Athania D'Charne

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Human Cleric 4

Str 14 [6] Dex 10 [2] Con 14 [6] Int 14 [6] Wis 17 [10, +1 at 4th] Cha 14 [6]

Wounds: 14 Vitality: 35 (8 1st + 15 2nd-4th + 8 Con +4 Imp. Toughness) AC: Fort: +6 (+4 class +2 Con) Ref: +1 (+1 class) Will: +7 (+4 class +3 Wis) Init: +0

Skills: Concentration +9 (7 ranks, +2 Con) Diplomacy +7 (5 ranks, +2 Cha) Heal +12 (7 ranks, +3 Wis, +2 healer's kit) Knowledge (Religion) +9 (7 ranks, +2 Int) Sense Motive +12 (7 ranks, +3 Wis, +2 feat) Speak Language (2 ranks, +2 Int, +2 feat) - Common, Aquan, Draconic, Dwarven, Elvish, Goblin

Feats: Judge of All Creatures (+2 to Sense Motive, +2 to Speak Language) Protection Devotion (1/day give +3 to AC to all within 30', burn turn attempts for more uses) Mitigate Suffering (Reserve a restoration spell to gain temporary ability damage healing) Improved Toughness

Weapon Groups: Basic Weapons Axes Spears and Lances

Spells: 5/4+1/3+1 Domains - Good, Protection - Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance - 1st: Bless, Detect Evil, Magic Weapon, Sanctuary*, Shield of Faith - 2nd: Aid*, Bull's Strength, Lesser Restoration, Silence

Equipment (partial list): Masterwork battleaxe Masterwork breastplate Large metal shield Light warhorse Healer's Kit

Athania D'Charne is an itinerant champion of the gods of the Circle of Nature. Rather than being connected to any single faith or temple, she is tasked with travelling between baronies and kingdoms, helping with any crisis of the faith as needed and defending the righteous from the dangers posed by evil.

While Athania isn't the only champion ever produced by the Circle of Nature, she may be one of the more unsettling. The patron she feels closest to isn't Pelor, Ehlonna or Boccob, but instead the sly and clever Garl Glitterlode, and she sometimes takes a definite interest in upsetting the established order where she travels and deflating the egos of local overpriests and nobility. She doesn't neglect her larger work by any means, but seems to see it as her duty to help the church avoid complacency, and she's far too good at listening to her own interpretation of the faith for some superiors' tastes.

A Song For Navonne