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Best described as a three armed giant orc, the Athach is a smelly beast to be sure. It likes to run into a group and attack many people at once. If stuck at long range it can throw rocks with great effect.


PL 7 (105PP); Init +2; 40ft (Run); Defense 16/14 (5 Base, 2 Dex, -1 Size); BAB +5 (-1); +7 Melee (10S Punch or 5 Strength Drain), +5 Ranged (Thrown Objects); SV Dmg +3 (7 Protection), Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6 (Total 37PP)

Skills: Climb 4/+14, Jump 4/+14, Listen 3/+4, Spot 3/+4 (Total 14PP)

Feats: Extra Limb, Rapid Strike, Power Attack, All-out Attack, Attack Focus (Melee) (Total 10PP)


  • Growth +7 (Source: Natural; Effect: Super Strength, Immovability, Protection; Flaw: Permanent) (Cost 5 / Total 35PP)
  • Running +2 (Source: Natural) (Cost 2 / Total 4PP)
  • Poison Bite (Drain) +5 (Source: Natural; Effect: Strength Drain; Flaw: One Attribute) (Cost 1 / Total 5PP)