- Culture: Elf of Mirkwood - Memory of Suffering
- Standard of Living: Martial
- Cultural blessing: Folk of the Dusk
- Calling: Scholar Shadow weakness: Lure of Secrets
- Specialties: Mirkwood-lore, Swimming, Rhymes of Lore
- Distinctive features: Elusive, Quick of Hearing
- Body: 5 Heart: 3 Wits: 6
- Body (favoured): 7 Heart (favoured): 4 Wits (favoured): 9
-Common Skills-
- Personality •
- Awe: 2
- Inspire: 0
- Persuade: 0
- Movement •••
- Athletics: 3
- Travel: 0
- Stealth: 2
- Perception
- Awareness: 2
- Insight: 0
- Search: 2
- Survival
- Explore: 0
- Healing: 1
- Hunting: 1
- Custom •
- Song: 2
- Courtesy: 0
- Riddle: 2
- Vocation •
- Craft: 0
- Battle: 2
- Lore: 4
-Weapon Skills-
- (Spears): 2
- Sword: 1
- Dagger: 1
- The Speakers (speak to and understand almost any natural thing, skill roll required)
- Sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 16 enc: 2 special: none
- Spear damage: 5 edge: G injury: 14 enc: 0 special: none
- Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
- Leather Shirt protection: 1d enc: 4
- Buckler parry: 1 enc: 1
- Fatigue & Endurance
- Endurance: 25 Starting Endurance: 25
- Fatigue from Encumbrance: 9 Fatigue from Travel: 8Total Fatigue: 17
- Default Journey Role: Look-out
- Hope & Shadow
- Hope: 9 Starting Hope: 11
- Temporary Shadow: 1 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 1
- Fellowship Focus: Beran
- Protection & Damage
- Armour: 1d Headgear: +0
- Parry: 7 (6 without shield)
- Damage: 5 (+5) Ranged: 5 (+4) {thrown spear}
- Experience & Advancement
- Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1
- Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0
- Fellowship: 7 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
TA 2946 – Arradîr returns to the Halls of the Elven-king, just to realize, that he has lost his interest in living with his own folk. He prepares to leave the elves of Mirkwood.
TA 2945 – He tries to research everything he can find about Dol Guldur, the Shadow, the Necromancer, and in the Summer he embarks on a new journey to Dol Guldur. Due to some unforeseen threats and complications, he can’t reach his goal, and spends the winter in Rhosgobel. Radagast isn’t there, so they don't meet.
TA 2944 – He returns to Dol Guldur. This time he is able to listen to the stories the trees and stones have to tell, but after some days he can’t bear the memory of the Shadow and leaves.
TA 2943 – He roams the Mirkwood, and tries to understand the forest by using his newfound ability (The Speakers). He is afraid of the water, and fails to understand the songs of the rivers (Insight 0). In order to change this situation, he forces himself to learn swimming, but he is still unable to communicate with the river. In the meantime he becomes convinced, that Thranduil’s desire to conservate the forest, is just another way to corrupt it.
TA 2942 – In the Spring he travels to Dol Guldur. For the first time in his life, he hears the wishper of the trees and the music of the stones. The corrupted trees whisper to him about bottomless suffering, the blackened stones sing about unfathomable darkness. He flees Dol Guldur, and returns to the Halls of the Elven-king (Memory of Suffering).
TA 2941 – To challenge his fears, he decides to visit the – now empty – Dol Guldur.
TA 2930 – TA 2940 – He roams the forest, and gets familiar with most of its regions (Mirkwood-lore).
TA 2929 – As part of another self-challenge, he starts to to spend a lot of time in the (somewhat) more dangerous parts of the Mirkwood.
TA 2837 – TA 2928 – The only thing Arradîr is able to be great in his childhood and youth, is being ignored. He is not good in fighting, and he also doesn’t excel in understanding old manuscripts or maps. As time passes, he accepts his averageness, and he also understands that – in some situations – being ignored can be used to his benefit. He becomes elusive and stealthy, and, as a way to entertain himself, he starts to challenge his own abilities.
TA 2836 – Arradîr is born.