Another Seven Samurai Satake

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Satale Yoshimasa[edit]

The Great Wheel[edit]

  • Archetypes: Swordmaster, Paragon, Former Armour Rider
  • Karma: 60


  • Body: 7
  • Agility: 8
  • Senses: 4
  • Knowledge: 4
  • Spirit: 5
  • Empathy: 7
  • Station: 4

Secondary Attributes[edit]

  • Vitality: 12
  • Soul: 18
  • Wounds:
    • Light 7
    • Heavy 4;
    • Crit 2;
    • Dead 1;


  • Melee Weapons (4)
  • Art of War [Dragon and Tiger Under One Sky Style] (4)
  • Interface (3)
  • Etiquette (2)
  • Art of Rule (2)
  • Marksman (3)


  • Secret Manuscripts, 15 additional Soulgems
  • Masterwork Sword “Beast-Slayer” (Damage +5, RoF 5, Ammo 8), Large Katana (Damage +4)

Dragon and Tiger Under One Sky Style[edit]

  • Twin Tigers: You strike with both blades. When you make any Attack or Counterattack while armed with two weapons, increase the damage by +1 to reflect the second attack.
  • Twin Dragons: You manipulate both blades with equal skill and speed. When you tie in an attack or counterattack, your opponent takes damage equal to the modifier of your secondary weapon.
  • Dragon and Tiger: Your mastery with two blades is unequaled. When you hit with an attack, you increase the total damage done by the modifier of the secondary weapon, not +1. (With counterattacks, you still only increase the damage by +1.)


  • To Know True Strength (4)
  • Taboo: Killing (3)
  • Battle The Strongest Warrior The Kuga Can Offer. (3)
  • Emotion: Mayu puts me at ease (2)


You were raised to be a warrior from a very young age. Of course, you weren't expected to take to battle by yourself as a ten-year-old. No, you were raised to pilot Yoroi Powered Armour, and did so for many years.

Unfortunately, using a high-grade Meiyko Mirror to do so requires innocence-- and innocence can't survive long on the battlefield. In time, your Armour rejected you forever, and you were lucky, for many have had their bodies and souls devoured by their Armours.

You adapted well to the change in circumstance, becoming instead a master swordsman, and a master of the two-sword Dragon and Tiger Under One Sky school-- and you're eager to know how far your skill can take you, if you can only find a worthy adversary.

But you've also seen far too many battles, and have sworn to never take another life. Will you be able to keep that promise...?