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Background Questions[edit]

  • Who were you before the fall?

I was Arkiel of the Fourth House, Watcher of the Mercurian Circuit, one of the Oracles whom looked constantly into the future to protect the Grand Design's function. I had some past connection to Ahrimal, one I do not remember the nature of anymore.

  • What caused you to fall?

Though I did not pay much attention to the humans, my duties keeping me inherently far, I had always treasured the mind, knowledge and understanding. It troubled me thus, when I did hear of their lack of it, and the concept that God seemed to favor this state in his 'most perfect creations.' When Ahrimal learned of the great threat on the horizon, the looming danger in Fate, I supported empowering the humans, that their minds unlocked might contribute to serving an answer.

  • What did you do during the war?

I made prophecies to support our legion's commanders, kept a quartermaster's inventory, various tasks that did not involve the battlefield. I was not suited for it.

  • What is your mortal vessel like?

Donny Deegan was a man of what is apparently called 'Hispanic' descent. He squandered what abilities he had in an addiction to the drug cocaine. He had severed all bonds, held no support, his mind consistently emptied and left blank in stupors. He lived in squalor and lied, stole, and behaved without compunction for another dose of white powder.

  • What about your vessel Awakened you?

It was not the search for knowledge that defined Donny, but the emptiness, I suppose. A blank slate when my spirit cast around, something that could be written into a tome of something better. I promptly used my divination to obtain some money sufficient to support myself while I familiarized myself with all the facets of this new Earth.

  • What are your goals?

To find answers. For everything. There are too many questions I realized in Hell went unasked. Did God foresee what was to come? Did He believe it? Why did he break Creation into its diminished form if it was his perfect making? Was this really the disaster that motivated the rebellion? Where is Lucifer? How did mortals uncover the power to call us out of Hell and command us? What broke our prison?

  • How do you see humanity?

They are contradictory. Their minds have not necessarily degraded, both in their innovations and their studies of science, but at the same time they disregard it and reason. I see great merchants and leaders whom ignore well-studied consequences of their products and projects for greed and profit. I see those whom have access to great medicines, but spurn it for frivolous allegations of 'autism', 'side-effects', 'complications.' I see the great fabric of information and potential that is the Internet, and shudder at Youtube comments.


Donny Deegan (Arkriel)

Nature: Pedagogue

House: Neberu

Visage: Ninsun

Willpower: 5


Strength 2

Dexterity 3

Stamina 3

Perception 3

Wits 3

Intelligence 5 (Deduction)

Charisma 2

Manipulation 2

Appearance 2



Alertness 1

Athletics 1

Awareness 1

Empathy 1

Dodge 1

Intuition 3

Streetwise 1

Subterfuge 1


Drive 1

Etiquette 2

Stealth 2


Academics 2

Computers 2

Finance 2

Investigation 2

Law 2

Linguistics 1 (Spanish)

Occult 2

Research 2

Science 2


Concentration (1)


Cold Turkey (1): Similar to Allergy, but instead can be occasionally invoked to represent the impact of Donny's drug withdrawal.


Eminence 1

Legacy 3

Paragon 3


Conscience 2

Conviction 3

Courage 2


Patterns 3

Portals 2

Light 1


11/20/17: +11 XP

Lore of Portals 1 - 7 XP

Intuition 3 - 4 XP

12/5/17: +6 XP

2/10/18: +4 XP

Lore of Portals 2 - 5 XP

4/24/18: +4 XP

Lore of Light 1 - 7 XP