Ashenport: Shura Bryseis

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Shura is a member of an The Order of the Lidded Eye, and arcane order dedicated to the investigation of strange phenomena and the collection of magical knowledge. As you can imagine this is not without risk, and while the order and its members are primarily self-interested, they often end up putting the lid back on jars that were better left unopened (and carrying off what's left). Shura is known within her order as a talented solver of difficult problems; generally the sort of problems that are best stabbed, and on fire.

Shura is tall and wiry, with long black hair, dark red-brown skin and piercing orange eyes. She has a spiky personality, and doesn't suffer fools gladly. Her armour is patterned in red and black, as is the rest of her gear.

Character Sheet[edit]

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Shura Bryseis, level 8
Tiefling, Swordmage
Swordmage Aegis Option: Aegis of Assault
Versatile Expertise Option: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Versatile Expertise Option: Versatile Expertise (Light blade)
Hellfire Heir (Learn Supernal)
Theme: Order Adept

STR 14, CON 14, DEX 10, INT 22, WIS 8, CHA 12

STR 13, CON 13, DEX 10, INT 18, WIS 8, CHA 10

AC: 27 Fort: 18 Ref: 22 Will: 19
HP: 71 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 17

Arcana +17, Athletics +11, History +15, Intimidate +10

Acrobatics +4, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +6, Heal +3, Insight +3, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion +10, Stealth +6, Streetwise +5, Thievery +4

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Order Adept Attack: Argent Rain
Tiefling Racial Power: Infernal Wrath
Swordmage Feature: Aegis of Assault
Swordmage Attack 1: Greenflame Blade
Swordmage Attack 1: Sword Burst
Swordmage Attack 1: Flame Cyclone
Swordmage Attack 1: Burning Blade
Swordmage Utility 2: Host of Shields
Arcana Utility 2: Arcane Mutterings
Swordmage Attack 3: Blades of Fiery Wrath
Swordmage Attack 5: Elemental Foible
Swordmage Utility 6: Armathor's Step
Swordmage Attack 7: Echoes of Sword Magic

Level 1: Intelligent Blademaster
Level 2: Hellfire Blood
Level 4: White Lotus Riposte
Level 6: Versatile Expertise
Level 8: Skill Power

Adventurer's Kit
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
Raven Cloak +2 x1
Farbond Spellblade Longsword +2 x1
Magic Leather Armor +2 x1
Ruby Scabbard
Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier) x1
Prison of Salzacas
====== End ======

Combat & Tactics[edit]

Default actions:[edit]

  • vs. single target: Mark it, and smack it with Greenflame Blade. It can then violate the mark and get Assaulted, or hit me back and eat a White Lotus Riposte.
  • vs. multiple targets: Use Sword Burst, and Mark a non-adjacent target (one as far away as possible, particularly if I can mark-move-attack). The Mark has to move around its allies to get to me, or violate the mark and get Assaulted - and all the targets I do hit are subject the White Lotus Riposte as before.
  • vs. minions: whichever of Sword Bust or Greenflame blade gets most of them in the AoE.

Basic Attacks[edit]

MBA: +16 vs AC; d8+10

RBA: +16 vs AC; d8+8; range 5/10