April 19, 699
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- Main Page; April 699
Left Keep on the Borderland in morning. Traveled east along main road to Caves of Chaos.
- Turn 1: Enter Goblin caves. Arthrella and Joe have torches lit. Head south-east to Guard Room.
- Turn 2: Find Guard Room completely empty.
- Encounter green slime. It falls to floor, narrowly missing Richie. Dayrell burns the green slime with oil.
- Turn 3: Travel up stairs to door.
- Turn 4: Enter door. Encounter Neanderthals.
- Turns 5-6: Spend with Neanderthals.
- Turns 7-11: Travel halls with Neanderthals.
- Turn 12: Exit caverns.
- Turns 13-15: Locate owl bear cave and set up traps. Fight and kill owl bear.
- Turns 16-24: Wait for paralyzation to wear off Richie.
- Turn 25: Enter owl bear lair. Arthrella and Joe have torches lit.
- Turns 26-32: Search owl bear lair south of entry cave.
- Find sealed bone. Save until later to investigate.
- Find partially consumed torso of unknown humanoid.
- Light two new torches.
- Turn 33: Richie attacked by moving rock. Group moves around it and on to the north chamber.
- Turn 34: Examine north chamber from entry.
- Turn 35: Return to entrance.
- Turn 36: Rest.
- Turns 37-39: Return to hobgoblin entrance.
- Turn 40: Go south to intersection and beyond to stairs up. Arthrella and Joe have torches lit.
- Turn 41: Go to intersection, encountering three Neanderthals.
- Turns 42-43: Go west to large Neanderthal hall.
- Turns 44-45: Explore Neanderthal hall, rest, and eat.
- Turn 46: Return to intersection at top of stairs. Arthrella and Joe have torches lit.
- Turns 47-48: Explore passage to east to dead end.
- Turns 49-52: Leave caves, hike across the ravine to the cave directly across on the north side.
- Turn 53. Enter cave. Travel to intersection. Get caught in net trap. Fight orcs from north, east, and west, defeating all. Arthrella and Joe have torches lit.
- Turn 54. Loot corpses.
Return to town to split loot and heal. Knuckles and Dayrell advance to 2nd level.