At the pattern after party

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Vek, Vance, Alvah, Xozla, Random, Realmer, Nur, and Dowser settle in for a long evenings mead tasting.. Random says, "So Vance, push the sober button. What happened? Vance nods, "Xozla and I arrived in a fortification dedicated to him in Zunala. It was in wild disarray. A crescent shaped range of mountains had a catastrophic earthquake and dropped 200'. The whole 3000 miles of it, as if a 200' tall bubble they rested on popped. That caused massive disruption of population centers in the mountains and foothill regions." Xozla says," I have an affinity to death as one might gather and can say with certainty there was little loss of life. 100,000 or so. Confronted by the priests of Xozla and Cihalas I took on my aspect and raised my attribute and spoke to them as their deity. I told them that Xolotl, the death God of Zunala had seized my Daughter Avaxala and they did battle. She threw him down, unraveled his sigil and freed the children of the land from his rule. I ordered my followers to slay the priesthood of Xotolt and hie down his holy places!" Vance says,"they got that word out and went at it with gusto!" He laughs. "Then we went and collected a family of tortilla makers who refused to go without their whole clan, farmers, slaves, cooks, kids, goats, dogs, cats, and oxen. They are at Vulsar. Hilarious. So....we got drunk and started raiding the temples. Agrom was having such a good time..." Xozla goes on. "After a couple days forces from Zictla and Etepaq arrived to join in the chaos. Xotolt was no where to be found. We got out but there is a religious war starting across Azcala. He sure had a lot of his magic across Zunala tied to that sigil. Without it the place fell apart. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah listens to Xozla and Vance telling about the events in Zunala and her eyes widen. As they go on with the story the further Alvah pushes herself back in her chair. Making herself smaller. She by now has the tankard constantly at her lips. When they are done telling she says. "For fuck sake...... how many died? And you used my name???? What will people think now? The whole mountain????" Alvah her anxiety clearly shooting up again she rubs the bridge of her nose. "Okey, okey so how far and wide is this religious war now spreading? Who is interfering? And how far is the story of me defeating Xolotl going to spread? Because i sure as hell can't live up to that reputation!" Taking a few deep breaths then she tries to calm her nerves. "But thank you for getting the family to safety and for starting the unraveling of Xolotl his rule and priesthood. It honesty sounds like you had fun with it."

Michael James Watson

Xozla says, "How many died? What will people think? How far and wide is the war now? Avaxala, the war has been going on of thousands of years. Its spread across Azcala. The idea that Azcala was unified was Tonacat's illusion and delusion of grandeur. He sat in Chaos for over 5000 years but he had fought this 'Religous' war for thousands of year before that. Killing off whole royal lines across each of the tiers." Finishing a mead and refilling his tankard, "Yet when he disappeared and the realm was sealed off, the war didn't end. Oh the line of Tonacat seems cooperative because they are seen together on occasion, but Zintalas and Zentalas hate Cihalas. They hate Xototl. They really hate Quetza. There has been a war between them since before Azcala was sealed. The happiest day of my life was when i was sealed off from my wife and son. It meant i was out of the endless bickering and petty battles. I have not yet turned rebel. I will be returning to Azcala soon and resuming the fight. My fight is in Zictla." " Where you chose to fight is your business. Your name is now not just rumor. Avaxala, Daughter of Cihalas, Delxitilotl, and Xozla, Guardian of Lost children and Giver of bread, who lived for a time in a family of Tortilla makers till she was seized by Xototl, with whom she did battle, unraveling his sigil and casting him down, before returning to Zictla.. If you want to know more about what is thought or known about you among the priestly caste, go ask them. Take feathers and silver."

Michael James Watson

"Oh, and Vance and Agrom are being written in as your warriors of vengence on the cruel followers of Xototl. It can't be helped. Soon, the name Amber will be on all the tounges of Azcala and not just a place of the mad as the legends tell. When that happens, King Random, you will have the war Benedict is so eager to fight."

