Apocalypse Keys Counting the Hours:Maxine Alicent
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The Surge[edit]
Maxine "Max" Alicent
I must learn to share my power, or be consumed by it
I embody the hope and fear of the apocalypse
My power is explosive, uncontrollable, and alienating
My heart yearns to destroy and be destroyed
[NAME] a mundane name
[YOUR LOOK] a collection of holy symbols, tattoos that respond to my emotions, an item from someone who died by my power
[ORIGIN] someone I cared for sacrificed me to a greater power that I now embody
[WHAT COLLATERAL DAMAGE DO YOU LEAVE IN YOUR WAKE?] my powers of darkness infect those around me and leave permanent scars
- Cosmic Energies
- to destroy everything around me for the slightest trespass
- to erase humanity itself
- My Hands Around Your Heart
- The Heart’s Eclipse
- I Am Your Destruction
- Holy Symbol Arsenal
- You were there when I truly let go. What did I destroy that belonged to you? Why are you grateful? - [Palasi 1]
- You broke apart the phurba that summoned me, and was intended to be my weapon, during the cult followup. As much as I relief on it - it was also the focus for my ability to transform others into Harbingers. I never got the ability to bestow power reliably - but at the same time, I didn't like how the very thought of it always filled me with dreams of cathartic destruction and love of my followers.
- I love you, but you rejected me for my own sake. Why? - [Namsaru 2]
- My love would open the floodgates of your power and it would consume all.
- Why am I tempted to give into What the Darkness Demands?