Apocalypse Keys Counting the Hours:Kateryna Lazar

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Dr. Kateryna Lazar, aka Dr. Lazarus, the Shade[edit]

I have a special and personal relationship with Death

I embody the coldness and end of the apocalypse

My power is enlightening, coldly logical, and ephemeral

My heart yearns to guide and be guided

[Name] a name that reminds me of the mortal life I once knew.

[Look] An aura of strange glowing colors. The smell of books and dark wood.

[Origin] I got too close to the truth and died—but death would not take me.

[What form does death take to speak to you?] They wait for me in reflective surfaces and look like me before my death.

[Powers of Darkness]

  • Let the Dead Speak
  • Supernatural Strength and Speed



  • Death Walked Here
  • I'm the Expert Here!


  • The Forbidden Archives

[What Does the Darkness Demand]

  • To break the veil between the living and the dead
  • To kill Death

[Starting Bonds]

  • Why am I tempted to give into What the Darkness Demands?
    • Because a world without death was my goal in life.
  • You were there when I died. How did witnessing my death transform our relationship?: 1
  • I love you, but I can’t accept it. Why do you allow me to remain ignorant?: 2

[The Forbidden Archives]=[edit]

Who is the Head Librarian and what esoteric rule do they demand everyone follows?

Leon Zeidel, a bald, bookish middle aged man who used to be Assistant Librarian when Dr. Lazarus was still the Head Librarian.

His Rule: No electronic devices within the library, ever!

What creature lies waiting in the restricted and forbidden archives?

The library itself is a cosmic entity with unfathomable agendas.

Which book have you read, against DIVISION’s strict orders?

The Necronomicon.