Amber Bronkhorst

"Well i don't need to know that badly that i want to return quickly again. " She says and then quickly takes another drink. Waving her hand dismissivly she smiles "I shouldn't worry about it, you are right, This is going on for so long and my part in it is a mere drop in the water of an ocean. " Filling up her tankard again she sits down and lets out a relieved sigh having reasured herself things are not as bad. Though on the news of Vance and Agrom being written in as her warriors of vengeance she grins wide. "That is just awesome. My brother and nephew my warriors of vengeance. " She then leans closer to Vek and gives a playful grin "What would that make you? You were there first with me. Though not in Zunala." SHe looks at king Random and squints her eyes thoughtfully for a moment. she then asks in a careful tone "Had Benedict told you about his plans after the war? "

Michael James Watson

Random nods, "Benedict has many plans for after the war. He has many plans for after the war how ever it turns out. Benedict has a Plan A,. Plan b, a Plan C, and a plan for every letter in a dozen differant alphabets. Don't take it personally. he is teaching me the art of looking smart from hindsight. Make non-spefic predictions in private to everyone and then how ever the war turns out, whoever is on top will remember Ben told them they would win and feel in debted to him for some unspecified behind the scene actions that went the winner's way that they can't get Ben to admit he worked out for them.. He can just give that look of his when they ask him if he had anything to do with this or that,and his non answer is whatever answer the questioner wanted from him. That way he collects debts from winners for things he had nothing to do with." Vance says, "Thats called Kingship i think."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks at Random then at Vance she lets out a relieved laugh "That is called i am going to take his words alot less serious in some matters and take some grains of salt with me. Don't get me wrong, i resepct the man for his skills and mind, but i'll leave it at that now." Alvah looks genuinly more cheerful as if a load has dropped from her shoulders. Taking a long drink she is silent for a moment enjoying the here and now.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Upon entering the rustic wooden home, Realmer would have moved to one side then made his way around the room to the barrels of mead. He takes up a tankard and fills it from the open barrel or if there is a choice, the one that smells most of honey and spices like cardamom and cinnamon. As opposed to taking a seat, as most seem to be doing, Realmer stays on the outer edge of the room, near the walls but not roving around; once he finds a place with a good vantage of the gathered Family Members and Distinguished Guests, he settles into a Floating Lotus and enjoys the mead and the conversation, preferring to remain quiet for the time being. He listens with interest to each as they speak, learning what more he can of Azcala and its Sway, the politics and strife, the major players, of which Alvah is now one, and the fallout of the Sigil Event of Zunala. He smiles to himself as the conversation drifts to Benedict and his ways; plans within plans within plans... contingencies upon contingencies. He shakes his head and smiles again but listens to the wisdom of Random and Vance's sentiment; as a ruler himself, he will need it. "Good Advice, Majesties" he nods to Random and Vance. "As a new Ruler myself, I need to hear more things of that nature. And Vance, obviously we both got delayed..." he chuckles, "I'll Trump you when I return to Adagalasck about our arrangement." Realmer takes a long drink from his tankard, enjoying the mead, then pulls an uhrala cigar from between two plates in his armor (Robe), lights it with a cantrip and inhales deeply, then exhales the tell-tale multi-colored smoke in a soft sigh. "So, Alvah..." Realmer says after taking a second puff and blowing it into the air. "What are your plans now? It seems you're quite good at creating chaos and starting wars." He says this good naturedly and with a playful smile. "I wonder if those powers would be helpful in ending a war... or three?" He chuckles and smiles then winks playfully at Alvah.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah had been mostly looking around the room to the people gathered her gaze had stopped a bit longer on Xozla and Nur, realizing two who had fought fiercely agianst eachother are now in the same room. a soft chuckle. Then when she hears her name her eyes snap to Realmer. A brow raises in a slight surprised frown. "My plans. HAH. " She stands up and with a dainty and playful step she fills her tankard again. "Dear Realmer, do i seem like a woman that makes plans? And even if i did, they kind of always turn into something else. " She walks to Vek and lays a soft hand on his shoulder. "I promised Vek here though that i would stay for pattern guard duty. It is the least i can do, after turning his personal shadow into.." She gestures with her tankard around "well you know.. " She keeps standing where she does and then looks more serious at Realmer her blue eye growing slightly colder and her dark eye just a bit darker. "And lets get one thing very clear. Things i am not suppose to be able to do but still do. I do not know how they happen. It just happens and usually not in a fun and nice situation. " For a second she stares at the contents of her tankard leaning a bit against the armrest of the chair. "The pattern though i think the pattern did most of it itself. i just walked and survived the pain, power ripples and visions. And thank whatever, my dufiro friends survived to. Other situations that happened which i should not have survived. is mostly to thank to those that were around. " She points with her tankard to Nur. "So would i be a great help stopping wars. No... i would probaly not for that some skill, control and knowledge is needed. " She then takes a long drink from her tankard and searches her pocketless skirt for something but she can't fidn it as she has no pockets and just looks annoyed now, not finding her little metal case.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer smiles broadly and laughs at her honest and most likely accurate assessment of her powers and skills. When she gets more serious and makes strong eye contact with Realmer, he holds her gaze but with no emotions behind his own. He nods his head as she continues and then smiles in the end. "A fair and honest self assessment, I'd say. And I was mostly jesting about you coming to join my War Efforts; I know you need more knowledge about your powers, and that takes time and training. Perhaps your time here as a Pattern Guard will give you both." He raises his tankard to her with a smile and takes a deep drink of the sweet mead.

