Andea Whiteflower
Andea Whiteflower Twilight Caste Solar Exalt (Sage)
Character Stats[edit]
Level 1
Effort 2
Influence 2
Wealth 1
XP 0
Dominion 0
Consuming Temptation: Hungry for Arcane Knowledge
Anima: A hypnotic whirlpool of arcane symbols
AC 2
HP 9/9
Fray Die 1d8
Strength: 10 (+0, Check 11+)
Dexterity: 13 (+1, Check 8+)
Constitution: 13 (+1, Check 8+)
Intelligence: 16 (+2, Check 5+)
Wisdom: 14 (+1, Check 7+)
Charisma: 16 (+2, Check 5+)
Saving Throws[edit]
Hardiness 14
Evasion 13
Spirit 13
Ambitious scion of a Gem farming family
The Guild has put a bounty of 4 jade bars for the head of Andea Whiteflower.
After first leaving Gem, Andea was drawn by visions to a tomb buried deep beneath the waves off Bluehaven. It was the resting place of her last incarnation. In the mummified hands of her former self, The Book of Paths rested.
Words and Gifts[edit]
Sorcery (Dispel Low Magic)
- Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (minor)
- Celestial Circle Sorcery (major)
- Solar Circle Sorcery (major)
Desire (Charisma 16/18)
- Unbearable Beauty (minor)
Wealth (Never short of cash)
Sage Ability (counterspell)
- Death of Obsidian Butterflies
- Demon of the First Circle
- Horse that Travels Earth and Water
- Spirit of Might
- Demon of the Second Circle
- God-Forged Champion of War
- Magma Kraken
- Chariot of the Blazing Sun
- Evocation From the Mirror
The Book of Paths (Artifact, power 8. Replicates the Theft Major Gift A Heist in Hell.)
The book appears as a small but ancient tome of about 100 pages, unlabeled save for a compass windrose on the cover. The inside is blank. An attuned user writes what they are looking for on the first page, and the remaining pages fill with detailed instructions on how to reach it.
Ritual Knife (+1 to hit, 1d6+1 damage)
Andea was born into a modest merchant family in Gem, the eldest daughter of six. She was a prodigy from the start, a brilliant mind that dreamed of greatness. She rose quickly and ruthlessly through the family business, and by sixteen was running the family's fig farm.
Her business acumen (and devastating beauty) drew the attention of the leading Guildswoman in Gem, who began pressing her hard for marriage. Burning with ambition, she accepted the proposal, abandoning her family and using her new wife as a stepping stone into Gem high society. Andea and her wife soon became entangled in the decadence of the idle rich, and after one particularly depraved party were invited to a 'special event' deep beneath the host's mansion.
The 'event' was a Yozi Cult ceremony in which the young couple were the sacrifice. They would have been trussed up and gutted - if not for the intervention of The Unconquered Sun. As the sun rose, the couple gathered what money they could and fled the city.
Andea's wife is gone now. Her family too. Not from the revenge of the Yozi Cult or the machinations of the Gem elite. Andea burns with ambition still, and in the end, the Path of the Sorceress requires ruthlessness... and sacrifice.