Angel Squadron
Weird War One. Angel Squadron Goes Forth
At remote Aerodrome 613, far from the front lines and home of a failed experimental recon squadron, strange things are afoot. Journalists have reported odd events-more reminiscent of ghost than war stories- which have been dutifully chopped by the wartime censors. Rumours abound in the RFC that the aerodrome is cursed, or haunted by the ghosts of its former pilots. Whether or not any of this is true is something for the latest batch of new British recruits to discover for themselves. But it does not seem likely that the youths’ selection-all are scholars from good universities as well as trained pilots- is mere coincidence. These men learn that their mission is to get to the bottom of the events occurring at the aerodrome, battling the forces of spiritual darkness as well as the worldly power of the Hun.
Characters: The recruits are most likely British, but can also be from any Empire nation, or even from an allied country such as France or Italy. The characters will be newb pilots with limited flying experience, and also investigative powers to search out the source of the supernatural events troubling the base. They will be young but well educated-a bit too brainy for the likes of RFC top brass! Characters will therefore start play as a Novices with two advances. Adventures will involve escort flying, the occasional dogfight, and lots of on-the -ground shenanigans fighting enemy spooks (in both senses of that word).
Sergeants Mess
Flight Sergeant Sean Mahoney
Flight Sergeant Albert Spencer
Officers Mess
Lieutenant Jay Cunningham
Lieutenant Paul Patterson
Capitan Jean-Paul-Baptiste Moran, Marquis de Montant, Chevalier de Ordre du Saint-Esprit.
Squadron 603
Important slang [bennies for esp. good 'uns]
Angels - Altitude, given in thousands of feet (thus "Angels 13" is 13,000 feet)
Bandit - enemy aircraft
Blighty - the United Kingdom
Body Snatcher - stretcher bearer
Brass hats - commanding officers
Bumph - useless paperwork
Bus - an aircraft
Circuits and bumps - a pilot training exercise in landing an aircraft and immediately taking off again (Equivalent to the American term "touch and go")
Deck - the ground
Fish Heads - the Royal Navy
Flaming Onions - anti-aircraft tracer
Fruit Salad - medal ribbons on a uniform
Gong - a service medal
Gonk - sleep
Gremlin - a mythical creature that lived on certain aircraft and caused mechanical failures at the most inconvenient times and then could not be located as the source of the problem
Ground Wallah - an officer who did not fly
Gubbins - equipment
Good Man- well done
Golly it's a wizzard fire - Goodness its an incredible fire
Irons - Knife, Fork and Spoon
Jollop - Any sticky mess
Kite - an aircraft
Packet, to catch a - to be on the receiving end of offensive fire
Penguin - officers with no operational experience or haven't flown (Comes from the fact that "Penguins don't have wings")
Piece of Cake - an easy target with little opposition
Pit - barrack-room bed
Plonk - Aircraftman second class (AC2), the lowest rank in the RAF (also known as AC Plonk)
Plumber - Armourer
Prang - Crash, from the Malay word meaning 'war'
Pukka Gen - Good general Information.
Rigger - Ground tradesman responsible for maintaining aircraft airframes
Rook - Boy Entrant term for a new entrant
Shuftie - to look at
Shuftie Kite - reconnaissance aircraft
Signal - a written message or order sent between bases
Sooty - Ground tradesman responsible for maintaining aircraft engines
Sprog - a "new boy" fresh from training
Wizard / Wizzo - first class, excellent
Whats The Odds - What are the chances
-an old DH2, a lumbering 'pusher' with a forward mounted machine gun
-5 Sopwith Pups. While not as sought after as the new camel, these are zippy, easy to fly single-seaters. A match for all but the latest Jerry planes
-a huge Handley Page Type 0, a converted bomber. This is the experimental plane that has been used to carry bulky prototype radio equipment, so far unsuccessfully
A single Master Armourer , a sergeant who is also a Fitter, Rigger, Gear Mechanic
A sergeant and two corporals who are radio specialists.
Seven Second Class Air Mechanics/ Specialists:
1. Armourer
2. Blacksmith, Welder
3. Engine Fitter, Gear Mechanic
3. Electrician, Magneto-Repairer
4. Fitter, Machinist
5. Sailmaker
6. Ammo technician
7. Special fitter for the HP bomber
Five third class Air Mechanics
Five Privates : drivers, orderlies, batmen
Six French Army infantrymen, under a corporal, who mount guard on the place
A sergeant nurse with two medical orderlies
Main Facilities
-Seven small tent-hangars
-Two large wooden fitting hangars. One of these is filled with junked failed experimental radio gear.
-Mess, cooking, medicine and dormitory tents
-A guardhouse flying the tricoleur
A small farmhouse where the Old Man (Major in command) is domiciled.
-Two sandbagged machine gun emplacements
-Horses and carts
-Two trucks
-Two staff cars