Asseasse:Glogs Cowwarrior 2008 11 11

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The adventurous adventurers struck a deal with the Digg Master. Supplied with goods and a guide; they agreed to inspect the Shaft #2 and discover what was killing miners.

Walking through the tunnels and having to listen to the countless explications and stories from their Dwarven guide; the party found huge claw marks on the walls and were immediately ambushed by an Umber Hulk !

With not too much effort; they dispatched the creature of the deeps. Continuing their inspection they found tree Elves with a grey-greenish tint.

Clearly not undead some party members tried to cure them. Avoiding rocks the size of a fist hurled by the Elves; the Priest collapsed the ceiling in a torrent of mud using divine intervention. The former Bard now known as a noob Wizard used his sole spell on them: Color Spray!

The blind Follower of the Light pulled the sleeping Elves out of the mud to avoid drowning them. The reformed Bard took the opportunity to stab one of them in the heart. Following his noob colleague's lead the potent wizard seared the three Elves with Burning Hands.

Having failed to save the Elves and redeem the Bard; the Priest decided to purify the Mage and the noob Mage using a Wall of Fire. Sensing the spell come Grey the Black Mage tried to turn his former companion to stone but using divine will the Priest of light resisted the alteration.

In a bold display of power Grey disintegrated the Priest back to the atomic level avenging all three badly burnt mages.

Being fed-up with this hole; the fearless survivors decided to leave the mine afraid of being attacked by a nest of Umber Hulks thus masterfully avoiding tonight's plot hook!

On the surface the Druid agreed with the Digg Master to seal shaft #2 to avoid an Umber Hulk infestation. Wanting to punish the strangers to have wounded Mother Earth; he unleashed the power of nature on the mining camp. A violent quake collapsed all three shafts and destroyed elevator buildings sitting on the holes.

To be continued...