Michael James Watson

Vek says, "Ah, Realmer, I have a big open spot on the other side of the hamlet near the cliff. Do you have a spare Spiral Alvah can steal? They would make a nice set. Then we can put a woven logrus near the treeline. Sort of balance them off in a triangle.."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah glares sligthly at Vek though she keeps her smile on her face she squeezes her fingers a bit harder in his shoulder. "Vek...The hell... don't tell them about my plans... i want my evil masterplan to be a surprise!" She sits down on his armrest letting go of his shoulder.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer laughs uproariously and nearly spills his drink. "Hang on, Vek... let me just pull that Spare Spiral from my sleeve here... just have to remember which one I keep it in." Using his Kabuki Theatre Skill, he goes about looking up his sleeves in a overly exaggerated way, puts down his drink, puts his cigar in his mouth then looks deeper as he draws deeply on the cigar. Then he makes a show of pulling something from his sleeve while exhaling the multi-colored smoke, then strikes a dramatic pose and uses a cantrip to shape it into the Sigil of the Spiral over all their heads. "Best I can do on short notice." He smiles playfully, picks up his tankard and drinks deeply then follows it with another puff on the cigar.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah laughs joyfully about the joke and claps her hands in an applause. She then leans closer tk Vek "If i recall my bag should be in your bedroom here, it has my other clothing. So i am going to get something with pockets. I don't have my cigarettes with me or anything and that annoys me." She tries to sneak in a subtle soft gesture of her caressing his hand before she gets up again. Placing her tankard on the table "Be back shortly just don't tell more of my evil plans please." She says with a wink and then with a natural graceful step she walks off to the bedroom where Vek had set her down at arrival to talk.

Michael James Watson

Random says, "Guess i picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue. Alvah, Im sorry to say but no one's evil masterplans seem to work out the way they think they should. Adapt, Adopt, Improve." Xozla says, "Certainly Xotolt's plans hit the cliffside. He's been planning to supplant Tonacat for 10, 000 years and his evil plan is probably buried in a mountain rubble. If he managed to escape he is making new plans and he's pissed"

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer chuckles while exhaling another cloud of multi-colored smoke. "Xozla; I'm sure Xotolt's plans, and perhaps Xotolt himself, being buried under a mountain of rock brings you joy and will benefit you and your plans greatly. And if he survived, regardless of plans or anger, this loss will be a setback he may never recover from." "¡Viva la Resistencia!" Realmer says in near perfect Azcalan. Realmer lifts his tankard and toasts Xozla then drinks down the last gulp. He floats over to the barrels and refills his tankard then floats back to his previous place in the room, never once breaking his Lotus Position.

Michael James Watson

Random stands, looks to Vance and Xozla.."Gentleman, Its time we went to Amber. First i want to go see Fiona personally. I've been working on as many stumpy references and jokes as i can think of. And, sadly, i want to hear what her experience was having her legs burned off." Vance nods, "Lets. Xozla, Vulsar, Amber or elsewherre?" He shakes his head and say, "Leave me on the Jeweled Road. " Saying there good byes, "Realmer, good luck. Keep in tough." Pulling a trump and stepping to the Jeweled Road. Nur says, "Vek, would you mind if I set up a pavilion over by the army. I'll stay out of their way. I need to appreciate what was done. With your permission i want to hang around a bit." Vek says, "Yes, of course. But while you are here, will you do me the favor of writing a Masoja of Water tome for my town Mayor, Dowser?" Nur laughs, "I'd be delighted. I'll look him up. I might even perform the ritual myself" Pleased, Nur and Dowser leave together. "Realmer, i have rounds to make and its been a frieghtfully long day. So, as the showman says, You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here"