Goddess of Perception couldn't sort out all the bugs in such an unpredicted division. The responsibility fell to Ambriel to sort out the divine Truth, the things Prosaic Reality was stubbornly blind to, with the newfound concept of Logic, with which Ambriel used to build a cornerstone for the humans to make their world make sense. She let human Memory become a thing of constantly changing paradigms, where the shift in the true Mythic Reality would confound Logic, new memories would take place and all of Prosaic history would reshape itself to trick mankind into believing nothing had really changed. He's really quite proud of his work.
When the Excrucians began their war, it became Ambriel's duty to remember what all the rest of Creation had forgotten, the Estates that no longer existed. Bound in his sacred book or electrum chains, Ambriel's mind began to shatter under the strain of his unparalled understanding of the Truth and his unwavering Memory of how glorious Creation had once been. Perhaps the Estates of Luck and LSD arose to help him deal with this terrible growing madness within his mind. Either way, the Excrucians made sure to note Ambriel as one of their major foes; if the legends are correct, if Ambriel's book and his perfect Memory remains intact by the end of the Valde Bellum, all of World Tree may be restored to its previous glory. Whether it's a Truth or a Trick... with Ambriel it's hard to be sure.
Recent events[edit]
Nevertheless, Ambriel has suffered many Excrucian attacks. He laughs at most of their worst efforts. Only the most recent has significantly effected the Lord of Prosaic Reality. Wounded by the spear called Regret wielded by the Excrucian identified as Eriskali, the Bride of Harumaph, Ambriel lost his connection to his seventh Estate. Penning a portion of his own soul into his book severed his connection to reality. His Chancel imploded under the weight of his sorrow and Eriskali's poisons. Only LSD, the youngest of his Powers at the time, and Trickery, the oldest and the most often absent, survived the assault. If he manages to restore himself and regain his foothold on the Earth, the change in his being may very well irreversibly alter the Angel. Or perhaps he will see no choice but to end the War so he may restore the world and once more be whole again.
- Unshining
Ambriel's wound suffered by the spear called Regret makes him weak to further Excrucian attacks. His Power suffer this fear as well; already one of their sisters and her whole Estate has been wiped from reality, all the next are set up like dominoes. Excrucians have their Auctoritas boosted to 50 feet and within them their dark and terrible glory is magnified a thousand fold. Powers must make Aspect miracles to escape or resist lest they be seduced by the wonder of the void.
- Bright Warning
Ambriel has dedicated his life to destroying the Excrucians, and all of Harumaph's Children know when one of his Powers walk near them. They can sense the purpose and the hatred running through their souls that drives each to seek out the Excrucians and end the Valde Bellum. This presence can be heard up to a half-mile like a shout; the next move is always up the Excrucian.
- Corrupted Mystery Cult
Once several orders serving Truth, Memory, Luck and Logic scattered the Earth. While Ambriel recovered, Eriskali tainted all of these, even down to the suborders, to her cause. Now the High Priests of Lies, Forgetting, Cruel Fate and Madness serve to plague the world and draw down everything they once stood for into nothingness.
- Failing
10 DP to begin with, he loses 2 DP each story. Ambriel is dying, the wound of the Abhorrent Weapon piercing him through. Without the effort of his Nobilis, he will perish.
- Advising
Ambriel is very concerned about his Powers. Knowing they are weakened since his attack and are vulnerable to further Excrucian menaces and knowing his own slow spiral into destruction, he makes every effort to help his Powers complete the tasks he has assigned them. When in need, the Truth of the matter (or perhaps simply helpful Luck) will often lead them in the correct path; they can always pray to him for guidance, and before doing actions he would consider unwise he can offer his advice no matter where in Creation they are.)
- Great Harvest
By performing epic tasks, his Nobles may regain 4 DP for Ambriel. The details of his Harvest have yet to be revealed to his new Nobilis and are unknown to those who served him before his wounding.)
- Sympathetic
Ambriel knows the truth in people's hearts, and can see straight into the deepest portions of their minds. No tricks confound the vision of his Nobles; people's emotions and even those of the Nobilis are easy to spot for his Powers, blessed as they are with his insight. He tries his best to be aware of the feelings of his Powers and not to overtax them cruelly.