Ansel Talbot

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Ansel Talbot

Race: Human (Exceptional Potential: +1 AGL )

Archetype: Skilled (+1 Attack, Virtuoso: Rifle (Roll extra die on Attk, Damage, discard lowest die))

Career 1: Trencher

Career 2: Ranger

Exp Total: 2

PHY: 5 SPD: 6 STR: 4 AGL: 4 PRW: 5 POI: 5 INT: 4 ARC: - PER: 3

DEF (11)13 ARM (5)12 Initiative: 14 Command Range: 5" Willpower: 9

Step 4: (+1 INT, + 1 PRW, +1 POI)

Abilities: Bayonet Charge, Camouflage, Dig In, Pathfinder

Connections: Cyngaran Military

Military Skills: Great Weapon 1, Hand Weapon 1, Rifle 2, Thrown Weapon 1

Occupational Skills: Command 1, Detection 2, Rope Use 1, Sneak 2, Survival 1, Tracking 1

Languages: Cyngaran, Khadoran

Assets: 100 gc Ammo Bandolier, Bayonet, Entrenching Spade, Military Rifle, Smoke Grenades (3), Trencher Medium Armour

Life Spiral: Physique OO 1: OO 2: O

Agility OO 3: O 4: O

Intellect OO 5: O 6: O

Combat: Rifle RAT: 7 POW 12 Bayonet MAT: 5/5, 7 when Charging POW 2/3

Ansel Talbot hated the farm. The youngest of five, everyone just assumed he'd stay around, work in the muck until his eldest brother inherited, and then keep working in the muck.

He was fifteen when the Army marched through, like it did every few years, headed from somewhere to somewhere else. And when they left, he left with them. They gave him a drum, but he was a terrible drummer. So they gave him a shovel, and he dug in the muck. Trenches. Latrines. More latrines. But if the food wasn't good, and it wasn't, it was plentiful. After few years of following along, wearing a few scraps of uniform and sleeping under supply wagons, Talbot was enlisted.

In a regiment of Cygnaran Trenchers, Talbot was free to keep on digging. But as campaigns took his regiment from the Gnarls to Thornwood Forest and back, their commander began to train his regiment to skirmish, creep, and infiltrate. Tired of being ambushed by Khadoran woodsmen, he had his regiment trained as woodsmen who could infiltrate, dig in, and give the Khadorans a taste of their own tactics. Talbot gained experience, and earned a few chevrons for his armour, but it wasn't all rosy. After a rout his unit was pinned against the Dragon Tongue River... ...and Talbot spent three years in a Khadoran Labour Camp, until he was exchanged. If nothing else he expanded his Khadoran vocabulary, trimmed off a few extra pounds, and he still got to dig holes.

After twenty years, and a tin veteran's medal, Cygnar gave him a farm.

That lasted one week into planting season. He auctioned the land, grabbed his pack, and slinging his rifle and his shovel, he went searching for a mercenary company....

Bad Moon Rising