Arthur Crawford

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Name: Arthur Crawford

Major: Liberal Arts (Folklore)


  • Agility d6
  • Smarts d8
  • Spirit d8
  • Strength d4
  • Vigour d4


  • Driving d4
  • Fighting d4
  • Investigation d8
  • Knowledge: Folklore d6
  • Notice d8
  • Persuasion d4
  • Stealth d6
  • Swimming d4
  • Taunt d4
  • Academics: +0
  • Charisma: -2
  • Pace: 6'
  • Parry: 4
  • Toughness: 4


  • Bad Eyes
  • Curious
  • Ugly


  • Be a zebra
  • Multitasker
  • Spirit Guardian (his father's ghost)


  • Butcher Knife (athame)
  • Voice Recorder
  • Binoculars, Night Vision
  • Motorcycle (quirk: pulls to the left)
  • Biker leathers (in which he looks a lot less badass than he thinks he does)
  • Motorcycle helmet

Background Arthur (a name he is sticking with until he can finally convince people to call him "Ahriman" and not a second longer!) had an upbringing that didn't even have the decency to be properly troubled. Oh, his father died when he was young and the jocks at school distributed regular beatings for the crime of Being A Creepy Little Shit, but his mother managed to support them well enough even if it meant that she was working most of the time, and as for the jocks... well, they always seemed reluctant to beat Arthur too hard, out of a vague worry that he'd suddenly pop and splatter Arthurness all over them. Arthur nursed his suburban adolescent angst, read a lot of bad fantasy novels, and tried to stay away from the human race at large.

Then he found a chest of his father's books in the attic, rotted almost beyond recognition after that time the roof leaked when Arthur was nine. What little he could recover was full of strange diagrams, incantations and sketches of strange, monstrous creatures. Arthur felt sure that his father had been some kind of great occultist, and that his death had been at the hands of sinister forces, and that his spirit had guided him to this discovery (he was in fact right about exactly two thirds of that - great occultists, it turns out, can get into car accidents just like anyone else). Feeling excited about something for the first time in his life, he resolved to carry on the family legacy. When it was time to go to college, he chose the university with the greatest reputation for strange goings-on.

Arthur is weedy, unwashed and gives the impression of skulking furtively even when he's standing in plain sight. Behind their Coke-bottle glasses, his eyes are constantly peeled for the strange and mysterious.